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"Kazuhira put my sword down! And Sakura don't touch the shurikens!"

Genji watch as his children put his weapons back, then he kneel to their height. "Now children how many times I told you not to touch my stuff without me or mama watching."

The (h/c) haired boy look down. "Many times papa but you look so cool. Like those ninjas they show on the animes and mangas, and we want to be like you!" His hazel eyes sparkled and Sakura smile, her (e/c) eyes bright. "Hai! Papa because you're our hero!"

Genji heart soar at his children's words. 'They're sweet like (Y/n)-chan.' He thought, and smile at his twins despite having his mask on. They so cute for 7 year olds, it was after a year getting married when they were born. Kazuhira was the older twin by like a minute, he had your hair and his eyes. Sakura has his black hair and your eyes, and were almost always together.

"I know but you two could get hurt but I promise to train you two."



They cheered when you walk in, they ran up to you smiling. "Mama! Papa promise to teach us his ninja ways." Sakura squealed while Kazuhira nodded.

You smile. "That's great! Soon my little Kaz and blossom will become the best ninjas ever! And killing enemies left and right."

Yup you four are a different family. A badass mother, a cyborg father, and mischievous twins but you and Genji wouldn't trade it for the world.


You and your handsome dragon had three children, two girls and one son. Tomoe is the oldest by 9, then Liu is 7, and lastly Chouko is 3. Tomoe is almost a carbon copy of you except she has Hanzo's black hair. Liu has Hanzo's features but his hair is like yours. Chouko is mixed, her hair a (Light/dark) (h/c) with brown eyes. Hanzo spoil them constantly and was very caring towards them.

"Daddy can me and Chouko play with the dragons?"

Hanzo place his bow away and stare at his daughters. "Tomoe you know the great dragons are not a plaything and are symbols of great power." Then the puppy eyes come in and he couldn't help but give in. He summon his dragons but in a smaller and cute form, the dragons flew around the girl's heads. They giggled and try to catch them but the dragons will fly around.

"Puppy eyes eh?"

Hanzo turn around saw you with Liu who was amazed with the dragons. "Mommy can--"

"Go ahead but be careful with the dragons."

Liu ran and joined his sisters in chasing the dragons. You smile at the scene while Hanzo asked how visiting one of your old masters was. "Master Bo' Rai Cho was extremely glad to see me and met Liu. He says my father will be proud to have a grandson named after him." Hanzo smiled he know how much it meant for you to hear that, he remembered how close you were with your father.

"I bet your mother and aunt are proud of you as well since you have a family that cares for you very much." You laugh. "Mama and aunt Mileena were always making sure that I have a secured future where I'm protected through they were a bit strict about it."

"But they loved you very much, and I'm sure they're loved the children" You two continue to see the children squeal happily and it made you feel at peace. Your kids mean the world and you two are making sure they have a happy future.


You guys had five children together Galahad, Diana, Joan, Rupert, and Richard. Galahad and Diana are the oldest and twins. The twins were the first to get married and have a family which brings you here with Diana bringing little Alexander. You and Reinhardt spoil the boy as grandparents should.

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