29 | SMACKDOWN - 12/06/16

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december 6, 2016

[ ] most electrifying television show in history
[ ] lit asf
[ ]entertaining
[x] that's it?
[ ] wtf

1. TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: randy & bray (c) vs. heath slater & rhyno
winners: randy & bray duh

2. uh wasn't it baron corbin to beat kalisto? i don't remember, i wasn't watching 😂

3. chad gable vs. tyler breeze

.... i forget whatever happened next. like i remember the whole becky situation and all that, i didn't miss anything, but if there was more before the intercontinental match, then i don't remember.

4. INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: the miz (c) vs. dean ambrose
winner: the miz

i cannot begin to explain how fucking pissed off i am at james ellsworth, i want to see dean crush his ass. ohmyfuckinggod. i am so mad, because if this was higher stakes, dean would have kicked out, we all know it.

but whatever, i guess. i'm super tired, i stayed home from school today because i have a wicked migraine.. so, night :)

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