Relatives Pt 3

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(C/n)-- Contry's name (it's the same country in Sombra and Pharah parts from my Overwatch Wife Scenarios)

The only family you had was your late elderly father since your mom died from an accident when you young. It was also that accident that did horrible damage to your body that your father used his skills in robotics to save you. However after your cyberization and the trauma of losing your mother, you “lost” your heart and due to living in (C/n) the old king learned of your situation. Then he forced you to become an assassin still as a child for his own selfish reasons.

Now you're a changed woman and has a loving family and a sweet husband. The kids know of their grandparents and Uncle Mondatta that help decrease the human and Omnics tensions, but also start the second Omnic Crisis due to his assassination. You and Zenyatta made sure they never forget their decease family.

Tyson was looking at a picture of Mondatta as you and Zenyatta were posing for the wedding picture. You look so happy and he guess so does the robots. He then looked at an old picture of a child you before your cyberization with two of your parents smiling. He wondered a lot of his new family's relatives. Yes he heard about his uncle Mondatta while he was still in that horrible facility as their weapon dubbed Vulcan but never his maternal grandparents just know his grandfather was a famous scientist. He and his family was cleaning the newly fixed temple from Overwatch.

He saw Genos dusting while wearing a pink apron while he was tasked of cleaning the windows, which how he saw the pictures. “Hey Gen bro do you know anything about our gramps from mom's side?” The cyborg stopped dusting and look at his frenemy of an adopted brother.

“Why? What's the sudden curiosity of our late relatives?”

The hot headed teen looked down making Genos raise a brow at his brother's unusual quiet tone. “Umm… Well I thought it be cool to know about the wonderful family that helped and love us despite our horrible deformities…. You know since that damn facility killed our families….” Genos sigh remembering his late parents and Tyson’s huge family.

“I do not know much by according to my scanners and memory from the damn scientists of the facility. Grandfather was a famous man of science especially with robotics. He lived in (C/n) a country that's known to be secluded and secretive, he helped the old king create Omnics for the country's benefit.”

“Surprising these Omnics didn't go haywire unlike the rest of the world. And like Numbani Omnics and people lived peacefully which intrigued many at the country's lack of war, then the civil war of (C/n) happen. According to my scanners grandfather died mysteriously but most believe he was assassinated through it wasn't clear if was done by the orders of the old king or the new current king. Mother was deeply depressed by his passing and I believe she still is, and all I know about grandmother is that she was his assistant and was a much beloved and smart like her husband.”

Tyson looked down. “What happened to her?” Genos spoke in a blunt tone. “She died in an accident when mother was a child. It was also the same accident that cause mother such horrendous injuries that grandfather turn her into a cyborg to save her…. Mother said grandmother was a caring and beautiful woman and grandfather was a kindhearted and nice elderly man.”

Tyson eyes widened and look at the picture of his grandparents. “Wait gramps is older than gram?!”

Genos returned to dusting. “Yes I think mother said he was 20 years older, he was 50 when mother was born. He was 74 when he died, currently he will be 79 and grandmother 59.”

“...Man gramps doesn't even look like he's 50 in the picture, he looks younger…”

“Perhaps that's why mother looks like she's 23, youthfulness must run in the family.”

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