3 | RAW - 09/05/16

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i'm actually shook. kevin was having his celebration for winning the universal title, balloons and all. seth ended up coming out and started screaming at owens to shut the hell up because what he needs to say doesn't involve him.

following by seth attacking owens after he insulted him, and guess what... stephanie suspended him. mhmm, you read right. she suspended him! everything is fine though, because mick foley stopped her and declares a rematch against the champion at clash of champions and a match against jericho tonight!

btw seth lookin hot asf as usual.

i'm also scared. my girl bayley 'injured' her knee during her match with charlotte, in which she won that match! i'm just praying she's not actually injured, hopefully everything is going to be okay.

i ever wonder if enzo gets tired of announcing their entrance. lhe has so much damn energy, i wanna know where it all comes from lmao. enzo's comebacks give me life honestly. he also went into labor... so he gets down on the ground right, and cass starts breathing him through it by chanting how you doin'. then POP, baby sawft is born. it was fucking hilarious. you know what's disappointing though? they lost to primo and epico. the shining fucking stars. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?

on another note, am i the only one dying to see charlotte go up aganist nia jax? or for tamina to suddenly make a comeback and fight her? i'm just tired of seeing girls that no one knows being thrown around the ring. give nia someone that will actually fight back #sorrynotsorry much respect to everyone.

now the new day and gallows & anderson segment was pure gold. it was amazing. i was crying on the floor of laughter. i love the new day so much, they never not make me laugh. they're great, like i love them ever since they came out together for the first time.

nevermind. forget everything i said about nia. i want nia and alicia. yesss, alicia will actually have a storyline omg. i'm so happy.

now, sasha had me on the verge of tears. she had an update on her back injury and told the universe on twitter that she had some bad news. i wanted to believe it was like bad news for someone to hear, but the more i thought of it (more like over thinking it) i began to believe she wouldn't come back. when she got out there, she started talking about the women's revolution (that almost had me crying) i was almost hooked. thankfully, dana came out talking smack and saying how she was gonna finish what charlotte started to prove herself. so when she threw her mic at sasha, sasha turned her moved around and put her in the banks statement. she then said warned charlotte that she'd be back at clash of champions. fuck. she played me bad, i was actually so worried, i was shaking.


foley went on to say how next week on raw, if roman is to beat kevin in a match, he will make the match between seth and kevin a triple threat match. seriously? seriously? just give my baby his title back. as much as i love roman, just fuck off.

i would rather someone other than any of those three men win the title... i know, i know. i just don't like the feeling of having kevin owens as the universal champion. i don't want to be a bandwagoner either, i could care less about kevin owens. he's a funny guy and all, but i don't know, he's just not my cup of tea.

"i will win the universal championship too, except i will do it on my own. i won't need triple h to hand it to me on a silver platter." - sami zayn killed it tonight, even with the loss.


- matchups -

1. BAYLEY BEAT CHARLOTTE *jumps around living room*

2. ya just gotta bo-lieve! ! i don't know who he beat, another local.

3. babes beat jericho with a pedigreee.

4. sheamus leads 3-0 aganist an injured cesaro, jesus, everyone is injured on raw omf.

5. nia jax crushed ann something-err-other sorry i don't know her name. nia called her ratchety ann.

6. darren young vs. jinder mahal. could care less.

7. braun strowman vs. sin cara. it was ight.... nah, could care less.

8. the universal champion won aganist sami zayn.


ight, that was it. pretty fucking good show.
two thumbs up and a hug from bayley is my rating.

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