Chapter 67

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I wake up slowly, not wanting to get out of bed and get ready for work. Today isn't too busy with meetings and such but that just means I'll be in my office, alone with not much on my mind except for Harry. I don't want to think about last night, how it started, who I spoke with, what we argued about and especially not how it ended. That's what hurt me the most. Not the yelling about me being supposedly suspicious for talking to Dan or anything, just the things he said about his heart, Vanessa and me. I don't even want to string the sentences back together for me to replay in my mind. The amount of crying I did last night was bad enough. And the note, what was with that? I was going to start reading it last night but decided I had enough for one day though I grab it out of my hand bag now and carry it with me to the kitchen as I go make a milo.

While the jug boils, I mindlessly stir the milo and milk with one hand whilst opening the paper with the other...


It pains me to finally write this letter to you, but it also brings me great joy for you to finally know the real me. First off I will start off by saying I have always been grateful for the way you have treated me. You have never disrespected me, laughed at me or rudely ignored me like a lot of the co-workers here who look down on me. You are a very bright, beautiful woman who deserves much better than what you are settling for right now and I think we both know I'm talking about Harry here. Well let me be brutally honest, I think he's a fucking asshole who does nothing but treat woman as if they were a piece of meat. I don't want you to be one of those woman.

I put down the piece of paper momentarily, closing out my eyes and letting out a huge sigh as I take in the first part of his letter. I don't know what I expected to read but it wasn't this. And after last night I don't even know how I feel when I read this since I'm still mad at Harry. I feel like I should be angry at Dan right now for saying these things as I know Harry isn't as bad as Dan portrays him but I can't bring myself to shred the paper and toss it in the bin so instead I continue reading...

I have known Harry the same amount of time you have though I have seen him in a different light. While you saw him the morning after his nights out, I saw him THE nights he was out...occasionally. And, occasionally you would come up in conversation. One night out I was talking about my ...feelings for you which of course you must have noticed are quite strong by now..but anyway, Harry was there and he completely laughed in my face about it. On the next page I taped a little sim card that has something I want you to see. Look at it before you carry on reading, or after, it does not matter, but I think you deserve to know what kind of person you are giving yourself to.

I immediately stop reading and flick to the next paper that contains a tiny sim card just like mine. I take the tape off that is holding it to the paper. I get my phone from my bedroom, already taking it apart as I walk back to the kitchen bench. I insert the sim and sit down as I wait for my phone to start back up, only this time it comes up with a blank screen rather than the extreme close up Harry took of himself doing the cross eyes. I wait a few more minutes for everything to load before going through the phone. I go straight to the messages, expecting to see some conversation between the two of them but it's empty. Next I try the internet but the history is empty too. Everything has been cleared from this entire phone except in the gallery... It only holds one item, that being a video. I push play and confusedly watch a black screen, every once and a while a small glimpse of a light going past. I turn the volume right up on the side but I can only hear muffled sounds until finally the camera straightens out. I can see people now, one of them being a guy who is being cheered on by others as he raises his beer bottle up high.

"Is it on yet?" the muscular guy asks pointing to the phone and I here Dan reply "Yes" before the random guy puts the bottle into the side of his mouth, between his teeth then twists the bottle and suddenly spits out the metal cap much to everyone's amusement. Everyone starts cheering and the camera scans the crowed of on lookers and that's when I see Harry. He's wearing a grey beanie and both his hands are up in the air while holding a beer bottle as he cheers on the apparent party trick. Everyone finally sits down though the camera doesn't turn off but instead is snatched away by the muscular guy.

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