Chapter 41

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Steve's POV:

    I'm so pissed off. Luke and I aren't together, he doesn't want to be with me. If he wanted to be with me he wouldn't be drinking so early in the fucking morning. He wouldn't have said he hated me. He would have adopted a baby with me.

I've been keeping the bar open later than usual since I don't have to drive all the way back to Amelia's house after closing. All the guys were happy about it, and we made more money.  Probably wasn't the safest thing for everyone but these guys bar jump anyways.

"How's the wife" Randy, a regular asked me

"Randy we've been over this countless times Luke is a boy" I laughed

"But really, the grape vine here has been saying it's done-zo to the CapaSon story" He smiled

"Not sure yet, but it's looking that way" I sighed

"There are many more guys out there for ya, you're a catch. I hope you and Luke work out though. You have something" he smiled standing up

"Thanks Randy" I smiled

     I walked around bussing tables and checking on tables before going back behind the bar. I went into the back office to take a break. It feels like I've lost a part of myself since Luke and I broke up. Usually I'm this ball of energy, or at least I try to be, lately I've felt so drained.

I hate Luke Johnson! He makes me feel better and without him it's like skipping breakfast before a long day. Without him it's like finding out the concert you've been waiting for is actually a cover band. I hate how I feel without him.

Deciding being alone in the office is a bad idea, I went back into the bar. Small talk was my specialty so I picked up conversation with some of the guests. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Luke walk in. I told him to leave me alone.

"Luke get out" I said not turning around

"But, there's something 'bout you that makes me skies blue and whenever we're through all I can do is see color" he sang

"Fuck Luke" I said shaking my head

"I love you Steven John Capatelli, I'm sorry I was so shitty to you. I want to adopt a kid with you even if we move up above the bar. I want to do everything with you Steve" Luke said sitting across from me at the bar

"I love you Lucius Daniel Johnson. I want to be with you and have a kid with you and do everything with your sexy, dumb ass." I grinned leaning over and kissing him

"We're doing this?" He asked me

"Yeah, I'll meet you upstairs in a second I wanna talk to you about some stuff first" I smiled handing him the keys

My heart was fluttering. Now that he had sobered up from earlier I can believe everything he said.

"Dan family emergency! Watch the bar" I yelled running from behind the bar and up the stairs to the apartment

I opened the door to a naked Luke facing the window, back towards me. Fuck I've missed this view. Slowly I creeped up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Trailing kisses down his neck he began to giggle. I missed his laugh.

He grabbed the neck of my shirt and pulled it off. I took my pants off as fast as I could and pushed him towards my bed.

"I missed the lips that made me fly" Luke sang

"That voice, fuck me" I grinned

"I'm working on it" he laughed pulling me closer to him

Luke and I got tangled up in bed. I missed this. His toes curling in the blankets as I kissed down his chest, and other things. The way his hair fell into his eyes. After all of this time each time got better. It's a new experience every time. I love this man so fucking much.

"I missed you" Luke said resting his head on my chest

"Have you been working out" I asked him

"Lots of frustration lately, before you ask both" He laughed

"Your laugh is like cotton candy" I smiled

"Steve, will you marry me?" Luke asked

"We are married Lu"

"No like re-new our vows. Like a real wedding and our kid can be there. A wedding where our suits fit and it's not rushed over a Mariah Carrey concert"

"Sure, we need a kid first"

"Fuck I love you. I love you" He said kissing me

"I'm being attacked" I laughed tickling him

"So what did you want to talk to me about" He asked

"When you want to meet up with the social worker?" I asked


"We're doing it, holy shit"

    We laid in bed for a while, catching up. We watched Sirens for a while before there was a knock on the door. I put my pants on and opened the door. I was in shock on who I saw on the other side. Quickly, without thinking I slammed the door.

"Babe? Who is it" Luke asked now wearing pants.

"I-I don't know" I said shaking

"Stevie" he said wrapping his arms around me

   He went around me and opened the door. Doing the same thing I did, slamming the door.

"What the fuck?" Luke asked shaking

"See! What the fuck. This isn't happening is it? Are we drunk, high or dreaming? It has to be one of those"

  There was a knock again. Again Luke and I opened the door, slower.

"Please don't slam the door on me again" The man behind the door said

"Slap me" Luke said staring at the man

"Luke I'm not going to slap you" he said shaking his head

"Slap me, somebody" Luke said looking between us

   I took the opportunity and slapped his ass.

"Glad to see you two haven't changed" he laughed

"What are you doing here?" I asked, still in disbelief


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

I've been in a weird, vulnerable headspace the past few days and I don't know why.

I'm also really annoyed at some of the clique right now because of the whole hometown shows fiasco. I hope anyone of you who registered got tickets and if not don't spread hate it's not what Tyler or Josh wanted. They did it the fairest way possible.

Q: Who's at the door?


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