(GenjixReader) Looks can be deceiving

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Request by @ghoullover hope you like it.


Genji was cleaning his sword since he used his ult to help his team win today. It was late and he called you that he was staying at Overwatch, which you were okay with.

"Okay Genji but you better be here tomorrow or else."

"Hai of course. Goodnight (Y/n)."

"Night Genji."

He ended the call but as he put the phone back a voice made him jumped a bit.

"So you actually married (Y/n). That's good I was worried that you never talk to her again, she's such a sweet and innocent girl."

Genji tightened his fists but calmly said. "Why does it matter to you Hanzo. As I recall you said it was an embarrassment to marry her since she was poor. Not to add the fact you chased her out after you killed me."

Hanzo froze and kept quiet for a minute, he sigh deeply. "Genji... look I know what I did was terrible and I regret what I did to you and (Y/n)."

Genji sigh. "I know you are and I forgive you, but our bond is still torn. You're lucky that (Y/n)-chan isn't here, she'll kick your ass."

Hanzo raised a brow. "(Y/n)? Yea right she couldn't even hurt a fly, beside didn't you get your home a safe distance away to protect her."

Genji turned around to face Hanzo and chuckled. "No it was more to protect anyone who got close to her. There's a reason I rarely bring (Y/n)-chan to Overwatch. She may not look like it but she's a very skilled warrior."

Hanzo gasp. "Impossible! I never saw her in combat plus she's always--"

"Shy? Caring? Oh Hanzo looks can be deceiving.~"


You two been dating awhile and Genji make sure each date was fun and enjoyable. Hell he even stop chasing skirts and focus only you, his one true love. Half of the time he sneak out of his home just to see you, like tonight.

Genji was telling you a funny stories about his life at the Hanamura temple, like how Hanzo used to wet the bed when he was 12 and blame him. You laughed.

"Really? Hanzo was a bed wetter, kinda hard to believe. He's so serious."

Genji chuckled. "No it's true plus he also has used to fear the dark."

You lightly hit his shoulder. "Ok sure carrot."

"(Y/n)!" Genji blush red, ever since you two met you tease him because of his green hair and his orange scarf doesn't help either.

You kiss his cheek. "Oh Gen I was just joking! You know I love you always."

You two were holding hands, enjoying each other companies. Genji was walking you home since you live kinda far from the city, the slums the poorest part of the city. You two took a shortcut which happens to be a dark alley. Suddenly a group of men jump out from the shadows and with guns. They were pointing them at you and Genji.

"Well well look who it is. A Shimada in our territory and with a cutie!"

Genji pulled you behind him, ready to strike. They demanded money and wanted you as well. Angered by these creeps Genji was about to throw his shurikens when a the metal lid of a trash can was thrown, hitting 3 of them in the head knocking them out.

Genji surprised turn around and saw it you who threw it. Then you rip your dress making it more easy to move in. You look damn sexy too, your legs fully exposed and you rip it near your thighs but enough not to show your panties. Genji swear he was having a nosebleed at the sight of his shy and sweet girlfriend becoming sexy and badass.

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