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038. royal rumble
˗ˏˋ twenty-nineteen results ˎˊ˗

  royal rumble˗ˏˋ twenty-nineteen  results ˎˊ˗

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monday, january 28th

I COULDN'T BE MORE HAPPIER THAN I WAS LAST NIGHT. When I think about it really hard, I don't think there's anything else in the world that I would rather do than be within the WWE community. I was so proud last night of the women's division, I can't express it enough.

The Royal Rumble was relatively good, do I think that the women's match was the best match? Fuck yeah. Did Becky Lynch carry the whole pay-per view? Fuck yeah.

If I wasn't a Becky fan, looking at the momentum of each match and comparing them all, I genuinely feel that nothing else compared to the women's royal rumble match. I was so excited, my palms started to sweat and they never do that when they're nervous. I haven't felt my heart beat that fast in so long, it was an incredible moment to witness my first ever women's royal rumble match considering I didn't get to see last years one. It was truly incredible and I'm so proud of every single one of those women who walked out there. They make me so happy to be a fan of wrestling.

Winner: Becky Lynch

Since I speak about Becky every damn chance I get, why not take the time to break the Royal Rumble down and give my brief opinion of each woman who entered the match? I'll include my first thoughts on the superstar and any other moments worth remembering.

1. Lacey Evans
There is lots of potential here for me when it comes to liking Lacey. I get a little annoyed with her gimmick, but it's just going to take me time to love her. That's what I said about The Riott Squad and look at me now. Her outfits are always really cool. I liked her one for the Rumble, if it was a bathing suit though. All in all, she's alright and she sorta kicks ass.

2. Natalya
You gotta love Nattie, am I right? She's one of the only women in this match that I've ever seen wrestle at an event. She tagged with Emma I believe and went up against Summer Rae and someone else when I saw her, I think, but I can't quite remember. I was very surprised to see her last as long as she did! I was giving her major respect the whole match.

3. Mandy Rose
I honestly can't stand Mandy. I didn't really like her when she first debuted, and I still really don't like her now. But if I had to choose out of someone and her, let's say Ronda Rousey for example, I'm going with Mandy Rose. I would have liked her whole feud with Naomi a lot better if they took it to the next level and really went off on each other. They fought in a hotel room for crying out loud, use everything that's at your disposal to destroy each other! It would have made great television.

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