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FEBRUARY 2th, 2019

WWE posted a photo album recently, filled with a bunch of behind the scenes pictures of some superstars taken on the night of the 2019 Royal Rumble. I'm not quite still on the Royal Rumble high, but it's still kicking slightly.

Here are the few that I took screenshots of:

Here are the few that I took screenshots of:

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Becky, of course. Looking cute as hell, as usual. I'm so in love with her.

 I'm so in love with her

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The Queen. She looks good every time she walks out into an arena, or anywhere. I love her.

Look at this freaking cutie!! I just watched her on UpUpDownDown the other night where her, Ryder and Xavier talked all about Disney while playing Kingdom Hearts

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Look at this freaking cutie!! I just watched her on UpUpDownDown the other night where her, Ryder and Xavier talked all about Disney while playing Kingdom Hearts. I never stop laughing when I watch UpUpDownDown, it's one of my favourite youtube channels out there (number one goes to Jacksepticeye because I love him so much).

 I never stop laughing when I watch UpUpDownDown, it's one of my favourite youtube channels out there (number one goes to Jacksepticeye because I love him so much)

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Sonya and Mandy have been getting really good on their mic skills lately, and I'm just waiting for the day that Sonya leaves Mandy's ass or the other way around. Sonya could be doing so good on her own.. but, even though I'm not a Mandy fan, I wouldn't mind the two of them winning the belts at Elimination, but that's a whole other topic for another time.

 but, even though I'm not a Mandy fan, I wouldn't mind the two of them winning the belts at Elimination, but that's a whole other topic for another time

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AND RHEA FUCKING RIPLEY, OH LORDY. AIN'T SHE FREAKIN' CUTE? Y'all gotta help me, alright? If you're reading this and you're a fan of NXT UK or NXT in general, help a girl out.

Without the network, I really have to pay attention to when pay-per view's are happening because I don't want to miss the stream. I've been wanting to become a regular fan of it all for a long time, but I've only recently gotten a stream that works all the time. They used to play NXT on tv years ago when I was little, but I wasn't into it as much because I was little and I only cared about wrestlers on the main roster. If I had the network, all I'd be doing is sitting in front of the tv.

Now, I can as easily look it up, but I wanted to hear from you guys about the NXT schedules first. What days does it come on? How often to they have takeovers? What do I need to know in order to start watching it? Because the talent that comes out of NXT is incredible with every single superstar they bring up.

And I've been doing some research on Rhea and Toni Storm because I'm in love with her too. The first match I saw with Toni in it was her finals match for the Mae Young Classic at Evolution, which was absolutely breathtaking.
I really want to watch more of the both of them. I've already watched their match at NXT UK Takeover in Blackpool where Toni won the title and let me tell you, THEIR FINISHERS ARE FUCKING AWESOME. I LOVE WOMEN'S WRESTLING, AH. They're fucking badasses and they're just going to get better.

If you're able to help a girl out, that's great. If not, that's cool too. It's wishing-I-had-the-network hours and I'm in a wrestling state of mind, it's all I want to watch right now. Yet I'm off to go update a few other stories because they're in desperate need of it.

 Yet I'm off to go update a few other stories because they're in desperate need of it

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