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SEPTEMBER 10th, 2018

Who is she!? I haven't posted in this book in forever. Alright kids, put on your seatbelts, keep your hands and arms in the ride at all times, have fun and away we go!!

 Alright kids, put on your seatbelts, keep your hands and arms in the ride at all times, have fun and away we go!!

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I am absolutely living for this feud. I don't think I have the feelings to comprehend the amount of excitement I have for these women and their new storyline. Oh my goodness.

I was at my grandmothers the Tuesday after Summerslam and as I searched the television guide for Smackdown, it was all taken up by baseball, so I inevitability doubted watching the show at all. Before going to bed, I started messaging my father and boy was he freaking out. He may not like Becky Lynch very much, but he knows how much I love her so he recorded the entire segment on Facebook Messenger for me, which was totally awesome of him to do.

I don't think I have the words to use in order to describe how proud I am of Becky for turning heel. It's definitely been a long time coming and it's definitely been worth the wait. I cannot wait to see her become a second time Smackdown Women's Champion.

It's tearing me apart the fact that I won't be able to watch her match at Hell in a Cell IN A CELL with Charlotte freaking Flair because of how much I love each woman individually. Might I repeat, in a freAKING CELL. It's going to be incredible.

My friend shared a website link with me to where she streams every show including RAW, Smackdown and every Pay-Per-View, so I'm really hoping that it works for me so I can watch this iconic match.

My friend shared a website link with me to where she streams every show including RAW, Smackdown and every Pay-Per-View, so I'm really hoping that it works for me so I can watch this iconic match

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Now let's talk about this gif right quick...
...This is one of the sexiest struts I have seen in the longest time!?! I am in love. Both Charlotte and Becky have looked so damn good in these past few weeks, but honestly when have they ever looked bad? Like damn!!

And we have to discuss this look:

And we have to discuss this look:

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What a queen. She looks so damn good. She looks like a goddess.

I stan an absolute legend

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I stan an absolute legend.

And let's talk about my mom's, Nikki and Brie Bella returning!?! AAND let's talk about how they're kissing Ronda Rousey's ass!?! It pisses me off so much, they're so much better than that. I was honestly disappointed.

 I was honestly disappointed

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Brie & Daniel vs. Miz & Maryse is going to be great, hopefully, but that's what I said before Miz and Maryse's match against Nikki and John at Wrestlemania where John proposed. That was a disgrace. It was so underdone and had so much more potential.

I'm loving how the Shield is back together as well!?! I was at camp when I finally got my phone back on the last day, checked Instagram only to find out that Dean had returned!! But lucky enough I was home in order to see his very first match back...

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I'm loving how the Shield is back together as well!?! I was at camp when I finally got my phone back on the last day, checked Instagram only to find out that Dean had returned!! But lucky enough I was home in order to see his very first match back on RAW which I was very excited about.

So far so good, their return is slowly going downhill for me where I'm just not caring anymore. If anything cool happens, of course I'll check it out, but everything on RAW and Smackdown has been absolutely dry as a desert lately. I wish WWE could just hire me for the writing team oh my goodness. I barely tuned in all summer because of the repetition of matches and how boring it got week after week.

I'm crossing my fingers that it gets better eventually and not as phoney as Roman Reigns' Superman Punch.

It has definitely been a while!! Will I update on this regularly?? Probably not, but I am trying to find the inspiration to update my preferences & imagines book, but I'm not sure when it will happen because school has already started up and I already want to cry.

I love my house and my bed and my blankets and my pillows so much and I just wish I could be with them all day.

I'm off to bed now because RAW just finished. I don't have to wake up early tomorrow yet I most likely will anyways. I've got an off-block first period so I'll be staying home a little later than usual. So I'm praying that I get a good nights sleep and I hope that you all get one too!!

Love you guys!!

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