Chapter 60

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Isaacs POV:

    Carter picked up Mom around five fifteen. They were meant to go out at seven but his flight back to Georgia got moved to earlier. Carter was really nice and incredibly funny. I wouldn't mind having him around more often. 

   It was the official beginning of Winter Break and Christmas was in a week. The snow had already fallen and it was amazing. Sadly the Rink was frozen over and being used as an ice skating rink once again. Even though it was too cold to hang out there we all missed it.

"Do you guys want to make snow angels?" Jacki asked

"Nope too cold" Xavier said shooting down the idea

"I'm bored" Corey sighed

"Want to go annoy Steve and Luke?" I asked

"Let's gooo!" Quinn yelled

We all got into moms car and I drove us down to Capasons's.

"Excuse me sir can I get one CapriSun" Corey asked Steve who had his back to us

"It's CapaSon not CapriSun how many times am I going to have to explain this fucking hell" Steve yelled turning around "oh hey kids"

"Hello to you too Stevo" Jacki laughed

"Hold on there is only five of you where's the Hayley Williams knock off" Steve asked counting us

"We broke up" I shrugged

"Pink lemonade and Mac and cheese?" He asked me

"You really know how to lift someone's spirits" I smiled

Steve put everyone's order in and talked with us before tending to the rest of his customers.

"It's fucking freezing out" Corey said rubbing his arms

"Technically it's three degrees above freezing but go on" Xavier smiled

Xavier has a love for numbers and accuracy. You couldn't say anything inaccurate without him correcting you and that's what we love about him. We never really pointed him out on it, it's just how Xavier works.

"You got me there" Corey grinned

"Luke set up the tv last night if you want to play Smash Bros" Steve smiled

"Are you trying to get rid of us" Corey said squinting his eyes

"Me? Never" Steve laughed "I have to get my liquor licenses renewed before Holiday season therefor I can't have teens in my bar when she comes"

"Fine but we're taking our food" I sighed

"Go ahead, Luke is up there so knock first" Steve smiled shooing us away

   The group grabbed our food and carried it upstairs. Steve knowing his plan put everything in to-go containers for easy transfer.

"Lucas let us in" I said banging on the door to the apartment.

"Jeez kid do you have any patience" Luke asked opening the door.

"We're hungry" I complained walking in

"Winter Break?" He asked

"It's boring" Corey complained

"I've got to get to work but the controllers are in the second cabinet, only the second cabinet" he said pointing at us "love you guys"

   He grabbed his satchel and keys before rushing out the door. What's in the other cabinet?

"COREY LOOK IN THE CABINET" I yelled as I filled my cup up with water.

"What if there's kinky shit in there" He yelled back at me

"Or maybe there's fun things" Quinn said making a joint motion

"Nope, if you wanna look go ahead but I'm not" Corey said putting his arms up, surrendering.

"Fine I will" Xavier said getting up

Xavier got up and slowly opened the cabinet. He immediately started giggling. Either this kid has a sick sense of humor or it's actually something funny.

"It's a bunch of cheesy photoshoot pictures" He laughed

"Your kidding me let me see" I said jumping over the couch

"These are fucking amazing, is that an ugly Christmas sweater" Jacki laughed

"When was Luke's hair green" Quinn laughed

"I dyed it back in like fifth grade the first time I did mine" I laughed

"These are so old" Corey smiled passing more around

"See if Luke never said anything we wouldn't have found these" Quinn smiled

   I took out my phone and started snapping pictures. I was going to need these for blackmail later. Jacki put away the photos as Xavier took out the controllers. We spent the afternoon playing Smash Bros, which as usual Quinn won because all he
does is play old video games.

"I'll drop you guys off on the way home" I said as we cleaned up the apartment "Jax is Dad still staying with you?"

"No he left really late last night after he came home from your house and nobodies seen him." She shrugged

"Never changes" I said shaking my head

"Fuck him Isaac you deserve way better" Corey said patting my shoulder

    We went back downstairs and talked to Steve. Not mentioning anything about the pictures. The liquor lady hadn't come yet which was causing him to get more stressed by the second. This bar was his pride and joy. It's all he's ever wanted. We left and headed home. I dropped everyone off and Jacki was left.

"How are you doing now that Josh isn't in the house" She asked me

"It's back to normal. Mom was really upset last night but seemed alright this morning. He really fucked up, mom won't even tell us what he said." I sighed

"I overheard Mom talking to Dad and what Josh said was pretty brutal. He really has changed since he left" She sighed

"They're getting divorced" I said

"I'm sorry Ice" she said with a sorry face.

"Don't worry, how's your dad doing?" I asked

"Still Dad, he was pretty upset when he saw that Josh wasn't there and him and Mom are kinda iffy about Josh but now that he's gone it might get better. Dad's always going to be sad and there isn't much I know how to help him out" She sighed

"I'm sorry Jax" I sighed

    Just a bunch of sad kids with sad and confusing parents. Nothing really makes sense anymore. I dropped Jax off at her house before heading to Corey's dad's record shop. The man knows nothing about music so every once in a while I go in to help educate him.


Sorry for being dead for so long... I've kinda lost all motivation for this book ?? I'm not really getting any interaction anymore and it's just boring. My interests have changed a WHOLE lot since I started writing this 3 or 4 years ago?

Tøp being on hiatus has kinda left me uninspired. Maybe when they come back my writing will start again. I still might do album reviews and other things I'm passionate about and put this on the back burner. I hope y'all understand.

Make sure you add "Untitled" to your library for updates :)

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