Chapter 24

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"Ella c'mon" Jodi pulls my hand, leading me through the crowded room of thrashing bodies.

I don't know how long we've been here and I doubt I'd be able to read the time if someone handed me a watch. I'd drunken far over the amount that gets you a little tipsy, I was heading straight into a full blown drunk. Tragic I know, but I don't know any of these people and I highly doubt I'll ever see them again so I don't really care to be honest.

"Wait here" Jodi says, sitting me down on a small bench outside where it's a little quieter, though I can still see the dance floor from out here.

"Don't move OK?" she says looking at me straight in the eye though she looks a little blurry to me.

"Mhmm" I nod, resting my head against the cold brick wall behind me.

I look up to the open roof area in hope to find a beautiful nights sky but I'm disappointed when all I see is a huge black cloud covering the entire area. No doubt it will be raining tomorrow, if not tonight.

"Aww" I moan silently to myself at the thought of being inside all weekend.

"What's wrong there pretty lady?" some guy with a strong french accent captures my attention when he sits next to me, looking up at the sky as I previously was.

He has mousy brown hair and dark brown eyes that are surrounded by an amazing amount of eyelashes.

"I wanted to see the stars" I sigh looking back up, clicking my heels together.

"Well I know somewhere you see them. I show, come with me" he says placing his hand out for me to take.

Did he ask me to go with him? His English is so terrible I can barely understand him.

"I think she's good" a low raspy British voice says next to me and I don't even bother looking, I just drop me head down and look at my legs that are barely covered by this insanely short dress.

"You can leave now" he says almost angrily after a few moments and the french boy finally stands and leaves.

Oh god no please don't leave me here with Harry when I'm drunk! I mentally scream even though I could tell that guy was a creep. No way was I ever going to go anywhere with him. To look at the stars? As if I'm that drunk to believe that.

"He seemed nice" Harry slurs, taking the french boys seat next to me on the bench though he nearly misses.

Great, Harry's drunk too.

"Mhmm" I mumble, looking in the opposite direction to the curly head boy whom I don't really want to speak to at the moment.

We sit in silence for a few moments, neither of us talking so I just watch the dancing bodies inside. If Jodi hadn't told me to stay put, I would have been off this seat the moment I heard his voice but I don't want to leave since she's bound to come back any moment now.

"Are you ignoring me?" he asks moving a little closer to me and I stiffen as I feel his arm hair touch my skin, but remain silent.

"Oh you are ignoring me. Wow very mature Ella" he says slowly and I finally turn to him.

He stares at me with bloodshot eyes and I glare even harder at him.

"Do you want to know what's really mature Harry? Taking a random girl to dinner just to make the girl who used to like you feel shit about herself!" I say bravely, my voice almost hitching at the end.

He looks at me as if he's hurt when it's me who should be the one who's upset!

"You don't like me anymore?" he asks in a low defeated tone, his eyes looking at me in hope.

"I don't know" I say shaking my head.

God he is so irritating. He doesn't even apologize after I reminded him of what he did to me but instead just asks if I still feel something for him with the most adorable looking face.


"Well then, do you want to know a secret Ella?" he says pressing his lips right to the base of my neck, slowly brushing them up to my ear, making a shiver run up my spine.

As angry as I am at him at the moment I don't make any attempts to move away from him. I can already feel my pulse quicken from his soft lips on my skin and all I can think about is how much I would rather they be on my mouth.

"I have feelings for you Ella" his hot breath hits my ear, along with the words that make ever nerve in my body melt beneath him.

"What?" I barely whisper, not being able to believe the words that just came out of his mouth.

"I like you" he pulls away from me showing a fully dimpled smile.

"You can't just say that Harry" I say praying that he really means it and is not just doing this to hurt me again.

"I'm not" he shakes his head, still looking at me dead in the eye.

"Then what about that girl you brought to dinner yesterday?" I pout like a little baby, my drunken state making me say and do things I wouldn't usually.

"She was no one" he blinks slowly.

"Then why did you do that?"

"Because I was trying to fight off the fact that I actually feel something real for you" he looks up at me and I feel my heart melt under his tender stare.

"Oh" is all I manage to say and he gives me a small smile before leaning in close to me, his lips barely inches away from mine.

"And do you still by any chance feel something for me?" he whispers, his hot breath fanning over me.

"Yes" I answer nervously.

"So does that mean I can kiss you now?" he asks and my tummy flips a thousand times before I nod slowly in response.

His lips press softly against mine, my head spinning ten times as much as it was before. His large hands come up and cup my face as we both press a little harder against each other. I open my mouth slightly and he slips the tip of his tongue into my mouth like a cheeky little school boy, making me giggle against his lips.

"What?" he pulls away from me smiling, letting his hands drop down.

"Nothing" I shake my head in response but I can't shake the smile off my face.

He looks at me for a few moments with an amused look on his face while I try to rid the smile on mine.

"I think you're drunk" he says, a small smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.

"And I think you are too" I say back, leaning closer to him and he laughs.

"True" he admits, "Are you tired?"

"No" I lie and I'm caught out as a small yawn escapes my mouth.

"Yes you are. C'mon I'll get you a taxi" he says standing to his feet, reaching his hand out which I take without hesitation.

"You won't come with me?" I ask wrapping my fingers with his.

"You want me to come with you?" he asks.

"Yes" I say holding my other hand over our connected ones.

"Okay let's go" he says pulling me back inside.

"Wait, I have to tell Jodi first" I say stopping him once we almost reach the exit.

"She knows" Harry smiles pointing behind me.

I turn around and spot Jodi and Zac leaning against the bar, staring right at us with the biggest grins of satisfaction on their faces.

I give them a small wave goodbye and Jodi gives me a small wink just before Harry pulls me into the cold night.

Did they know this was going to happen?

Harry and I walk down the road a little until we get to a small taxi bay. He opens the door and I couldn't get in fast enough, the cold air making me shiver from head to toe.

"Come here" Harry says opening his arms for me to be wrapped beneath.

I quickly move into his arms, resting my head on his chest and wrapping my arm around his waist. He's not wearing anything over his black shirt yet he's so warm, his heat warming my entire body in seconds. I can't believe I am in Harry's arms. As drunk as I am I couldn't feel more happy than I am right now. I feel content and safe knowing Harry is here with me. The sound of his steady heart making my eyes too heavy to keep open...


"Ella where's your key?" Harry asks quietly.

I slowly open my eyes to find him looking down at me. I blink a few more times and it takes me a moment to realize he's carrying me. I bend my legs slightly and he puts me down to stand on my own two feet.

I look him in the eye as I reach into my bra and pull out the room key.

"Classy" he smiles and I poke my tongue out at him.

I hand him the key as I don't think I'll be able to open the door in my state though I find myself laughing as I watch him attempt to put the key in at least three times before finally unlocking it.

All of a sudden I'm off my feet and am being thrown over Harry's shoulder, my bum sticking high in the air. He kicks the door closed with his foot and I squeal, pounding on his back, begging him to let me go.

"You think you're so funny don't you" he laughs as he carries me through to the kitchen, obviously referring to the fact that I'm finding his drunken state very entertaining. He sits me down on the kitchen bench and is just about to turn to the fridge but I quickly wrap my legs around his back and pull him back towards me.

"This is familiar" he grins as he stands between my legs, his arms slowly wrapping around my back.

"Mhmm" I smirk at him and he narrows his eyes.

"Don't smirk at me" he tries not to smile.

"Make me" I challenge him and the dimpled smile soon appears.

"You're very mouthy when you're drunk" he says leaning in closer to me and I rest my arms on his shoulder, my fingers running up and down the back of his neck.

"And I would love to wipe that pretty little smirk off your face but you have to eat first" he says pulling away but I wrap my legs around him even tighter.

"I'm not hungry" I protest.

"Well you have to eat now or you're going to end up with a hangover tomorrow and I'm pretty sure your boss won't be too happy about that" he says in a serious tone.

"My boss gave me the entire weekend off" I smile smugly at him.

"Well in that case..." he says kissing me hard, quickly cupping my bum to lift me up.

He carries be to the bedroom, our lips not breaking for one second though he pulls away when he lies me down onto the bed, climbing on top of me as soon as my head hits the mattress.

"Ella" he says nudging his nose against mine.

"Yeah" I say looking up into his green eyes that are slightly covered by his hanging brown hair.

"I'm sorry" he says planting small kisses along my cheek.

"I know" my breathing increases as his kisses trail down my neck then back up and across my cheek, stopping when he gets to my mouth.

"I'll make it up to you Ella I promise" he says, his lips hover inches away from mine in the most torturous way.

"Don't worry Harry. I forgive you" I reassure him, wanting him to kiss me already.

His lips linger above mine for a few seconds before crashing down against me. His lips move against mine in the most soothing way possible even though his actions seem greedy. His tongue slides into my mouth, moving with mine as he runs his hands down my sides and I let out a small moan into his mouth as he pushes his hips hard down on mine. I've never felt this way before. So empowered yet weak all at the same time. Every movement of Harry crotch on my thigh making small tingles race their way towards my lower stomach.

"I'm going to make a little bit up to you right now" he says against my mouth and I can feel him smiling.

His hands reach down to my thighs and he slowly moves his hands up the sides of my dress so they are resting on my bare hips. Every inch of my body his hands connected with now on edge as he places a long lingering wet kiss against my mouth.

"I'm going to make you feel so good baby"...


SOOOO.... just a little warning that things are going to get a little erm...dirty from here on in haha. No actually I lie, they're gonna get intensely dirty..

I don't really want to give warnings every time a sexual chapter is coming up cause that just ruins the element of surprise so I understand if you want to drop out of the story now.

Anyways, if you're liking it so far, vote and comment!

Hope you enjoyed your double update.


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