When you get hurt Pt 2

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You were on a mission to Talon meeting, which Overwatch guess it was in this area. Using your Umbra Witch powers you were sent to scout the area, much to McCree’s dismay. You reached the building and was on the roof, looking in from the sunroof. You press your earpiece.

“Sirenum here. At the point and seeing nothing unusual just crates.”

You heard a light buzz before someone answered. “Good job soldier but keep watching.”

“Roger 76.”

“Oh doll are you fine? Do you need me to be with you? You know what fuck it I'm coming.”

You rolled your eyes at Jesse's worried tone, man for a BAMF he's clingy to you. Not that you mind, because he's like a puppy. “Jes, honey I'm fine don't worry I got my revolvers and I have Madama Khepri.” You heard him sigh and he sign off.

You watched for hours and was about to head back when you saw two groups of people walk in, you silently payed attention. You saw Reaper and some Talon agents behind the boss of Talon himself. He was talking to the other group, most likely a rebel or another terrorist group. You saw the Boss of Talon get mad. You pressed your earpiece.

“Hey Talon is here making some kind of deal with another group. And better yet the leader of Talon is here.”

You heard 76 mumbled. “The leader? Now this deal must be really important if he's here… stay on guard agent.”

You nodded. “Will do Si--”

Suddenly a high pitch screech sounded from the earpiece. You quickly removed it and threw it on the ground, you rubbed your ear. You knew that it was being hacked, Talon was overhearing meaning. You heard someone uncloaked and quickly turned around grabbed Sombra’s arms, grabbing the hand that held a gun. “Nice try Sombra, now how long have you be overhearing?”

The woman chuckled. “Wouldn't you like to know Sirenum or should I say (Y/n).” You hated how she knew a lot of you, then Sombra blinked away. You cursed and pull out your revolvers and looked for the Talon hacker then suddenly you felt someone getting close. On instant you shot the spot and saw Sombra appear and hissed in pain. “Hey no fair, you brujas have great reflexes puta.”

You kept shooting but Sombra kept dodging. You were too busy trying to shoot Sombra that you didn't noticed the Venom Mine on the floor. Soon purple mist surrounded you, cursing at your stupidity. You coughed and gasp as it sting your throat, you try to breath but a glint of something caught your attention.

Then you felt sheer pain in your chest.

You coughed out blood and fall to your knees, you placed your hands on your chest to stopped the bleeding. You heard footsteps heading towards your direction then someone kicked you making you fall forward. You hissed in pain making someone chuckled. “Oh does it hurt bitch? I bet it does since my Widow shot you with an iron bullet.” Your eyes widened, it was the leader of Talon and the pain in your chest was getting worse. He used a witch protection item and used of the most lethal one. This was a trap, he was expecting you to show up.

“Oh so you finally released this was a set up. Clever girl~ but it's too late, now Overwatch can finally die!” The guy pulled out his own gun ready to shoot but you summoned Madama Khepri’s fist making him barely avoided getting hit. You transform into a (h/c) cheetah and ran but you heard him yell at his goons to get you. The pain in your chest slow you down that one agent managed to catch up with you. He shot at your legs making stop and transform back to human, Reaper kicked you in your chest. You scream in pain but saw Reaper’s shotgun in your face.

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