Chapter 29

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By the time I had a shower, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, gotten changed, and eaten breakfast, Harry still isn't awake. I'm surprised I'm still not asleep after I got hardly any last night. Both Harry and I were cuddling underneath the thick duvet with Harry's arm wrapped around my waist from behind, our legs slightly tangled together. I woke up in the middle of the night boiling hot and couldn't go back to sleep so I tried to distance myself from Harrys body heat so I could cool down, but every time I moved away he would pull me back against his chest with his long arm, all the meanwhile remaining in deep sleep while I suffered. I awkwardly kicked the duvet off the two of us in the end which did help, and I was able to cuddle close to Harry's warm body now that there was no heavy weight covering us.

It was almost 10.30am and I had no idea when Jodi and Zac were leaving to go back to London. When was Harry going to go back to London?

*Morning :) when are you guys leaving today? *

I boil the jug while I wait for Jodi to reply back. I doubt she'll be up by now after her what must if been exhausting partying.

*Sorry babe we've already left! Had a fashion emergency back at work and they called me in last night!x*

*When you were drunk?* I laugh at the thought.

That couldn't of gone down well. I would hate to talk to Mr.Styles in that state of mind. Especially since his son is usually what I'm thinking of.

*Yes but it's all good. They've all seen me at my worst anyways ;) When are you coming back to London?*

Lucky her. I can't even imagine how embarrassed I would be if I was called by my boss while I was drunk.

*About a week and half I think...*

*Txt me when you get back so we can catch up :)*

*Will do! Good luck with the fashion emergency*

*Thanks! And Ella, good luck with Harry ;) *

I roll my eyes at her txt even though I know she's only playing around.

"What are you rolling your eyes at?" Harry's raspy morning voice suddenly captures my attention.

I look up to see him leaning his elbows down on the bench opposite me and I mirror his actions.

"Nothing" I say locking my phone and putting it to the side.

A small smirk plays at his lips, his dimple teasingly surfacing as he stares deep into my eyes.

"Yes?" I try hide my smile, amused by his secretive one.

"Nothing" he shakes his head and rubs the back of his neck.

"You're lying" I cross my arms against my chest and lean back down onto the bench.

He gives me a small smile before looking down at his hands as if he's contemplating whether to tell me what he's thinking or not.

"So when's Jodi and Zac leaving?" he asks, obviously not wanting to let me in on his little secret.

He definitely has something on his mind. I can tell by his mischievous grin he was giving me.

"They've already left. Jodi had to go back earlier for work or something" I say and Harry's face automatically relaxes.

"Good" Harry lets out a sigh of relief.

"Why? What's wrong with them?" I ask, confused by his reaction at their expense.

"Nothing. Jodi just acts like a bossy sister most of the time and it can just get a little... overbearing"

I suppose since he's known Jodi since forever, you would start seeing each other as family which can definitely lead to you feeling like they're in your face too much. I use to think that about my mum in high school but now it couldn't be far from the opposite. I haven't even been away for more than a few weeks and I already miss her like crazy.

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