Summer Games Pt 1

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I'm back!!! This is like an Olympics AU where Overwatch or Talon don't exist but nearly everyone is an Olympic Athlete. Plus I was too busy playing to get loot boxes.
I barely got shit! ;_;


Your husband is a great fencer that he made it on Japan's team like his brother, who's in the archery part. He has four gold medals under his belt for foil and épée fencing. It was amazing that the Olympics allow Omnics and Cyborgs since after being in a horrific accident Genji needed cybernetic prosthetics making him half machine. Yes some did not like the Committee allowing Omnics in the games since it will be unfair, but the Committee had strict rules for Omnics and cyborgs to make the Games balance. So your husband can continue what he loves.

This year is said to be tough since a famous French athlete is entering this year and he has several gold medals under his name. Strange when he's not here Genji get gold but when Genji isn't here that Frenchman wins gold… honestly this year is the first time the two famous fencing athletes will be at the same games…

So strange…

Knowing that a tough opponent is around Genji train extra hard wanting to battle the man. Many people were excited to see the “fight of the century” you know like the highly anticipated boxing match of two famous powerhouses Chief 117 vs Russia's Polar Bear at this game. You being his loving and supportive wife made sure Genji didn't overboard with training, kept his routine, he was resting well, and ate well too. Genji felt so happy to have you at side, he was sure he was going to beat that Frenchman and get gold. Genji brought the whole family to Australia so while he was at the Games he can also have fun with his family.

Your family were returning to the hotel where all athletes and family were living during the Games. It's the best in Sydney, it was close to the stadium and the beach which where you were returning from. Genji wanted to go the famous Australian beaches so you all went since tomorrow is the fencing match. The kids were in a different room that was across your and Genji’s, they were sharing with with their cousins.

You sat in the comfy bed after a warm bath, man these beds are so soft. Genji was already in bed he was just waiting for you so you two can cuddle. “Man what a day.” Genji smile as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “But you and the little ones had fun no?” You sigh in delight founding being in your husband's arms very relaxing. “Yeah maybe we should go to the parks next.” Genji hum in agreement.

*Bang!* *Bang!*


“Kite, tanoshisa wa hajimaridesu.~”

You two sigh as you heard the bed next door being slam against the wall. “Damn do they have be so loud?” You grumbled as you hear your brother-in-law and sister-in-law have sex since he won gold earlier today in archery. Why can't they just fuck at the beach or at the hotel's hot tub? Genji sigh. “Let them be. Just be happy the children are across the hall, plus let nii-chan celebrate with his wife… maybe we should be just as loud as revenge.~” You felt Genji’s hand wander down but before it can go farther you stopped it.

“Stop. Not tonight you need to sleep for your match tomorrow, tomorrow night sure but now sleep.” You moved from Genji and fall asleep while Genji mumbled. “Damn match… damn Hanzo…”

*Time Skip*

It was the fencing event and so far Genji was doing great. He just won his last match was now going to the finals, you kiss him. “Well done koishī.” Genji chuckled as he sat on the bench as he watch the famous Frenchman went in his match and won easily. You were actually a bit worry seeing how quickly he won the match but hope the best for Genji.

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