When they propose to you Pt 2

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Honestly you didn't think your relationship with Jack will last this long. Your relationships usually don't last long and it's mostly painful for both ends, or something horrible happens bringing you more pain. So when you finally agreed to date Jack you except the pain as soon as possible but it never came. Weeks turn to months then years, and you couldn't help but be happy despite your harsh attitude. You truly love Jack but you always fear something bad will happen, despite being extremely lucky on missions it's seem you're cursed in love both family and partners. That's why you like being alone so no one you care for and you can't get hurt.

Jack knew this and try to make you feel more happy and open. He loves you so much, yes you may be cold or uncaring but he knows deep down you're a loving and afraid woman. He can see you're a complex and selfless person, if it means that love ones are safe you easily accept solitude despite the heavy loneliness it comes with. Jack didn't want you to suffer alone, no one deserves that. So today he's finally going to pop the question.

Jack know you like the simplest things in life, so the ring wasn't really expensive looking like Gabe's to his wife. Jack still wanted it to look lovely so he bought one that had a diamond with blue sapphires and small diamonds on either side. Now all is left to ask you, but he couldn't find you.

He looked all over Overwatch and no sign. Sure you're the queen of espionage but still you tell Jack or someone close of your whereabouts in case you're needed. Jack asked Ana, Reinhardt, Gabriel, Gabe's wife Celeste but nothing. So he asked the closest men you know beside him for help.

"Hey Nerd! Cyborg guy! Have you seen (Y/n)?"

Otacon sigh as Jack walked up to the Nomad, franticly looking if you're hiding in the large aircraft. "Jack I have a name you know, call me Hal or Otacon. And no I haven't see her." Jack then turn to the cyborg laying on the couch watching t.v., Raiden without hesitation spoke. "No I didn't Blondie but I heard she's going on a mission right now for Colonel Campbell. So whatever you want to say do it now since she's going to be gone for months and heard it's a very difficult mission even for her. Oh she's leaving soon like in 20 minutes."

Jack was furious. "Why are you telling now! Why didn't angel tell me?!"

"Cause she knew you're going to be furious and not let her go. Jack you should know her by now, whenever there's a mission she's be hell bent on completing it no matter what." Raiden changed the channel to show Samurai Jack. "Oh Samurai Jack's on." Jack was so nervous that he ran off to catch you, Raiden yelled.

"Wrong direction it's the way and she's going to the helipad!"

Jack dashed the other way with a thanks to the cyborg.

*Time Skip*

You grabbed your guns and supplies for the long mission. You did felt bad for not telling Jack and he'll be furious, but it's mission and you never decline one since if they asked you then it's a very important one. Jack should understand that but he's just so caring and wanted you to be safe. You were walking towards the helicopter and secretly hope this mission went well, you wanted to came back to your beloved Strike-Commander. Colonel Campbell was in the chopper.

"Snake come on, it'll be a long flight."

You nodded. "Sorry Colonel but--" Colonel had a knowing look. "Jack, I know but remember you're fighting for him like he is for you. Jack will understand he's your soulmate."

"Thanks Colonel."

You were about to board when you heard rapid footsteps. "(Y/n)! WAIT!"

You and Colonel turn around to see Jack running to you. You were shocked that Jack found out but guessed Raiden told him. Jack got up to you and grabbed your hands. "Angel please don't go, it's dangerous. At least take me with you!" You sigh. "Exactly it's dangerous so that's why I'm going alone. Come on Jack I been through impossible and suicidal missions before and come out fine. Look I'll try to contact you whenever I can--"

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