Relatives Pt 2

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To be honest I made this whole scenario for Junkrat's part since I picture Johnny Gat to be like Grandpa from Brandon Rogers' Series and in here John is a bit older.


Your parents love Selena and Diego and spoil them rotten like Gabriel's mom. Being from a line of famous scientists and astronauts money was not a problem, your dad was an astronaut that he been to space many times and even survived 2 crashes in the space shuttle. In fact your mom was the head scientist of many of his space journeys and that's how they met and fell in love. Your dad was telling about one of his crashes when returning from the space station. You were eating Gabriel's mom special tacos she made for everyone and they were the bomb.

“So the engine went out and I radio grandma of what's going on but an explosion made it harder to hear.”

The kids gasp while you giggled, you were the same way when your dad told you the stories. Gabriel was too busy eating his mom's cooking to say anything. His mom hit his head with a wooden spoon making him choke on his food. “Gabriel! Don't stuff your face like that or you're going to choke! I didn't raise you as credo, cabrón!” You and your mom giggled as Gabriel hit his chest until he managed to save himself, he sigh. “Sí mamí.” You love Gabe’s mom, she's so savage and cool.

Your mom smile. “Wow María to have the tough as nails Gabriel to do whatever you want, impressive.” María smile. “Oh please (M/n) my little Gabby was such a troublemaker when he was younger. He was so much like his papí so I know how to handle him, but your daughter is so sweet.” María put her dark skinned hands on your cheek and pinch them.

“Look at her, so bonita! She's such a good woman, works hard, respectful, and a good woman. You and your husband raise her right, I'm surprised she said sí to Gabby more so dating. She's too good.”

You blushed but smile. “Thanks María…. Can you please let my cheeks go they're starting to hurt.” María let go and gave a sheepish smile. “Oh lo siento I just love you too much, and I love how you made mis nietos so cute!” Gabriel blushed. “Mamá! Please leave my wife alone with your annoying squeals and just shut up..”

María glared. “What do you say Gabriel? A quién estás diciendo shut up? Me estás diciendo shut up!”

Everyone went quiet, the dogs ran outside for safety, and Gabriel pale realizing his mistake.

“Nononono! Mamá I didn't mean it! I-I--”

But María took off her sandal and Gabriel realize his doom booked it. But María threw her sandal and it fucking flew like a homecoming missile and hit Gabriel on the back of his head. He fell face first on the floor as María lectured him on being respectful to her. “Next time I'm going to gave you such a chingazo that your cute wife and kids will lose a husband and father. Entendes cabrón?”

“...... Sí mamá.”

You and everyone were laughing at the poor Gabriel. Man you love María and her deadly weapon la chancla, why isn't she in Overwatch?


Melody had tons of fun relatives since everyone loves the cutie. Your Vocaloid and UTAUloid family love her since she's the first kid born in your family, and some of the more fully robots ones care for her since they're never going to have kids.

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