Chapter 27

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Ella's POV:

I turned over, opening my eyes slowly to find the curtains still closed only no light was shining in now. The room was pitch black, aside from the small light coming from under the door that was shut closed.

I slowly got off the bed, expecting another throbbing pain to hit my head but it was only slight and I thanked the heavens it was. I don't know how long I've been asleep but I definitely feel much better. I gulped back a glass of water, refreshing all my senses before walking into the en-suite which is much bigger than my old bathroom back in New York.

I undress out of my bra and knickers, wondering where my pyjamas are, then I remember Harry demanding me not to wear them. I lock the door in case he decides to sneak in while I'm taking a shower, the thought making me nervous and extremely self conscious of my body. I turn the hot water on, stepping in and letting it wash away the faint alcohol smell down the drain. If Harry were to walk in now I'd kick him out straight away even though he saw the most private part of me last night. I was drunk then, giving me a care free type of personality though if the same thing we're to happen now I would sure shy away. I step out of the shower and wrap and towel around my body, throwing my dirty washing into the basket before turning the fan on an leaving the bathroom.

I put on clean underwear and a matching dark blue bra then begin searching through my drawers, looking for something comfortable to wear when I suddenly feel two hands snake around my waist, making me withdraw my hands from the pile of T-shirts and grab the top of my towel, making sure it doesn't slip as I turn around to the familiar green eyes.

"Hello" he half smiles at me and I nervously smile back.

Does he not find it awkward that I'm just standing here wet and pretty much naked?

OK that was a stupid question.

"Feel better?" he asks pulling me closer to him.

"Much" I say quietly, trying to look anywhere but his eyes.

"Why are you being so quiet then?" he gently holds my chin, tilting my head so I face him.

"I-I just want to put some clothes on" I barely manage to speak as Harry looks at me as if I'm his prey.

"But you look so much better without" he smirks and I glare at him.

He's such a flirt! I knew he was like this but I never thought I would actually start feeling bubbly from being on the receiving end. As cheeky as he was being, it didn't suppress the fact that I still felt shy about standing in front of him with nothing but a towel on.

"I need to get changed Harry" I try not to smile as he eyes me playfully, his hands pressing against my sides a little more.

"Can I at least get my proper morning kiss?" he asks leaning his head down to me.

"I don't think it's the morning anymore" I tease looking around at the darkness, the room barely lit from the bedside table.

"Whatever" he smiles just before leaning in and kissing me on the mouth.

He barely slips his tongue in when all of a sudden I feel the towel being ripped away from my body, leaving me standing in nothing but my bra and undies.

"Harry!" I squeal, picking up the towel and wrapping it back around myself quickly while Harry just watches, chuckling to himself, obviously humored with my panicked attempt to cover myself again.

"Sorry I couldn't resist" he chuckles, walking towards be again but I turn my back to him and continue looking through the draws.

"Don't pout Ella" he laughs lightly into my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind.

"I'm not pouting" I pout, then smile once I realize I am.

I pick out a plain white singlet and pyjama shorts seeing as it's already night time again.

Thank god I had under garments underneath the towel other wise I probably would have kicked him out of my room for being so damn cheeky. As much as I love his playful side there is a limit to how open I am to running around the hotel room nude though I'm sure he'd love to.

"I'll leave you to it then" he kisses my cheek then walks out of the room, leaving me to change.

Harrys POV:

I knew kissing Ella was the only opportunity I would have to rip her towel off. She was too caught up in the kiss to even realize my hands beginning to gain grip on the edge of the towel. I knew she would squeal which is exactly why I did it. Seeing her squirm while trying to cover herself back up still leaves a smile on my face as I know she's shy about being naked in front of me even though I pretty much saw her entirely naked last night.

Just as I sit down on the couch my phone begins to vibrate in my pocket. I look at the screen and let out a huge groan. Fucking Jodi.

"What now?" I answer the phone not really caring about what she has to say.

She already gave me an ear full this morning about relationships which I don't give a fuck about.

"Is Ella up yet?" she sighs.

"No" I lie, not wanting to have Jodi put fucked up things about relationships into Ellas head too.

"Don't lie ass hole. Its nearly 8 at night. Tell her to answer her phone" she hangs up the phone just as I'm about to say something smart back.

I lock my phone and shove it back into my pocket. She's so annoying. Always wanting to hang out with Ella. She should really find some more girl friends since she obviously needs girl time away from Zac. Another reason why relationships suck. You know so much about the person you end up wanting to hang out with your friends more anyway so why not just keep it casual and not make it all official with an unnecessary label that just adds rules to everything.

I stand from the couch and grab the remote from the coffee table just as I hear the bedroom door open behind me. I turn and almost feel my tongue drop out of my mouth as Ella walks out wearing a tight white singlet and those damn short shorts again! Thank god she's too busy reading her phone to notice me gaping at her body. Just as she lifts her head to look at me I quickly sit back down and turn the TV on. I pretend to be concentrating on whatever is on the screen right now but I'm actually watching out the corner of my eye as Ella mindlessly reads her phone well sitting down next to me. She lifts her barely covered legs up onto the couch so her back presses against the arm rest and her long tanned legs are facing me. Fuck she looks so hot. Does she have any idea what she's making me feel right now. If it wasn't for Jodi talking about how special Ella's virginity was I would fuck her right here in the living room, not giving a shit if any of the apartments across the street could see in through the window. She slowly slides her foot up her other smooth leg and rubs her shin a couple of times with her heel, all the mean while biting down on her lip as she continues to scroll through her phone. Fuck I can't do this anymore.

"Ella..." I already regret what I'm about to ask.

I wouldn't ever ask any other girl to do this but it's Ella and I certainly don't want to make her do anything she doesn't want to. As bad as I want her I don't want to push it.

"Yeah?" she looks up at me with innocence, not having any idea about the dirty thoughts I have running through my mind right now.

"Could you...go change into some pants?" I cringe at my request knowing full well my body is telling me otherwise.

"I have got pants on" she says looking confusedly down at her shorts.

"No like long pants" I say, almost wanting to apologize to my own cock for requesting her sexy legs to be hidden from my view.

"Why?" she frowns a little, a small crease appearing between her dark eyebrows.

Fine, she wants to hear it...

"Cause I am literally getting a hard-on just looking at you right now" I say bluntly and she gasps before quickly running back into the bedroom.

I cant help but smile at the bright red that quickly rose to her cheeks once I told her the reason why.

A few moments later she comes back out of the room in long, grey baggy track pants. Instead of sitting next to me she goes and sits on a different couch that is facing the TV and I smile at her sudden distance, obviously uncomfortable with what I had just told her. I stand to my feet, walking over to Ella as she know pretends to be interested in what's on the television.

"You don't have to run away from me just cause I'm getting hard from looking at you in your sexy pyjamas" I whisper in her ear, her moving further down into the seat.

I smirk at her embarrassment though she cant see me since I'm standing behind the small chair. It's funny how she use to be such a tough nut towards me and now she'll hide away with just one look at her. Though after a few more naked nights with me I'm sure she'll get over it.

"Jodi txtd me" she changes the subject, tilting her head back so she's looking right up at me.

"What did she want?" I have to force out a genuine response to act as if I actually care what Jodi wants or thinks about anything going on between Ella and I.

"She wants us to go out with her and Zac since it's their last night in Paris tonight" Ella leans her head right back so it's on the head rest and I can tell she doesn't really want to go.

Ella's not use to this much partying, or partying at all for that matter but since things have...changed between us, I'm guessing she's been a lot more drunk in the past month than she has in her whole life.

"Always has to go out with a bang doesn't she. We don't have to go if you don't want, I can tell you're still tired" I say leaning over her a little more so my face is perfectly in line with hers.

"I am tired" she says closing her eyes briefly before re-opening them.

"Well lets stay in then" I smirk down at her before bringing my lips to the side of her neck.

"Harry..." she warns as I start leaving wet kisses down her neck though she doesn't stop me, but instead tilts her head to give me more access.

I suck lightly at her skin and I hear a quiet moan at the back of her throat.

"Are you sure you want to leave?" I smile down at her once more, her eyes fluttering back open.

"Mmm.... yes" she takes a moment to answer, "we should go for Jodi".

"Fine" I sigh standing up straight. Fucking Jodi and her stupid plans. I wanted to just hang out here with Ella but no, of course Jodi has to butt in once again.

"I'm going to go change" I pick up my jacket from the couch and walk towards the door, "What time does Jodi want to meet us?"

"9.30. She said at the bar you guys went to a few nights ago. She didn't say what it was called" Ella says looking through her phone again.

I know what bar she's talking about. It's the lame ass bar I picked the blonde up at that I took to dinner. What was her name? Chloe? Claudia? Fuck I don't know and to be honest I don't really care. The only good thing I got from that was a blow job in the back of the taxi. Other than that I got a handful dealt to me from Jodi for bringing her to dinner and Ella was upset as hell though I think we've moved passed that now.

"I know the one. I'll meet you in the lobby at 9.15"

Ellas POV:

"You look beautiful" Harry gives me a small kiss on my cheek, heat instantly rushing to the surface.

"Thank you" I give him a small smile and he takes my hand in his, leading me outside.

"The bar is just down the road. Are you OK to walk?" he asks looking down at my high heels.

I just bought them yesterday with Jodi. They are red strappy stilettos which I got to go with a navy blue dress which is actually one that I bought back in New York and is one of the few dresses I actually like.

"Yeah I think so" I say shifting on each foot. It doesn't seem too bad.

We only walk a few blocks before we get to a small bar that has a live band playing. They're singing in french so I have no idea what they're saying but the instrumentals are pretty good. There's a fair crowed in the small space but not enough that you can't move around.

"Want anything?" Harry asks as the bartender waits for our order.

"No thank you" I say politely.

I think I had more than enough to drink last night. Harry smiles at me knowingly and I turn back to watch the band from the bar while he gives his order. They seem to be an indie rock band, playing mellow tunes that have the crowed swaying and bobbing with them. The main singer has a bowler hat on and is playing the guitar to a slow song, closing his eyes tightly with every word he sings. I wonder what the songs about...

"Heeey" I hear the familiar British voice coming from the entrance and I turn to find Jodi smiling widely at us, Zac following close behind. Her eyes are slightly red and I can already smell a faint hint of alcohol on her. I guess she started partying early.

"There's the happy couple!" she coos...

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