Chapter 15

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It's my last official night in New York City and I actually don't feel as nervous as I thought I would be. It's probably because of the fact that Harry and I are actually acting as friends, which Mr.Styles doesn't mind at all, rather than me worrying about having to put up with the whole random kissing thing we had going on. Things still aren't the same though, every time I look at Harry I can't help but feel a little more than friendship and the more I'm with him the stronger the feelings get though I do well not to show them. I'm surprised at how much Harry and I have actually been casually hanging out.

We hung out a few times over the week, including Friday night which was when I was supposed to meet up with Dan for dinner but Harry made me cancel, claiming he needed some help packing which was completely a lie because when I showed up at his house, his whole room was almost cleared, aside from his bed and a few boxes of clothes. Dan said he didn't mind me bailing after my numerous amounts of apologies, but I couldn't help but hear the hint of disappointment in his tone. I confronted Harry about the lack of packing he claimed I had to help him with but he just shrugged it off and said he over estimated the amount of packing he had left which I didn't buy as an excuse at all. Besides that odd act of "friendship" he displayed we got on quite well.

He helped me box up my things from my apartment and even dropped me off at my mums and picked me up again when I went to stay a couple of nights just so I could spend time with her. I ended up crying when I left which was really embarrassing as I got into Harry's car with tears streaming down my cheeks. He let out a small laugh and I hit him in the arm hard before he gave me a small hug which made me want to cry even more but I held it back so I could at least hold on to a small part of my dignity. Just the thought of not being able to see my mum every single day upsets me. She needs me just as much as I need her, the fact that I will no longer be a short drive away from her kills me inside. What if something happens when I'm away? What if dad shows up again?

I shake the thought of my dad showing up and yelling at my mum again from my mind as I make my way back to the apartment. Surely after last time he knows not to go back there. He left us when we needed him most and I know my mother nor I will ever forgive him for that. Just as I pull into the parking lot my phone begins vibrating in my pocket, Harry's name is on the screen along with the selfie he took of himself sticking his tongue out with my phone a couple of nights ago.


"Hey Ella. Do you have any plans for tonight?" the familiar deep voice booms through the phone before telling a few people in the background to shut up.

"No just going to get some rest before the flight tomorrow" I say turning the car off and walking up to my apartment.

"Well I'm having one last final party at the house before we go. You have to come"

"A party at your house? Does your dad mind?" I ask opening the front door and taking off my jacket.

"Nah he's cool with it. So will you come?"

"I don't know Harry. I'm pretty tired" I say rubbing my eyes and laying on the couch.

I had to organize a few more boxes to be sent off today which took double the usual amount of time since the women who was processing it seemed to have no idea what she was doing. It was only clothes though, which I didn't mind not getting for a while as I was planning on buying a new wardrobe any how.

"Just come over for a hour. Dad wants to see you before our flight anyway since he's not coming with us"

"Why didn't he message me?"


"What's it about?"

"I don't know Ella. Maybe about the move or some shit. Can you just come over?" he says angrily and I can tell he's getting impatient.

"Ok Harry jeez calm down" I frown as I know he is now in one of his moods.

I've seen his aggressive side before but I've never been on the receiving end of it though I know I'm making my way there with my constant questioning.

He stays silent on the other end and I know he's holding back his anger.

"One hour Harry" I sigh giving into his request.

"See you at 8" he says and hangs up the phone just as someone starts cheering in the back ground.

I turn on the TV and mindlessly watch a random sitcom about some family in a posh suburb as I try to push Harry's angry tone out of my mind...


I open my eyes to find the entire house is dark aside from the changing lights that are coming from the TV. I must have fallen asleep.

I look at the time on my phone 9.45pm and 4 missed messages.


No doubt they're all from Harry though I don't really care about being late for him. Mr.Styles wanted to talk to me about something and by the time I get to his house it will probably be ten.

I don't bother changing out of my tight blue jeans and white shirt or calling Harry back. Instead I just rush out the door and straight into my car, driving as fast as I can to his house. I end up parking down the road as I'm assuming people are already parked on his drive and I don't want to be blocked in when I want to leave.

I walk up the long steep drive trying to keep a steady pace but end up out of breath when I reach the top anyway. Thank god I'm wearing my flat converses. If I had worn heels I think I would have given up and walked bare feet. This driveway is a killer. After a few minutes of trying to regain my breath I open the front door to the house and immediately regret it.

The house that once looked like some super glamorous place out of a dream home magazine is now looking like a scene out of a typical American frat house party. There's people everywhere, screaming and cheering, spilling their drinks everywhere as I try walk through them. Aside from a few couches, nearly all the furniture is gone, making the mansion one huge dance room that has music blasting through to every corner of the once peaceful house.

I push through multiple random people as I try and make my way to Mr.Styles office, I assume that is where he will be though I don't understand how he could put up with this noise. He likes a good party or two but not this out of control, raging drunk, uni student party. Surely Harry doesn't know this many people? I don't even have a quarter many friends.

I knock on Mr.Styles door but I don't hear any answer, he probably can't hear me over this loud electro music. I slowly open the door not wanting to disturb him but swing it open when I see that the room is completely empty. No desk, no drawers, no boxes, no nothing. I walk into the middle of the room, looking in every corner as if Mr.Styles would be hiding in one of them. Where is he? His bedroom maybe? I've never even been to his room before. I've never had a reason but I can't think of anywhere else he would be. He certainly won't be amongst this crowed. I turn to walk out of what use to be Mr.Styles office but stop in fright when I notice a group of girls have now joined me in the room.

"Jen?! Rosie! Jackie! Alex!" I squeal once I recognize my closest friends are standing right in front of me. I tried to catch up with them before I went but Rosie was at her dads place upstate and Jackie and Alex were holidaying in Hawaii.

"What are you girls doing here!?" I smile as I embrace them each in a tight hug, including Jen even though I saw her this morning at the apartment. Still, I'm happy she's here too.

"It was a surprise" Rosie says once I finish doing the round of hugs. I missed them so much and I was so upset that I didn't get to say goodbye before I left.

"How did you even- Aren't you supposed to be-"

"Harry flew us in" Jackie interrupts my baffled sentence as I have no idea how this is happening right now.

"Harry?" I repeat his name confused and shocked.

"Yeah. He rang us all a few days ago, asking us to come down for your last night"

"Begging" Jackie corrects Rosie and she laughs.

"Yes begging. He's very persistent. He even paid for us three to catch a plane just so we could get here in time" Rosie continues, "He was getting quite annoyed with you on the phone today"

"You were with him when he rang?" I ask, remembering hearing someone in the background.

"Yeah, he picked us up from the airport. His face was so pissed when you kept asking questions about his dad wanting to "meet" you" Alex says using the bunnies ears to emphasize 'meet'.

"I'm confused..."

"Harry's dad doesn't need to talk to you Ella. It was just Harry's way of getting you to come. It was hilarious when he got off the phone. He kept complaining about how annoying you were with all your questions all the time but we could tell he was happy you agreed" Jen explains with a small smile.

"I can't believe he went through all this trouble" I say looking in disbelief at my four best friends standing right in front of me.

He went through all this trouble for me. I only briefly told him I was disappointed about not being able to say goodbye to my friends and he didn't really seem all that interested so I didn't talk about it anymore which at the time bothered me a little. And all the time he was planning to fly them all the way to New York just to see me before we left for England.

"Me neither. I wish a boy did that for me" Jackie says crossing her arm.

"Yeah Ella, what's the deal with you two anyway?" Rosie gives my shoulder a playful nudge and I can already feel myself blushing as they all look at me expecting some news.

"Nothing we're just friends. I work for his dad" I try and shrug casually.

Though I wish we were more...

"He seems very sweet on you though." Rosie pushes.

"Yeah, who flies three of there dads P.A's friends down for one night?" Alex raises her eyebrows.

"Someone who cares awfully a lot about the P.A" Jackie winks and I see Jen shaking her head.

"Let us not forget that Harry is also a little sleaze here girls" Jen comments quite 'matter of factly' and everyone rolls there eyes which makes me laugh as I can tell they don't care for her opinion of Harry.

Jen is one of the sweetest people but when it comes to Harry you can tell she's not too fond of him.

"Perhaps but he's an absolute darling to do such a thing" Rosie sighs at the gesture.

"Alright girls, whilst you all continue debating this, I'm going to go find Harry" I say and try to walk past them, wanting to give him my thanks.

"No not yet! You wait here, Alex and I will go and get some drinks. We have a lot of girl talk to catch up on and we only have one night before you leave" Jackie instructs as she links arms with Alex who nods in agreement.

"I'm not drinking tonight. I have a flight tomorrow" I say imagining the thought of flying with a hangover. I can't imagine anything worse.

"Oh c'mon Ella. It's you last night with us! Pleeeeease" Jen says wrapping her arms around me and I only just notice that she's already a little drunk.

"Okjust a little though" I say looking down at my friend who's eyes are a little glazed over.

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