Author's Note

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Sorry for not updating I'm busy with my job and personal life and well binge watching a new anime......

Yes it's My Hero Academia!!!!

God I love it! All Might and Deku are my favorite! So I been thinking of making a new story with them... Not sure if it should be a scenario book like a boyfriend or another husband one? I'm kinda leaning towards husband....

But I want to hear your thoughts guys!

If yes then tell me each character you want and what kind of book should it be. All Mights is a definite yes, I just love that dork. And for each character suggest if the reader should have a quirk or nah, name the quirk(s), and if you want to if they're a hero with a hero name or even villain hero. (If that's what you want)

For All Might I have two ideas already.  1. The reader is the daughter of Recovery Girl and has great healing abilities, she's like Mercy from Overwatch. She can heal and help boost damage for other heroes, she's like a famous hero and is the other nusre/doctor at UA or teaches health class.

2. Is she's like Bayonetta (yes another character like her I'm sorry just love her plus Bayonetta 3 is coming soon so excited!) She has two quirks, stop time from a few seconds to a few minutes (depending on her energy) and summon demons. Yes she summons them with a chant like from the game.... Should she also have magic? I think it's fine like that. Like for this version she's a self-defense teacher or co-teaches combat.

I have another idea for Aizawa so far his s/o is like Jeanne from Bayonetta, so has the quirks of stopping time and summoning demons too. I don't what can she teaches?

So thoughts?

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