First Metting Pt 3

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You posed as cameras flashed, you were in the moment. The media wanted pictures of the love child of the famous leader of the Saints and the coolest badass in history. The gang smile and laughed at your actions.

Shaundi smile as you posed dramatically. “She's totally your kid Boss.” Pierce laughed. “Little (Y/n) is totally Boss Jr.”

Johnny was mad. “Hey what about me? I'm her dad so where's oh that's cute she's like a mini me!”

Suddenly you punch one of the cameramen and slammed him to the ground. “Hey asshole you can look but not touch dammit! This is a photo shoot not a porno! What am I a god damn Kardashian?!” You kicked the guy and glared at him. “I'm the next leader of the Saints! This gang and I deserve respect, I'm not a commercial hoe!”

Johnny ran and hugged you. “That's my girl! You hear that bitches we're not commercial hoes, so touch my baby again and I'll killed you!”

Boss rolled her eyes. “Yup a lil’ Johnny Gat she is.” You and Johnny posed smiling and laughing. Matt was on his DS. “Still can't over the idea of you being a mom, and managed to not make the next notorious serial killer.” Boss hit him at the back of his head. “Fuck you! I'm a great mom… well I some help.”

Suddenly an explosion went off. Making everyone hit the floor for cover. Your dad got on top of you to protect you from the shrapnel and debris. “What the fuck! Who's attacking us at our HQ?”

“HAHAHAHA! For a group of gangsters this was easy!”

You saw a guy with his head on fire and a huge guy with a pig getup. Immediately everyone pulled out guns, your mom walked in front of the guy.

“Okay what the hell is this? How did you get here!”

The guy laughed again. “Mate I said it was easy I just took the elevator. I just wanted to see the famous criminals turn heroes, quite an inspiration you are sheila.” Your mom smirked. “I am ain't I, but that's beside the point who da the fuck are you!”

The guy smiled. “Junkrat at your service shelia and this is me bodyguard Roadhog, I actually came to steal some junk. So it be a real help if you--”

“Oh hell naw!” You got up and pulled out your own gun. You walked to this Junkrat guy mad as hell. “Listen here bitch this is Saints HQ, we're not some pussies you can walk in and boss around! We're the boss here so you better shut the fuck up and grabbed your shit and leave my fucking home.” You put your gun sideways to the kill shot position at this guy's face.

“Before I blow out your damn god brains and splash it against the walk Saints style.”

The guy was shocked by your outburst but laughed quickly. “Holy dooley! I love your style sheila, ballsy and don't shit from no one! Plus you're a good looker too babe.~” He winked at you but you pushed him back. “Hey do you want to get your shit push in bastard!” Junkrat put his arms out in surrender. “Okay okay, I'm leaving. Nice meeting the Saints and you devil~ We're definitely seeing each other again.”


Then he jumped through the windows making the Pig guy sigh but followed his lead. Everyone was confused, Shaundi put her gun on her shoulder. “Okay what the fuck was that?” Pierce dropped his gun. “Some Australian freaks blow up our crib demanded our shit, then when Boss Jr. told him to go to fuck himself…. He flirted with her and jumped through the windows.”

Kinzie looked up from her laptop. “It seems our youngest member has an admirer.”

You turn around with a slight blush. “What! Fuck no! He's a totally nutcase and he barely has any clothes and is on fire.” Kinzie smirked. “Sounds like a perfect husband for you… Boss Jr.”

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