8 | F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S

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listen, i ain't shitting on carmella. i did say she tends to get annoying a lot, but she's a heel. she's not meant to be 'liked' because the crowd is supposed to boo her... (duh cause that's what a heel is) and yes i've said that i cannot stand her, but i don't hate her as a person. she's really growing on me man.

yes, she can piss me off when she comes in attacking nikki (sometimes) from behind, or talking shit about one of my favorite girls, but that doesn't matter. she's a heel and she's supposed to do that and i totally respect it. she is a great heel, i love it.

and it's not like i don't get hyped when her entrance song comes on. who doesn't sing along? i know all the god damn words.

but as i said about alexa, i'm not jumping bandwagons too fast. i learn to love the wrestlers and not just say that i do so, because i'd hate myself for doing that lmao.

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