When he's jealous

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You were out going on a date with Genji, but he called saying he was a bit busy and he'll arrived later. Getting hungry you went to the cafe and decided to wait for him there. You ordered and choose to sit outside. When the food arrived you walked outside… only to bumped into someone and spill it on them.

“O-oh I'm s-so sorry!”

“No it's was my fault, I should've pay attention.”

You help the guy removed the food then you look up and were shocked.


“(Y/n), is that you?”

It was your old friend Ryu, he visited you because your dad was an impressive martial artist and wanted to fight him. He lost so he asked to be train by your dad, so he stay with your family for awhile…. and during that time you two started a relationship that ended before he left. You smile at him. “God it's been too long since we met.”

He chuckled nervously. “Yes apologies I was too busy with my travels.”

“Of course but what are you doing here?”

“I'm with Ken going to a tournament but we decided to rest here for a bit, who would've thought I ran into you.”

Ryu got up and he helped you up, you thanked him and offered to buy him food as an apology for throwing food on him. Eventually Ryu agreed and you two talk about each others lives. You told Ryu everything and your family, Ryu told you about his adventures.

“I must say (Y/n) your life been an adventure but you're a tough girl. That's what I always admired about you, well and you're still beautiful as ever.” Ryu said you blush at his compliment, especially knowing the meaning behind it. “Ryu please that was in the past, I'm now a married woman with children.”

Ryu laughed and send you a wink. “I know but I kinda miss when we're together, you're truly a strong lovely woman and your husband must be lucky to have you.”

“Oh trust me I am.”

You both jump and saw Genji there in casual clothes, he had his arms crossed. Genji sat next to you and place his arm around your shoulders possessive, you can tell he was glaring at Ryu. “Hello I'm Genji, her husband and who are you?

Ryu smile. “I'm Ryu, me and (y/n) were friends when I was training under her father. It's such an honor to met you but I have to go since Ken most likely looking for me.” Ryu thanked you for the meal and wish to met you again, then he left. Genji hold you closer. “I wish he never comes back, that guy was totally flirting with you.”

You laughed. “Aww is the famous Genji Shimada, ex-playboy of Hanamura jealous?~” Genji didn't answer but you knew he was blushing, you kissed his cheek. “Don't worry carrot I will never leave you, especially if my 6 foot muscular martial artist of a ex-boyfriend was flirting with me.”

“Wait ex-boyfriend? He said friend!”


You and Hanzo were sent on a mission for Overwatch, some king needed help since some of his warriors are missing. When you two arrived at the palace, the king immediately took noticed of you and completely ignored Hanzo. He kept trying to seduce you but you always say something harsh back.

“My you're more beautiful in person my lady… say have you ever be with a king if not allow me to be the first.~”

You look up from the map of the country and boredly said. “What the first to fail and disappointed me.” The king frowned but kept going.

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