4 | SMACKDOWN - 09/06/16

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i missed the first 11 minutes of smackdown because my dad, sister and i were out shopping so i had to eat and put away the groceries :(( i checked on facebook though.

so i didn't see anything with dean at the beginning that i heard that happened, i want to cry :'( the first thing i saw was the mix talking to shane and daniel.

i swear naomi's entrance gets better every single time she comes out. i want either becky or naomi to win the smackdown women's title more than ever. aaand i might be becky for halloween. it's an option.

the usos turned heel.. they won't get a shot at the titles because they didn't beat the american alpha, but still that will be entertaining!!

AND OMG THIS WOMAN IS WEARING A DEAN AMBROSE SHIRT OMG I LOVE HER. AND HER FACE WHEN FANDANGO SAID HER HIPS AHAHAHA I'M CRYING. and kane rejected fandango's dance partner request by choke slamming him.

every time i see the commercial for connor's cure, i cry. i really need to earn some money to buy some bracelets.

renee was looking cute asf. i loved her jacket and hair and everything. she was just slaying. i really wish i had the network so i could watch talking smack and unfiltered.

ASDFGHJK DEAN. he's looking fresh asf as usual. i'll be starting school again on thursday so he's going to be the main conversation between me and my math teacher. we both love him so much.

even in aj's nameplate it says he beat up john cena, i'm only noticing that now. awww dean gave aj an old bowling trophy to make him feel good.


OKAY OKAY, i'll talk more about this tomorrow, i really need sleep.


- matchups -

1. the miz won aganist apollo crews with dolph ziggler at commentary. once miz won the match, he rolled out of the ring as fast as he could, forgetting his title. so dolph ran in the ring and was all 'come get it!' but miz made maryse get it.

2. the team of natayla, alexa & carmella won aganidt the team of nicki, becky & naomi. carmella put nicki in a submisson (i can't remember the name of it) targeting her neck, which made her tap.

3. AMERICAN ALPHA WON. if they don't win the belts i don't know who will. well, you know what i mean. they fought the usos in the tournament, the usos attacking them i think it was before the bell rang or right after idk i wasn't paying attention. but anyways, seconds later, american alpha picked up the winn.

4. OMG HEATH SLATER AND RYHNO WON. they beat the hype bros btw. this means thwy will face american alpha for the smackdown tag team titles at backlash.


was there only four matches on tv? i think so. i don't know what happened within the first 11 minutes though.

anywayyys,,, night guyys xx

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