Chapter 69

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Ella's POV:

I can't believe we have gotten to this point. Every time I feel like we've worked things out something else comes up and pushes us all the way back to the start again and I honestly don't know if we will ever make it to the end. I let out a huge sigh, leaning my forehead against the door I just slammed in my boyfriends face. I hear him curse on the other side of the door, mainly about Dan before he too lets out a huge sigh. He's quiet for a little bit and I only just hear him mutter "I'm sorry Ella" before finally walking away from my door.

A tear nearly slips from my eye but I stop it when I hear Dan let out a small cough from behind me. If he wasn't here I would probably be back in my room crying right now but this isn't a time to be selfish. He needs my help to figure out what he needs.

"Sorry" I say wiping under my eye at the tear that's threatening to escape.

"No I'm sorry. That was completely my fault" he says looking guiltily down at his shoes while I go sit back in my seat.

"It's not your fault. You being here angered him but that's not the big issue. What Harry says and does he chooses to do on his own. You didn't force him to say any of those things on that video or any of the other things he's done" I explain, thinking back to all the arguments and fights we've been through, all of them leading to him having a violent hissy fit or drunken night out, and me crying in my room, alone.

"What else has he done?" Dan asks and I swallow back the lump in my throat at his question.

Too many things...

"I don't really want to talk about it to be honest" I try fake a smile but it only lasts a couple of seconds before I look down in my own lap in shame.

Since when did I become this girl crying over Harry of all people. I remember when I use to screw my face up at him when he'd come near me and now I want him near me all the time. Need him near me all the time. But I don't know if the need for him is worth all this hurt...

"Oh Ella I'm so sorry" Dan says and I can see him moving to get up and come and comfort me.

"It's fine Dan, honestly" I quickly say, shaking my head in a silent protest at his comfort. "Don't worry about me... I ... this is about you, we need to get back to you" I say taking the subject back to the main reason he's in my apartment and my boyfriend is angry at me in the first place.

"So umm... how long have you been feeling like... this?" I ask nervously though I'm glad we're not talking about me anymore.

"You mean depressed?" he asks gloomily, his shoulders slouching slightly as he says the word. "I don't know. I mean, I've always had problems but they've all of a sudden just mounted up into one big ball recently and I guess... I just couldn't handle it"

He doesn't look back up at me and I can just tell by the way he holds him self he is far from the Dan he use to be. The old Dan would be sitting here legs crossed with a smart business suit on followed by a warm cheerful smile. This Dan sits in day old clothes, slouching over with a vacant and sad look on his face. Not even a hint of smile is present.

"Dan, you don't need to tell me in detail what you've been going through or have gone through in the past if you don't want to, but I do think you should tell someone" I say gently, waiting to see if this suggestion angers him.

It takes him a few moments to respond but he eventually nods his head and only then did I see a few tears running down his cheeks. I immediately get up from my seat and join him, bringing him into my arms to give him a hug.

"I don't want to go to some crazy hospital" he says, choking up a little and I rub his back for comfort as he starts to break down around me.

"Shhh no, no one is going to a crazy hospital, especially not you okay. You're going be fine Dan"

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