Chapter 3

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Harrys POV:

"Bacon and eggs for the man, and fresh fruit for the lady" I smile at Ella from across the small table, and she raises her dark eyebrows much to my surprise.

"You think because I'm a lady I don't want bacon?" she asks as if I took a stereotypical approach to the meals.

"No. I think because you're Ella you don't want bacon. You only like fresh fruit in the morning" I say and her expression seems shocked, "Yeah, I noticed" I add making her close her mouth in shame.

Hah! I bet that caught her off guard. She thinks I don't notice these small things about her but I do. I've known her long enough to know what she likes and doesn't like. I definitely know she gets irritated by me flirting with her. I don't mean anything by it but I love watching her reaction as I play out my charm. She doesn't take one minute of my crap which I find amusing since every other girl jumps on the chance for me to take her home. Not that I'm complaining.

"So what are you doing this weekend?" I ask even though I'm pretty sure I already know the answer.

She'll either be visiting her mum down town for the weekend or staying at her apartment and working. It's the only two things she ever does in her spare time.

"I'm going to see my mum" she says poking her fork into a strawberry then taking it into her mouth with her perfect white teeth.

"Surprise, surprise" I tease, taking a bite of bacon and toast.

Best breakfast ever. I especially need the energy after staying up all night listening to Tatiana talk about her damn Chihuahua.

"What do you mean surprise, surprise?" Ella questions, chewing her fruit slowly as she waits for an answer.

"Well it's not exactly a shocker that you're going to visit your mum. That's one of the only two things you do in your spare time" I say and I can see she's a little offended.

"So?" she defends.

"So, maybe you should go out some time" I suggest and I can tell her blood is boiling from me advising her.

She purses her lips into a thin line as she tries to stay calm though I know she wants to say something to me about judging her lifestyle choices.

I can't help but smile as she dabs the corners of her mouth with the white napkin that I neatly folded for her. I didn't get one for myself but I knew she would want one. I always saw her using them when we went out to restaurants with my father for different meetings.

"Let me guess your plans" she gives me a fake smile before stabbing her fork into a piece of kiwifruit a little too harshly and I smile.

She leaves it on the end of her fork and points it at me as she talks, "Seeing as it's Friday night, I'm guessing you're going to go out with your friends, get absolutely drunk, come back here with god knows who to do god knows what. Send her off in the morning promising to keep in touch though we both know you won't. Then spend the rest of the weekend lounging around until I come in Monday morning and wake you up for your Uni class since you're always late" she finishes with another fake closed mouth smile before popping the fruit into her mouth.

Wow, she got that down to tee. Mind you, it's not that hard to guess.

"You're wrong" I sigh looking into her hazel eyes that don't seem mildly amused by my protest.

"How so?" she questions.

"You forgot that you also bring me tea on Monday mornings" I smile cheekily and she tries to supress a smile too, I can see it playing at the corner of her lips.

"Fine, and the tea" she adds finally showing a shy smile.

She's very thoughtful to do little things like bring me tea in the morning. She may have a hard shell on the outside but she always lets its slide when she shows small gestures such as these. It's not in her job description and my dad has told her multiple times not to nurse me but she continues to do so on a day to day basis even though I annoy the crap out of her. The only time she won't come in is if I have a girl with me.

"Anyways, I have to get back to work. Thank you for breakfast Harry" she smiles politely and I give her a small wink.

"I know exactly how you like it" I say and I see she noticed the double meaning I intended as she rolls her eyes.

Ellas POV:

Typical Harry dropping an offensive comment about my weekend activity choices during breakfast. He can't seem to get a grasp on the fact that I am 'boring'. He told me that himself within the first week I started working for his dad when I rejected him after he tried to pull a move on me. He wasn't that phased by the rejection as he had a different girl over that night. That was the first night I learnt that Harry didn't really care about a girls feelings and only wanted them for one thing. The only thing about him that really gets me worked up though is his mention of my boring life. I don't think it's that bad but apparently it is. So what if I like staying in on the weekends? It's none if his business.

Just as I walk through the doors into the huge office the phone rings.

"Mr.Styles office you're speaking with Ella" I politely say my practised phone greeting.

"Ella! How are you love?" I hear Mr.Styles cheery voice boom through the ear piece.

"Very well thank you Mr.Styles. Are you not supposed to be on a plane back to New York right now?" I ask a little confused by his call.

He should still be abroad his plane, making his way home from France. I hope he hasn't stayed another night, he has an important meeting to attend to tomorrow morning and I don't fancy speaking on his behalf.

"No actually I'm already here. I took and early flight yesterday morning and am on my way to the main office right now" he states and I'm surprised he came back early, "Are you able to meet me?"

"Of course, I'll leave now" I say gathering the files up from the desk with my free hand.

"Oh, and bring Harry" he adds and I roll my eyes at his suggestion.

Really? I have to bring Harry? Last time I drove to the office with him he wouldn't stop fidgeting with everything in the car and was constantly trying to distract me.

"Will do." I try to sound chirpy, and we both hang up.

I neatly pile the folders now, careful that they are not to crease as I walk back into the dining room. Harry is sitting with his feet up on another chair looking super relaxed as he scrolls through his phone.

"You're dad wants us to meet him in his office" I announce and he looks up to me once I speak.

"Us?" he questions, placing his feet back on the ground, turning to me from within his chair.

"Yes. He asked me to bring you in also" I say.

He stands and starts to stalk towards me, a smirk clear on his face.

"This should be fun" he breathes past me....


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