Chapter 35

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Ella's POV:

I sit staring at Harry, wide eyed as I try to process what he had just told me. I thought he was kidding when he said she was his ex-fiancé but the way he spoke about what she did and the look in his eyes as he remembered what happened could only be the truth. He was hurt, and is still hurt, I don't think I've ever seen him look so broken before. If this is how he feels just talking about it, I can't even imagine the kind of place he was in when it happened.

"Bitch" I suddenly mutter before I can stop myself.

I cover my mouth as soon as the words slip from my mouth making Harry smile.

"Ooh Ella said a bad word" he dryly remarks with a smile though I can tell he's just trying to pull himself out of his dark memories and I don't blame him.

To have someone break up with you is one thing but for them to use you just to get to your money is sick. To invest yourself into someone and to trust them with everything only to have them run away, I can't think of anything worse.

"I waited you know" he laughs as if its ridiculous, "I waited two days for her thinking she might come back and say it was all just a big misunderstanding. I thought maybe the women at the hospital got it wrong or they booked under a different name, or maybe they quickly went to the grocery store and something happened to them, or they got kidnapped. I thought of every lame excuse under the sun, trying to fight back the thought that she was actually gone. Once I ran out of excuses and realised she wasn't coming back for me, I turned to alcohol to keep me from facing reality. After a couple months of my dad watching me mope around, wasting my days away, he finally put his foot down and I eventually slowed down on the drink. But after slowing down on the drink, I then turned to women. I guess you know how that story goes" he looks up at me and I give him a small smile. An understanding smile.

I don't agree with the way I've seen him treat women over the years but in a way I get it.

"I'm sorry Harry. Not for what I called her but what she did to you. I can't believe someone would actually do that. And to you? It shouldn't happen to anyone, but to least of all you"

"Why?" he scoffs, "I'm the idiot who fell for it. If anything she's smart. She chose me for a reason. She knew I would be easy to fool. A naive school boy with more money than he needed. A dumb ass who actually believed in love"

"Your not a dumb ass Harry. Well no sorry you are a bit of a dumb ass sometimes but not in the way you think you are" I smile at him so he knows I'm joking and he gives me a small one back.

"You weren't dumb you were just innocent. I hate that she did that to you Harry, I can't even begin to imagine why she would give you up just for a wad of cash. She must be one crazy girl to let you go" I say, looking into the bright green eyes of which I cant imagine going a day without seeing.

"Suppose" he shrugs.

"Harry please. That girl is a waste of space to even be running through your mind"

"Mhmm" he mumbles and I can tell he's over thinking something. His brows are slightly frowning creating a small crease between them as he plays with the side of his lip.

"Harry" I say his name to grab his attention and he finally looks up at me, "you know I would never do anything like that to you right?"

"I know" he nods and I immediately feel my tense shoulders relax.

The thought of him doubting me would break my heart. I would trust Harry with anything, even my heart, and to think he might not ever want to give his away again because of that gold digging bitch hurts. Not just cause he wouldn't give his heart to me, but because he might not give it to anyone, ever, and in no way does he deserve that. He deserves to be loved, to be cared for and to be treated a million times better than that Vanessa ever did. I think I could do that, it's just a matter of whether he wants me to or not.

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