Chapter 17

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After a long tearful goodbye to my mum at her house, and huge group hug to my friends at the apartment, Jen and I finally make it to the airport. Once I finish checking in I walk back to Jen who is sitting on a couch at one of the airport cafes. I sit down next to her, letting out a huge sigh once I hit the soft leather couch and immediately rest my head on her shoulder.

"How do you feel?" she says and I can hear the small amount of humor in her voice.

"Not good" I mumble taking a sip of out of my pump bottle.

Aside from Jen, all of us girls woke up with hangovers. I haven't been sick yet, though I wish I had been. I would rather be sick in the privacy of my apar- my old apartment, rather than on a plane which I'm already freaking out about getting on.

"Well that's what you get for drinking so much" she says draping one of her long thin arms around me and I close my eyes to try get the last remainder of rest before I get on that huge plane. I want to defend myself and say that I didn't even want to drink in the first place but my energy levels are so low I can't find the power to do so.

"Hey Ella" Jen says in a more serious tone.

"mmmm" I mumble to her in reply, not it the slightest bit looking forward to her upcoming question which I'm sure will have something to do with last night.

"What's going on with you and Harry?" she asks and my body immediately stiffens.

I squeeze my eyes even tighter and nestle my head even further into her as I try to rid the memory of last night. I wanted him so bad last night. I wanted the funny, charming, kind, loving but torturous Harry to be all mine but he didn't want me. Instead he left me standing alone in the cold dark street with nothing left but my heart in my mouth. I thought what I felt for Harry was small and insignificant, something that would brush over after a couple of weeks. But after last night, I know these feelings are more than just a small, temporary, school girl crush. I actually really like him, but with that comes the bad side of liking someone. Once you admit the feelings to them and to yourself, you're all of a sudden open to all of this heartbreak that can come at anytime because of your new found vulnerability over this person. And last night I got all of it. I merely stepped into the grounds of liking someone and I got chucked back out. I got it alright. Harry doesn't want me.

"Nothing" I mutter wanting her to stop the conversation already as a heavier headache makes it way onto me.

"I heard what you said Ella"

"What was that?" I ask, honestly having no idea what she's talking about you.

"You wanted him to kiss you" she says and I immediately sit up right.

Crap I forgot about that! I have to keep my mouth shut if I ever drink like that again, which I definitely don't plan to do anytime soon.

"I did" I admit looking down at my tangled fingers.

"You did?" she repeats emphasizing the "Did" as past tense.


"But you don't anymore?"

"He doesn't anymore" I say and an instant pain makes it's way to my stomach because of the thought.

She takes a minute to piece together my wording and I know she's figured out that we had done so previously when she lets out a small "oh" in realization.

"Well maybe it's a good thing" she says in a positive tone but I stay silent as I already knew this would be her view on it. She obviously doesn't want me to have anything to do with him other than work.

"What did he say to you when I left the two of you last night?" she asks taking a sip of her coffee which doesn't help my rising headache at all. The smell makes me feel queasy, especially in this state.


"What do you mean he said goodbye? That can't be all he said." she asks just as my phone starts chiming in my jacket pocket.

"Hello?" I answer without looking at the screen properly.

"Hello Ella, it's Mr.Styles" the familiar wise voice says through the speaker and I wake up from my sluggish mood.

"Mr. Styles hi. Is everything ok?" I try to sound chirpy and upbeat even though my body feels like it's about to crash.

"Yes it's fine. I just wanted to call and let you know that Harry will not be joining you on the flight today."

"Oh" I say, disappointment clear in my voice.

"He has decided to stay in NewYork for a little longer"

"Oh right" I manage to add on another word in reply.

"Now you can have a peaceful flight" he laughs, "Have a safe trip Ella and I'll see you soon"

"Thank you Mr. Styles" I say, both of us ending the call.

I put the phone back into my pocket, lean back into the couch and cover my arms over my face.

"Who was that?" Jen asks next to me.


"Everything alright?"

"He was just letting me know that Harry won't be flying with me today" I say, the pain already stabbing me in the chest.

"Oh whys that?" Jen asks innocently.

"I told you Jen. He said goodbye".


Hey guys! Sorry for the super SUPER short update but I thought I'd do one anyway before I go out rather than nothing at all.

Just wondering, would you guys prefer long chapters (6pages) or short chapters (1-2pages)? Just because sometimes I like reading short fast easy chapters on fanfics, and sometimes long descriptive ones so what do you guys prefer??!

Don't forget to vote and comment! :)

Ps. Will be doing a "proper" chapter tomorrow, just thought I'd at least leave you with something ;)

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