Chapter 16

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My friends and I have been talking for hours in this large empty room, neither of us leaving to go interact with anyone else. We talk about everything from when we first met 7 years ago, to the last time we met up for coffee downtown, when Rosie kept getting hit on by the waiter.

"He barely looked at any of us" Alex argues and we all laugh except Rosie who is denying the fact that the waiter was completely into her. He was probably in his early 50's which I'm guessing is why she doesn't want to relive the memory.

"He was creepy!" Rosie says filling up her empty glass with more wine.

Between the 5 of us, we've already gone through at least 7 bottles which is more than enough to get me tipsy.

We are all surrounding the wine bottles in a circle, me lying down on the floor, resting my head on Jens lap, listening as they all continue talking. I decided to give up adding into the conversation when I realized whatever I said, the girls would start laughing, claiming I made no sense at all which made me laugh too as I could feel through my tingly body how drunk I was.

"Who is it?" Alex yells to someone knocking at the door.

"It's Harry" I hear the low familiar voice say through the door though I can't bring myself to get up and open the door for him.

"Harrrrryy!!!" Alex and Rosie shrill in excitement and then start laughing.

"Come in good sir!" Rosie adds and I watch as the door opens, Harry stepping through with a big grin on his face.

"You girls look like you're having fun" he smiles looking at all the empty wine bottle.

"All thanks to you!" Jackie says raising her glass at Harry.

I so badly want to get up and tell him how grateful I am that he did this for me but my body is too heavy for me to lift, so I just watch from Jens lap as all the girls continue to shower him with compliments.

I watch as he stands in front of us all, listening as the girls make conversation with him about England. His arms are folded across his chest making his forearm muscles predominant under the light. His dark hair is messy yet slicked back all at the same time, I can see part of his necklace at the top of his black t-shirt along with his two swallow tattoos. His dimples show as he continues to talk to the girls, every so often looking over to me with his beautiful green eyes and I almost melt under his stare. I have no idea what they are talking about as I am too captivated by his perfectly formed pink lips moving as he continues to talk.

God I want to kiss him so bad.

"Oh my god Ella" Jen harshly whispers to me but no one else looks.

"What?" I mumble still looking at the handsome man in front of me.

"You want to kiss him so bad!" she repeats my words, leaning down to my ear.

Shit, did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did. Now stop staring" she says answering what I again thought I was thinking to myself.

I turn away from Harry, lying on my back and look straight up to Jen.

"Sorry" I whisper, looking up at her with apologetic eyes as I know I can't help these feelings she really doesn't want me to have. At least not for Harry.

"It's ok Ella. I just don't want you to get hurt is all. You of all people know what Harry is like" she says pushing a few strands of my dark hair away from my face.

"I know" I say looking back to Harry who is now staring at me.

"You ok?" Harry asks and I almost melt at his drooling words.

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