Healing Pt. 1

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At the hospital you had bandages around your head since the hit from the coffee table gave you a nasty cut. You had bruises on your stomach, face, and neck and rope burn on your legs but nothing too serious. The doctors told you to stay for a day or the very least overnight until the x-rays and CAT scan come back in case of internal injuries.

Genji never left your side in fear something goes wrong. Even if the doctors told him Genji just hold your hand and he just show his sword which shut them up quickly. You held Genji’s hand tightly. “I hope they found nothing I really want to go home… Oh! Is Aiko okay? She try to protect me but the man kicked her hard.” You almost forgot your beloved fox. Genji move his thumb to caress your hand. “Do not fret my love when I came in I quickly saw Aiko and was fine. I had the police take her to a vet, I'll bet she's fine.”

Genji sigh deeply. “(Y/n)-chan…. Gomen'nasai.” You were confused. “Carrot why are you apologizing for? You saved me from that horrible man I can never thank you enough, you're my hero!”

No I'm not!

You jumped from Genji’s outburst. Genji quiet down before continuing. “I'm no hero, a hero will never left his wife get hurt in the first place. I should've stayed home with you and visit nii-chan another day. Look at you (Y/n)-chan I allow some bastard lay their hands on you, look at your neck I can still see the hand marks.” You touch your neck and felt the bandages. Genji hold your hand tightly. “I must be the most horrible husband ever. Luckily I left the kids with nii-chan and his wife or I wouldn't know what I'll do if our beloved children were also hurt.”

“Genji how do you know I was in trouble?”

“I didn't Sakura forget her jacket and I offer to get it since I wanted you to rest from your sickness. When I near our home I saw the front door lock was picked and immediately knew something was wrong. And when I saw that bastard choking you I lost it.” Genji sigh heavily. “A-and…. He's gone forever, I hope he rots in Hell.” Your eyes widened  but you sigh and pull Genji into a hug. “Shhh Koishī it's alright you still save me. I would've been dead or worse and Kaz and Sakura wouldn't have a mother anymore. I can never thank you enough and I love you.”

Genji just held you close. “I love you very much and I'll do anything for you or the children.” When you feel asleep Genji learned that you were fine and could leave in the morning, and that the man who attacked you was from a human trafficking ring when the police arrive to question him. They guessed he wanted you to be his new “bestseller” and since it was in self-defense Genji wouldn't be charged. The Japanese man was angered and lost all guilt of killing the man, but now was more protective of you and the children.


You felt silk and something warm around your hand. You open your eyes and saw brick walls and some ancient objects that litter the room.

You were in one of the rooms in Lord Raiden’s temple, you looked and Hanzo holding your hand but he was asleep in a chair. You sat up careful not to wake the archer up.

You look at your body and saw bandages around your waist. Then saw the makeshift cast on your arms, crap how long have you been out. You move your left arm but it sting making you hiss and wince in pain causing Hanzo to wake up. His eyes widened at the sight of you.

“Utsukushī hōseki are you fine? Are you still hurt?”

Hanzo was asking many questions but you calm him down by gently holding his face. “Hanzo, love, I'm fine. I just moved my injured arm that's all my prince what happened when you arrived? What happen to Rain?”

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