Summer Games Pt 2

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Soldier 76:

You and Jack retire from the world of Olympics and just want to relax. Training hard and the huge stress from completing is just getting annoying, but some of your friends still complete and that's fine. Jack and you think you're two Olympic glory days are done so you two are done especially since you both have impressive feats under the belts.

Jack was an amazing golfer for America’s team and broken a few records: most holes-in-one in a game, longest drive, and fastest round. He has six gold and one silver, last year Summer Games was his last game so now he's ready to enjoy his later years with his wife and son.

You on the other hand retire ten years ago, plus you don't really care much for the Olympics. You actually do events for skateboarding since you actually enjoy it, but you did karate more since you're great at hand to hand combat. Through you did have a few medals in skateboarding. You did many great accomplishments in your two sports, like winning with broken arms or strain ankles.

Jack rented a beach house near the stadium where the Olympics are being held since your two son George was an athlete too. Like his famous Olympian parents he joined the America's team and he was an athlete for the triathlon event. This was George's second time at the Olympics. At his first games he won silver and this year he won gold, making you and Jack so happy for him.

You were wearing a sundress watching the beach as Jack was grilling. He had a red hawaiian shirt, brown shorts, and he even had blue apron that said raise the steaks filled with spices and grilling tools.

“Smells good so you learn something else from the barn back at home, eh farm boy.~”

Jack chuckled. “Hey I'm full of surprises too angel. My old man taught me how to grill, not just farmwork.” You walk over and kiss him. “Good thing too such I love man who can cook, plus that means you're skilled with your hands.~” Jack lean in close and wrapped an arm around your waist. “Oh really? How about after the food's done we can go in the house and I'll show these skills more personally.~” You and Jack laugh and kiss until a voice made you two stopped kissing.

“Gross PDA from parents is still disgusting even I'm an adult.”

George walked on the patio and sit at the table. He was wearing casual clothing since he just took a shower from getting back surfing. He opened a can of beer and took a sip. You smile softly at your son, he was your precious baby boy even if he's 24 years old. “George baby come on be an adult about this. You're an adult now so you know how couples are and what they do, especially alone.” George nodded before a second later spitting his beer out.

“Mom?! Really?! Really!!!?!! I'm here god! Don't scar me a second time!!!”

You sat to him and pat his back as George cough out his beer. Jack put the grilled meat on plates and made hot dogs and burgers. He gave one plate to his son. “Come on Georgie, at least you didn't walk in on us like last time." George finished from nearly choking on his drink groan loudly. "Seriously dad? I just said don't scar me again. Fuck that was years ago I was 13 yet it still haunts me... Please let those images be buried and I mean buried in the deep abyss of my subconscious." You gave a small laugh as you rub your son's back in sympathy. You won't embarrassed about it since you'll knew it was bound to happen eventually, Jack on the other hand was so embarrassed. After the incident Jack and George didn't look or talk to each other (George was like that with you too) for nearly days, just really short exchange of words.

You being the matriarch of the family and getting tired of this shit, grabbed both boys and sat down together as a family. Both boys wanted to leave the room quickly but you stopped them and cuss them out for being pussies. You explain what sex is to George with no embarrassment since you don't care about social norms, and didn't found the talk taboo like most parents. With Jack you tell him to man up and it was bound to happen eitherway, then you told both of them to get over it.

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