Chapter 79

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I can feel myself shaking with nerves and excitement all at the same time as I walk up to Ella's mothers house. This is where Jodi said she is staying and I hope she got it right otherwise I would have no idea where to look for her. She won't answer any of my phone calls so I'd be stuck, here in America without any clue as to where my girl is.

I quickly knock on the white painted door, shoving my hands deep into my black jean pockets as I prepare myself to do some major begging. I can't believe how much of a fool I was to think such a beautiful girl would ever do something like that to me. And she isn't beautiful like I use to see Vanessa. Ella is much more than that and I see that now. She knows all my flaws, my bad and good sides, my passions, my dreams, my likes and dislikes. Even my pet peeves like when people talking with their mouths full which she would purposely do in the middle of a restaurant just to tease me. That was my girl, always trying to get under my skin in a playful way to make me laugh, and I lost her. I lost the one true, special and real love I had ever felt because I was too blind to even recognize it. But I see it now, and I'm praying she takes me back as I have no idea what I would do without her.

Finally the door is opened, but it's not the hazel eyes I was expecting to see. This woman is older, and if I hadn't already met her before, I would still be able to tell it was Ella mother just by the look on her face. She's surprised I'm here but also looks very stern as she raises her eyebrows at me in expectation.

"Yes?" she asks, holding her hand firmly on the door, I'm guess so she can slam it right in my face if needed and I don't blame her.

"Hi, I'm Harry. We met before Ella moved to England" I re-introduce myself even though it's clearly not needed.

"I know who you are" she says, her expression not changing at all as she waits for me to continue.

"Oh cool um, so is Ella here?" I ask as politely as possible even though I'd rather just search the house myself, not sure if this woman is even going to tell me the truth.

"No she's not" she answers, her hand now moving to her slim hip with sass.

Now I see where Ella gets it from.

Ella standing her ground against me during playful fights was always hilarious but seeing her mum do it is anything but. I feel like a loser kid asking the parents of the girl I like if she can come play handball out on the street with us or something.

"Do you know where she is?" I ask, searching her hazel eyes that are very similar to Ella's though this woman's are fading with age.

"hmm..." she starts and I know she's not going to give in that easy.

"It's important" I add to try push her a little further, and to answer a lot fast.

"I bet" she nods and I almost grit my teeth at her stubbornness.

Just like her daughter.

Though getting angry at the mother of the woman I'm in love with probably isn't the best way to win her back.

"Look" I sigh, my hands now coming out of my pockets as I become exasperated. "I know I fucked up okay? Pretty bad too, but I'm trying to make it right. I'm in love with your daughter. You have no idea how crazy I am about her. And no matter if I found out where she is from you or from the damn poodle next door, I don't really give a fuck. I will see her and give her my entire heart without skipping a damn beat"

She raises her eyebrows up at me as if I'm crazy "Alright petal, settle down would ya? No need to hurt yourself"

"I just need-"

"Yes, yes I know boy jeez. Get inside so you can calm yourself and have a cup of tea before you go find her" she huffs in defeat as she ushers me to get inside.

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