Valentine's Day Pt 2

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You love Valentine's Day the thought of showing and spreading love to everyone. You're an affectionate person so on this day, you're crazily affectionate. Throughout the day you gave everyone hugs and say happy Valentine's Day. So far you probably hugged half of the people of Overwatch. You even help McCree to cook sweets since his wife has a huge sweet tooth like her mother, the man was a bit embarrassed but kept his stand. The man views you as a mother since he saw your late husband as a dad, you honestly did see McCree as a son and treated him like one.

You love helping people and everyone constantly goes to you for advice or help. You hum happily since your kids already you gifts for the day and you sent them theirs since they can't visit you. You went in the living room of Overwatch's HQ when Winston stopped you.

"Oh Celeste I was looking for you. It seem like you got letters today."

'Letters? Probably fan mail or from the kids.' You thought, you smile at the gorilla scientist. "Winston dear how many times I told you call me (Y/n) not by my codename."

"Apologies but I just I'm too use to call you that, plus as one of the original founding members it's seems a bit disrespectful." You giggled at Winston's respectful and took the letters. "Ah well it's fine dear anyways thank you for getting my letters." You left and decided to go to your room while reading the letters. While being careful not to hit people on the way, you read the letters. The handwriting was neat but you could tell a man wrote it. The first one tells how beautiful you are and how much they adore you.

'I seen you many times when you help people, I couldn't help but view you as an angel sent from God. You're beautiful despite being older, you hold such grace that you must be a saint. The kindness and your sweet heart have captured my heart, and your blessful soul is what made me fall for you. You don't know me but I couldn't help but pour out my love for you.'

Okay it's a love letter. It kept saying how he could never met you in person but hope instead his letters work as well as telling you in person. The other letters tell his love and poems, they were cute and sweet. The man put a lot of effort to say his love to you and to be honest it was making you want to meet the man. Your heart pounded and you swear you're developing a crush on this unknown man.

You finally made it to your room feeling all giggly like when you were younger. Boy this man has a way with words... Maybe you should write back? Yes you miss Gabriel dearly but it's been years and this man interested you a lot. Which reminded you should leave your yearly flowers to Gabriel's grave. You do it to show your love to your husband and sometimes you leave notes, crazy yes but it makes you feel better.

You arrived to your room and was surprised to see a bouquet of flowers in a shape of a heart and a cute pink bear on your bed. The bear had a red bow around it's neck with a note.

"Happy Valentine's Day mi amor~💖"

You read out loud and examine the bear and flowers to make it's not a trap. Once cleared you checked the note again and saw on the back it said secret admirer. You smile and giggle in joy.

Reaper smile seeing your happy state from his gifts and letters. You never changed, you're still your happy and bubbly self even after been through some shit. He knew it was dangerous to sneak in but he really wanted to show his love for you still remain strong since your love for him was still there. He seen you visit his "grave" many times and leave gifts and flowers. Reaper will grabbed them when you leave and put it somewhere safe where he can cherished him. When you talk about your day or what's been happening since his "death", he listens but away from your line of sight.

"Happy Valentine's Day baby."


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