Chapter 26

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Isaac's POV:

It was Saturday and I was terrified of what would happen with Jacki and Corey. Yesterday at school Corey wasn't there probably too hungover to wake up at a decent time. Mom left for Florida last night so I was staying at Xavier's. A fight tonight will be cool for the video but not for friendships.

"Party tonight" Xavier laughed sliding down the stairs

"Is Corey still cool with a shit ton of people being at his house? Since the incident" I asked

"Ice of course he is, if there is anything Corey loves more than his skateboard is parties" Xavier laughed

"I'm worried about him"

"It's Corey, Isaac you need to chill out. I know he's been your best friend since you were 5, and Jax is your cousin so it's hard for you but Corey will be fine"

"I'm gonna go get my costume from Carly's I'll see you at Cors" I said

"Alright dude"

I grabbed my skateboard and skated down to Carly's. She was already in her costume and looked absolutely adorable as the Bride of Frankenstein.

"You look adorable" I smiled kissing her

"Thank you, my love" She smiled "are you ready to see yours"

"Of course, if it's as cool as yours"

"Boy you know it is" She laughed

As usual she was right. The jacket was amazing and the studs looked so real. It may be the coolest Halloween costume I've ever had, well besides the time I was a spaceman and Hayden was an alien.

Carly helped me get ready and do my makeup. We talked about the whole Jax and Corey situation for a while before going over ideas for the video.

"Let me call Cor before we go get Hayden" I said dialing his number

"Isaac Ronald my man" Corey slurred

"Corey is it safe for everyone to come over" I asked

"Hell ya, I'm ready, got the house full of alcohol and some joints mother fucker" He yelled

"Put those away, we aren't doing that tonight, we have a video to shoot" I said sternly

"We'll be fine the camera is charged now get your pretty little self over here"

I hung up the phone and Carly and I headed down to Ella's house to pick up her and Hayden. Hayden was dressed fittingly as a devil. We met up with Xavier, Quinn, and Jacki on our way. We could already hear music playing.

There were already a large group of people inside. I struggled for a while trying to find Corey, he was wearing a wolf mask and a torn up flannel and jeans.

"Corey" I yelled over the music

"My man" Corey said taking his mask off, he grinned and wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"How are you" I laughed

"I feel fucking amazing, you know. I'm really sorry for Thursday night" He laughed

     After a while it seemed like everyone was here. There was probably 100 people inside and outside of Corey's house. It was a success. Jacki paused the music and I jumped up on the coffee table.

"HEY" I yelled to get everyone's attention "We are filming a music video right now so I'm gonna need you all to just continue what you're doing and when Jax, Carly or Xavier come near you to look at the camera and make weird faces you got it"

     We had a pass off system with the camera. It started with Carly who was walking through the kitchen getting artsy shots of all the cups and people in there. Then Carly passed it off to Jax who went through the main crowd in the living room and shots of Corey and Quinn doing the music. She then passed it off to Xavier outside who got shots of people jumping into the pool and just everyone outside. Hayden and I were setting up for the big ending. We were pulling the people with the best costumes out of the crowd and bringing them to the front of the house. When the camera got passed back to me I had everyone jump or from the bush and scream "Young and Dumb" it went smoothly.

   The party continued and we had a pretty good time. Carly and I danced and kissed .... a lot. I went into the kitchen to get a drink and I saw Jacki laying on the table with another girl on top of her. Deciding not to interfere I went back into the living room.

"Babe weren't you going to get a drink" Carly asked

"Yeah but Jax is in there making out with some girl" I shrugged

"What the fuck" she said confused

"Jax is gay? You knew that right" I asked even more confused

"Yeah but she said she didn't like any girl currently, I don't want her first time to be a drunken hook up" She said angrily

"Hey Ice, where's Jax" Corey asked

"Uhh I don't know" I lied

"I'll go check the kitchen then" he said

"Maybe she's outside?"

"I was just out there you know where she is don't you" Corey said pushing me a bit

"Carly go" I yelled holding Corey back

   Carly pushed herself through the crowd and into the kitchen. Corey pushed me against the wall angrily.

"What is she doing" Corey yelled in my face

"It's not your business"

"I love her Dun, of course it's my business"

"She doesn't even know I know"

"What is she doing"

"She was making out with some girl"

    Corey pushed me again and stormed off up the stairs. Whispering in Tori Reynolds ear on the way. She followed him up the stairs with a smirk on her face. This can't be good. I followed them up the stairs and saw him pull her into his bedroom. Yikes.

It's just like the whole Carly, Jax thing. I don't care if he has sex I just don't want it to be a drunk mistake. I began to panic so I knocked on the door.

"Someone's in here" I heard, then some muffled sobs

Ok we are good. I went back downstairs to see Jacki crying in the corner with Carly kneeled next to her.

"Jacki what happened" I asking sitting down and pulling her onto my lap

"I fucked up" she sobbed "I don't even like her and I was 3 seconds away from getting naked on a kitchen table"

"It's okay Jax" I said rocking her

"I was just so pissed off about how Corey has been acting and wanting to get back at him, and the small amount of alcohol I've consumed wasn't helping" she sobbed

"It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong. Making out with someone isn't a crime Jacki" Carly laughed

"I'm such a fuck up"

"Jacklyn Coryn Joseph, I will fight you if you say that one more time" I threatened

Everybody soon went home, all of us sobered up a bit before going to Tyler's since Xavier's place was too far. All of us, except Corey who we hadn't seen since he went with Tori, looked over the footage. It was a successful night.


Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed! Just a little Halloween chapter for all of you. Time seems to be going by so fast, I feel like I just updated! I hope you are all well and happy.

Q: Who is your favorite newer/ indie/underground band at the moment?

(I'm really into Fireworks and Speak Low If You Speak Love right now)


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