Chapter 39

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"Mum can you here me?" I say walking around different parts of my hotel room in my pyjamas trying to find good service.

It's just before 7 and I don't need to leave for work until 8 so I thought I'd give my mum a quick call since I've only been keeping in contact through email so far. I text her before I rang as I have no idea what the time difference is though she replied straight away saying she'd love to talk.

"I'm here sweetie" I finally hear her soft voice say just as I reach the kitchen.

"Finally" I smile, relief and longing rushing through me at the sound of my mums gentle tone.

"How have you been Ella? How's Paris?"

"I love it over here mum. Paris is beautiful, well, from the small parts I've seen of it anyway" I say, remembering I haven't really seen any much yet.

"The photos you sent me of you're hotel view look stunning. I still can't believe you're really over there" she lets out a small laugh and I can tell in her voice she misses me.

"Me neither" I say looking around at the extravagant room that's been my home for the past two weeks, "So what have you been doing? Hows work?"

"Oh you know same old. Mrs.Daisy is still up and kicking, keeping me very entertained." she says and I smile at the thought.

My mum works at a rest home and Mrs.Daisy is one of the funniest people I have ever met. She must be 83 this year but is still 20 at heart. She's so cheeky and vulgar, she has me laughing for days. Her husband passed away just before her 80th birthday, and although she misses him everyday, she still talks about going out on the town and finding herself a new young lad.

"I bet" I imagine all the dirty comments she makes to my mum well she tries to be sensible in front of the other home stays.

"Have you been to the tower yet?"

"No I haven't been to the Eiffel tower yet, I've been too busy. But I would love to go, I just hope there's time before we leave back to England" I say filling the jug up with water to make myself a hot chocolate before work.

"Yes you definitely have to go. It's beautiful, especially at night" she says and I know she's talking about the trip she took with my father just before I was born.

"Have you heard from dad lately?" I ask but pull the phone away from ear when I hear a big thud from the bedroom.

I rush towards the room, and swing open the door to find Harry on the ground, lying flat on his back.

"Ow" he groans, screwing up his face a little while he holds the back of his head.

"Hey mum is it okay if I call you back later. Something ... just came up" I say looking down at what I think is the result of Harry rolling off the bed.

"Yeah sure sweetie I'll talk to you later this week"

"Thanks mum. Love you"

Harry mumbles something though I don't quite catch it and when I look back down he's lying on his side with his eyes closed shut.

"Love you too sweetie" she says back and we both hang up.

"Harry what happened?" I say, kneeling down next to him on the soft carpet.

"I fell" he says with a small smile though he keeps his eyes closed shut.

"Are you alright?" I ask feeling the side of his head he was previously holding.

He must of hit it pretty hard as the bed is quite high off the ground.

"Mhm" he mumbles, placing his hand over mine, rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

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