Chapter 45

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Ella's POV:

Harry's lips press gently against my own, and I'm almost frozen in my place by his touch. I don't think I will ever get over the unusual feeling I get when Harry's near me. He gives me butterflies nearly every time I see him, he makes me feel nervous, on edge, and most of the time happy. A lot of the time in Paris was spent crying over him but now that I'm his, and he's mine, there's no way I would take any of it back. It's what finally got us to this point.

His tongue slowly slides into my mouth, lapping mine as he moves his hands down to my waist. I slide my tongue along his, both of us moving into a different angle as we quicken our movements. He then lifts me up off the ground with ease and I automatically wrap my legs around his back, making my tight pencil skirt push all the way up to my hips. Our kiss doesn't break as he moves towards the wall, pushing me against it as he moves his lips down my neck, sucking gently as he does so. I close my eyes as I feel his tongue along my skin, igniting a fire in the pit of my stomach that I try to release by letting out a small moan. I grab his wet hair in my fingers, tightening my grip as he reaches my sweet spot, making my legs loosen around him. He holds beneath my thighs, lifting my legs back up as I start to lose control of all my senses. His lips then move away from my neck, and back to my lips, kissing me hard and fast as the two of us become yearn for more.

"Ms Lane?" A voice suddenly calls from somewhere behind Harry.

I quickly open my eyes and look behind Harry, who doesn't bother to turn himself, only to find Louise staring at the two of us with her mouth wide open.

"Oh god" I mutter quietly before trying to scramble out of Harry's arms but he won't budge.

"Harry!" I whisper harshly to him, pleading for him to put me down.

He groans frustratingly into my neck before slowly placing me back down onto my feet.

He shields me from Louise's view as I pull my skirt down, not that it wasn't already obvious what we were doing. She probably saw half my bum sticking out while I was wrapped around Harry anyhow.

"Hi Louise" my cheeks flush once I finally step around Harry who turns with me as I look to the grey haired women.

She looks side to side a little bit, obviously feeling just as much awkwardness as I am.

"Uh I'm sorry Ms Lane I was just in the laundry and heard something. I didn't know that... Oh I'm so sorry"

"It's okay. Um... this is Harry" I introduce our boss' son and hope she doesn't think badly of me.

"Hello Louise" Harry says chirpily and I know if I looked at him he'd have that adorable smile on his face he uses whenever he meets new people.

"Oh Mr Harry" her eyes widen up in realization and I laugh at her use of 'Mr' and 'Ms', "Mr Styles son?"

"That's me" he raises his hand briefly then shoves it into his back pocket.

"Oh nice to meet you" she smiles, then shakes her head as if she's just remembered something, "ah I'm sorry. I will go to the main house now"

She quickly grabs a black umbrella that's next to the door before walking out into the rain.

"Well that was awkward" Harry says as soon as the door shuts.

"Oh my god" I cover my face with my hands as I think of how this is now happened more than once.

First with Harry's dad and now with Louise!

"We'll then. Now that she's gone..." Harry smirks as he turns to face me and I hit him hard on the arm.

"Ouch what was that for?" he laughs.

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