Chapter 21

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Ellas POV:

"I still think you should have gotten the silver one" Jodi comments when I walk out in the plain white dress I ended up buying.

I roll my eyes at her as this is probably the 5th time she's mentioned the silver dress since we walked out of the shop. It was stunning but I felt a bit uncomfortable wearing such a slim fitted dress so I ended up getting a white flowy one. It's cute not sexy, though I'd say that's more my style so it suits me just fine.

"You're still coming tonight right?" I look at Jodi in the reflection of the mirror while I brush my hair out.

It's already 6.30pm so I don't have time to do much else with it. Jodi and I were having such a good catch up while we shopped that we didn't even notice the time.

"Yes Ella, relax. I'll be holding your hand when you confess your love to Harry" she smiles at me before pulling out the dress she chose to wear.

"I don't love him" I scoff, which is probably one of the most unattractive mannerisms a women can have.

"mhm" she winks, sauntering off into the bathroom to change into different undergarments.

I'm glad she was invited to dinner tonight by Mr.Styles. In no way am I in love with Harry but I suppose I do feel a bit more comfortable with Jodi being there. Something about knowing her loyalty and support for her friends relaxes me which is exactly what I need right now before seeing Harry again. I can't believe I'm going to out right say it to him. I need him to know exactly how I feel, especially before we go back to England, if he comes back, that way there will be no weird, off centre thing between the two of us.

"Ready!" Jodi chimes as she exits the bathroom looking gorgeous as ever in a sleek red dress.

"You look amazing" I compliment her.

"As do you. Though I'm sure you'll much prefer hearing that come from someone else's mouth rather than mine" she teases and I scrunch my face up at her as if to deny it though the thought of Harry complimenting me tonight already sends thrilling shivers up my spine.

She keeps teasing me like I'm a teenager with a crush and to be honest, that amount of excitement and thrill is exactly how I feel. Petrified yet completely intoxicated by the whole thing all at the same time.


Once we get to the restaurant, Jodi takes the lead, speaking fluent French to the waiter who then leads us to a private room that is sitting at least 15 people. A few I am familiar with, while others I'm guessing are new members of the French company. Mr.Styles politely introduces Jodi and I to everyone and we eventually sit a couple of seats down from my ever so graceful boss. He's is the most genuine man I have ever met though if anyone were to cross him or his family there would be hell to pay. Even though he is barely home, or visiting relatives, he is a family first kind of guy. His business is the love of his life though I know he would throw it away in a heart beat for Harry, speaking of which, he is not here yet. I wonder if he is still coming?

"This is boring" Jodi whispers into my ear so only I can hear, making me try and silence my laugh.

We've only been here for a about 15 minutes and she's already complaining, though I must admit, the conversation around the table isn't anything I can imagine Jodi being particularly interested in. It was all about the new office opening up in London which of course I could easily add conversation in since I am working there, but for Jodi, not so much.

"Let's go to the girls bathroom so you can do a few touch ups before Harry gets here" she teasingly nudges my shoulder and I hide a shy smile as I know I want to impress him.

I follow her to the bathroom and immediately go into a cubicle.

"So what are you going to say?" Jodi ask through the closed door.

"ummm I don't know." I respond awkwardly before pulling up my knickers and flushing the toilet.

"I haven't planned anything. I hope it just naturally comes up when we talk" I say moving towards the sink to wash my hands.

"You're going to say it at dinner in front of everyone?" she says raising an eyebrow.

"No I guess not. After dinner?" I look to her for approval and she nods her head.

"Oh my god" I gasp when I look at the mirror and Jodi laughs.

My hair looks a mess, my lips a little dry and a tiny bit of mascara is smudged on my top lid.

"Don't worry" Jodi laughs before spinning me to face her.

She ruffles my hair a bit and places some to the front while pushing the rest to the back, she grabs her lip balm out of her bag and lightly coats my lips, making them feel instantly moist. Lastly she goes to the bathroom and retrieves some toilet paper.

"Tongue" she instructs and I poke my tongue out so she can dab the corner on the now folded pieces of toilet paper.

"Close" she demands and my eyes obey immediately. She strokes my right eyelid in the corner for a few seconds before telling me to re-open.

"Much better" she smiles and I turn back to the mirror, a much more brought together women now staring back at me.

"Thank you" I smile at her.

I'm so grateful she is here with me. I feel like a complete nervous wreck. All this fuss just for Harry. Who would of thought I would be doing all this for him? Certainly not me.

"You're ready" she says and I let out a nervous sigh before we exit the bathroom.

My heart drops immediately when I turn the corner that leads back to our table.

"Oh shit" I hear Jodi groan from behind me and I know she sees it too.

Harry sitting with his arm draped around some curly haired blonde while sitting in our previous seats. I stay standing in the door entry to the private dinner room, my mind not being able to decide whether to walk forward or back. I can't believe I thought I could waltz in here with an open heart, expecting Harry to take it.

Harry and 'blondie' stare deeply into each others eyes, her laughing at him every once and a while, placing her hand on his partially unbuttoned shirt. Perhaps if they weren't being so flirty with each other, I might have presumed they were just friends, but who am I kidding? Apart from Jodi what girl friends does Harry play buddy buddy with?

Jodi gently grabs my arm, breaking me from my stare "Ella -"

"Ella! Jodi! Come sit back down" Mr.Styles calls out from the head of the table and I give him a small nod though my eyes automatically look to Harry who is now staring right back me. I quickly turn back to Jodi, as I can barely stand another moment of his bright green eyes, especially when just moments ago I had been picturing his long arm draped around me, not that blonde bimbo.

"We can go if you want" Jodi whispers thoughtfully and I shake my head at her with an attempted smile though I'm sure it failed miserably.

"It's fine. I don't want to be rude" I say quietly thought I can tell she can hear the hurt in my voice.


"Jodi honestly it's fine" I smile even though my insides are hurting like hell.

I walk on the opposite side of the table to Harry and his little friend, Jodi following close behind as we take a seat a few chairs down from the happy pair. Just as we are about to give the waiters our orders I regrettably look up at Harry who is whispering something in to the blondies ear, making her giggle. She caresses his jaw with one of her hands and gives him a small peck on the cheek making him smile at her in response.

"Asshole" Jodi comments from beside me and I know she saw it too.

"I don't think I can do this" I think out loud though it barely came out as a whisper.

"Lets go then. Just tell Mr.Styles you're sick" she suggests and I nod in agreement.

I was kidding myself thinking I could sit here and watch Harry enjoy the company of another women.

"Oh god" I sigh taking a quick peep up at the chair Harry's sitting on, "My handbags still on the back of Harry's chair".

And I sure as hell don't want to ask him for it.

"Hey Harry" Jodi calls across the table, Harry's eyes immediately snapping up and I look away.

"You're on Ella's handbag. Can she have it please?"

"Why can't Ella ask for it herself?" he challenges and I can feel his gaze shift from her to me as well as a few surrounding people.

Jodi turns to me and I look at her with pleading eyes as I really don't even want to look at him right now.

"Can I talk to you for a moment Harry?" Jodi asks bitterly as she stands from her chair, Harry letting out a big huff as she does so.

"If we must" he mutters and gives the small blonde lady next to him a wink before he follows after Jodi.

The two of them walk out into the main reception area and I stand to go talk to my boss.

"Excuse me Mr.Styles but I'm going to have to pass on dinner" I say politely and he frowns his brow a little.

"This hasn't got anything to do with my son and little miss long legs over there does it?" he asks looking down at the plastic looking girl who is twirling her hair with her perfectly manicured finger nails while everyone around her continues in deep discussion.

Does she not know how to make conversation? I'm guessing no. That's probably why Harry chose her.

"Uhh no. I'm just not feeling too well" I lie but by the look on his face tells me he knows it.

"Do you have a ride home? I can call a taxi if you would like."

"Oh no thank you Mr.Styles. Jodi is coming with me so she can drop me home"

"Alright then Ella. Get some rest and hopefully you feel better tomorrow" he smiles.

"Thank you Mr.Styles. I will see you tomorrow morning" I assure him and walk around to collect my handbag from Harry's chair.

The blonde looks up at me with raised eyebrows as I unhook my bag. It's a look that I am used to as I get it from nearly all the girls Harry used to bring home. The look is to amplify the fact that they think I am lesser than them. Usually I would ignore it but tonight I feel the jealousy rage through my body. She knows she has the upper hand since she has Harry and I don't.

Rather than slapping her multiple layers of makeup right off her face, I turn on my heel and head for the front door before I embarrass myself in front of everyone though the thought is very tempting.

It's cold out so I decide to wait by the main service desk for Jodi rather than outside in the freezing weather. Just as I'm about to txt her to say I am ready, I hear the familiar British accents coming from another closed off dining room which I assume is empty other wise they wouldn't be in there.

"That was a real cheap move Harry" Jodi whispers harshly.

"Fuck off you know what I'm like Jodi, don't give me that shit" he defends letting out a huge sigh which makes it sound as if he knows she's right.

"Yes Harry we all know, but you knew Ella was coming" I hear Jodi yell in a angry whisper.


"And you're point is" Harry a mumbles though I manage to hear it as I am standing along side the wall, just before the door.

"My point is I told you exactly what Ella's intentions were for you tonight and you completely threw it in her face!"

I gasp at her words, my hand covering my mouth though it's too late. Jodi's already stepped around the corner to find me completely taken aback by her words.

"Fuck" she sighs while looking at me, just as a huge tear rolls down the side of my face.

"Ella wait" she calls after me but I'm already running out the door and down the cold street, jumping into the first taxi I see and giving him an attempted pronunciation of the hotel I'm staying at.

Harry knew? Harry knew how I felt for him yet he brought someone to dinner with him anyway. But not just to talk to, he was practically dangling his new interest right in front of my face. Did he not think that it would hurt me? He's brought multiple girl home while I was there but that was different. I didn't feel anything for him then but now I do and he knew that, yet he decided to bring someone anyway. Either he's too caught up with his stupid damn cock rather than a girls feelings or he intentionally wanted to hurt me.

After a ten minute drive and a mad rush into my hotel room, I find myself sobbing my eyes out for the boy I thought I wanted.

If he wanted me to hate him then fine, he wins.

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