First Time Pt 2 (Lemon Warning)

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To be honest you and Jesse both are not virgins, you both lost the V-card as teens. You lost it to one of your mom’s acquaintances, Dante you were like 17 or 18 back then you had a big crush on the albino. Jesse to some random chick back in New Mexico when he was in the Deadlock Gang, some girl named Zerelda he was 16.

So you two were already doing the horizontal dance. You kissed him. “Come big boy show this witch how skilled you gun shooters are.~”

Jesse smirked. “With pleasure.~” He kissed you roughly as his hands travelled down to your back until he reached your ass and gave a tight squeeze. You moan into the kiss making his smirk widened, but soon you let your own hands wander. You had one on his chest the other entangled in his hair, and you deepen the kiss with your tongue.

Jesse let out a groan and added his own to the mix, soon you two were french kissing. Jesse still had a grip on your ass but he moved his hand to remove your underwear and bra, leaving you bare. You giggled. “You naughty boy leaving me naked when you're still clothed, cheeky.~” You kissed his neck until you find his sweet spot. He gave a sharp gasp as you kissed and sucked the spot, fuck he was getting harder by the second. You smirked as you gave a small bite on his neck making Jesse released a moan, soon you began to kiss down his neck, chest, and abs. You began to unbutton his jeans and your hand in his underwear. Jesse moan louder as your hand covered his hard member.


You smirked and whisper in a low seductive voice in his ear. “What's wrong love? All hot and bothered?~” Jesse nodded. “Y-yes, come o-on lil’ lady show this cowboy how magical you witches are!” You smile. “With pleasure.~” You bit his ear as you stated to move your hand, Jesse groan. You pump faster making Jes close to his end but you stopped making he confused and more hot.

“W-why you s-stopped?”

“Cause I want to take it to the next level. Now take those pants off.”

Oh fuck yeah! Jesse quickly removed clothing and you pushed him onto the bed. You kissed them and went down his chest until you reached his member. You sent the flustered Cowboy a wink before taking his dick in your mouth. Jesse moan loudly. “F-Fuck!” You bobbed your head making Jes moan and groan, he held your head and thrusted in your mouth. You moan sending shivers throughout his body. Jesse began to moan out your name and felt close to cumming.

“S-Shit doll… ah~ I'm a-about--”

You suck harder making Jesse cum, you swallow all of it. Jesse huffed. “Wow you witches are magical.” You got up and smile. “Yes we are, not let's the real fun begin.” Jesse smirked and threw you on the bed. He kissed, suck, lick, and bite all over your body leaving marks. Then he got to your womanhood.

“Let me return the favor darlin’.~”

Then he shoved his tongue in and was thrusting it roughly making you moan loudly. Jesse grabbed you by your thigh and ass and pull closer sending more sparks of pleasure. His tongue stretched out your walls and was thrusting wildly making close to cumming. “Ah~ Jes I’m close!”

Jesse smirked and went faster and squeezed your ass tightly bringing you closer. You soon came with screaming his name, and Jesse made sure not a single drop of your juices was missed. He pulled out his head. “Doll you're the most delicious thing I ever eaten.” You smirked. “Thanks and you too cowboy.”

You grabbed Jesse and got on top of him, your womanhood hovering above his still hard member. Impatiently Jesse thrusted upward, you moan. “Naughty boy!~”

Soon You matched with his thrusts, increasing the pleasure. Jes grabbed your breast and squeezed and pinched them while you left scratches on his chest and abdomen. Moans bounced off the walls of the room.

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