Chapter 43

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Steve's POV:

    I can't believe it. How the fuck? What the fuck?

"What the hell!" I yelled "Isaac is down stairs, how the fuck"

"I was watching through the window to make sure he wasn't here and then waited till he went to the bathroom, then I sprinted up the stairs" The man laughed

"How the hell do dead people run up stairs" Luke yelled

"Can you please not yell at me?" The man said

"No you died 13 fucking years ago!" I said getting mad

"I didn't die Steve"

"No shit Dun" Luke yelled

Basically we were taking turns yelling at this now non-dead Josh Dun.

"So how's everyone?" Josh asked

"You seriously gonna walk into our apartment asking how everyone is? Where the hell have you been? You've put everyone through hell!" I said getting mad

"I know but it was for the better"

"HOW JOSH! Amelia has been at the worst I've ever seen her the past 13 years. Isaac goes to therapy once a week. Hayden fucking hates herself and blames herself for your supposed death" I yelled

"I was in rehab Steve. I was taking too many pills. I needed to get better I was going to turn into Andrew" He said sitting on the couch


"I was waiting for the right time. I needed to clear my head. Everything seemed much better without me. I couldn't just pop up and be like sike I'm not dead" Josh said

"Ok but why did you have to FUCKING DIE"

"Funny story that legally I'm not aloud to talk about" he shrugged

"How are you going to tell Ahme?" Luke asked

"Fuck no he's not going anywhere near Princess or the spawns" I said shaking my head

    There was a knock on the door again. What's next is my dad going to walk through the door?

"Steve it's Ice. I'm gonna go, I promised Hades I'd take her to the old ice rink" Isaac said from the other side

"Alright, be safe. Tell your mom that I'm not dying from malnutrition she keeps asking to bring over food" I called back

"Got it, love you" he yelled, I heard him walk down the steps before I glared at Josh

"His voice, oh my god" Josh said shaking his head

"Yeah. It hasn't been easy for Amelia. You saw him, he's a spitting image" I said rolling my eyes

"I should go, it was obviously a mistake coming back" Josh said standing up

"No Josh you need to go down to Amelia's house and explain everything to her. She deserves closure and happiness." I said getting angrier by the second

"What do I even say to her? Hey sorry I left you for 13 years but I'm back" He said doing jazz hands

"Yeah. Tell her. You have two kids who want a father in their life. You'll be just as bad as Andrew if you don't" Luke said glaring

"Fine" Josh sighed

"Stay here tonight, they are obviously having a bad day so tomorrow you better go talk to them"

"How do you know Ice didn't say anything?" Josh asked

"The old ice rink is where they go on bad days I took Isaac first and since then he's took all of his friends and now Hayden when things get bad"

Josh had a look of sadness on his face. He should feel bad. All of this is his fault. He could have just explained anything that was happening to Amelia instead of making everyone else's life miserable. The man has two kids, a wife and a family. You don't just fake your death and act like everything is fine thirteen years later.

"Do you have a place?" Luke asked making tea in the small kitchen

"I was living in Portland and had an apartment there but now that I'm here I don't really" Josh sighed

"You can stay here as long as you need to" Luke smiled

"Babe can I uh talk to you? In the hall" I said glaring at him

Luke followed me out into the hallway. Why was he being so nice? Luke has always been the nicer more gentle one but come on.

"Why are you acting like a southern grandma?" I asked

"He's been away from everyone he's ever known for thirteen years. He needs to have some familiarity Stevie." He said grabbing me arm "you offered him the guest room"

"I know but just for tonight. I feel the need to punch him really hard in the face"

"No, you will not touch him. He's Isaac's dad do you know how devastated Ice would be if you hurt him." Luke said

"Ahg!" I yelled "I'm gonna go downstairs and get a drink"

"Babe" Luke said looking at me

"You want me to hit him?" Is is raising an eyebrow

     I went down stairs to the bar and poured myself a glass of whiskey. I sat down with a group of regulars. I may have drank a few more glasses after that. The last time I was on the other side of the bar was a few years ago. Usually it's me and a bottle of vodka or wine upstairs in the apartment or in the back office. These stools are so uncomfortable, how do these guys sit here for hours.

    Amelia was in the bar for some reason, Carter following behind.

"Hey guys" I waved and slurred

"Steve how much have you drank" Ahme asked

"Welp that bottle was full" I drunkenly grinned

"Carter can you help me get him upstairs?" She asked

    Together the two of them lifted me off the bar stool and carried me up the stairs.

"Y-you guys can't go in there" I slurred

"Why?" Carter asked confused

"Luke is naked shh" I laughed

"Nothing I haven't seen before Stevo, I've known Luke for 24? years" Amelia smiled opening the door

"What the fuck!" Amelia yelled

"Told you he was naked" I laughed


  Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

*I wrote this before I posted the Q's and I'm honestly so relieved at the responses from you guys*

  I got braces today and I'm very annoyed. They haven't stated hurting yet but they feel heavy.

Q: Any new music you recommend?


IG: izzyisdun or izzybzzybee
Twitter: blink18jagk
(I have links to playlists in my pinned tweet if you ever want some new jams)

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