Chapter 70

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When I wake the curtains are closed, making the room quite dark but I can hear the busy movement of London outside meaning the workday has already started. I quickly sit up in bed, looking around my room to see if Harry is still here. I remember him being here with me last night. He tucked me into bed... and then slept with me in bed. I slowly stand and walk towards the door, my head spinning a little though my tummy feels fine thank goodness. I open the door with a little hesitance, knots forming in my stomach as I think about the past few days and how my relationship with Harry has been going. I feel like all couples get into small fights and ignore each other for a few hours before making up whereas Harry and I take the plunge of doom every time we fight to the point we don't want to be around each other which is sad cause I can't imagine being without him either.

I see him sitting on a bench stool sipping a cup of tea, or his tea I should say, and reading the paper though he puts both down when he sees me enter the room.

"Hi" I say quietly just as he says "Morning".

We both look at each other for a while, me opening and closing my mouth a little as I try to think of a complete sentence before saying anything at all. I feel like I should thank him for tucking me into bed last night but then again I didn't invite him over or even want him here in the first place. I was angry at him and he had no right to take advantage of my state just so he could come over. He turns his chair towards me so we are staring at each other square in the eye and it is then that I break.

"I need to get ready for work" I say before walking past him to get a towel from the cupboard.

"It's nearly 11.30" he mentions and my whole body freezes up.

Why didn't he wake me?! I nearly ask him but decide to move on as I don't want to start another day with an argument. I want to talk to him but I need to get to work as I am already late. I rush past him and run to the bathroom, locking the door behind me before stripping down and getting in the shower. After a few seconds of trying to quickly wash myself under the cold water that I am waiting to heat up, I hear a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I call out to Harry, applying both shampoo and conditioner in my hair to save time.

"You don't need to go in today Ella" he says and I roll my eyes at his assumption.

"I have an important meeting" I say, rinsing my hair and body before turning the shower off. I quickly dry myself before wrapping the towel around my body and heading out the door to which I nearly bump into Harry.

"Sorry" I say awkwardly, avoiding eye contact as I move around him.

God this is horrible. You'd think we barely knew each other.

"I already called in sick for you" He says as he follows me back to my room.

"What?" I ask, searching through my drawers for something to wear.

"I called in a couple of hours ago. Some chick Stacey said she'd take over the meeting for you" he explains and I drop my white t-shirt back into my drawers before turning back to him.

"But I'm not sick Harry" I say as he crosses his arms and walks a little closer to me though I step back not wanting him near me right now. I may have last night, maybe even a little too much but I was drunk and vulnerable. It was only a couple of kisses when we both woke up a couple of times though I don't think that's the best message to send someone you're angry with.

"I know. But I thought that maybe we could talk. And I could explain... things to you" he says and I can tell by his tensing jaw he means the video.

But this isn't just about what he said in the video, it's about what he said the other night too. About not being able to give his heart away or not having loved someone any more than he loved Vanessa. That's what hurts. I know that video is in the past and it hurts like hell to know he said those things but I don't think it's like that anymore. But what still hasn't changed is the fact that I love him even more than he loves me and I feel like it's always going to be like that. There's always going to be the one thing blocking him from being mine completely.

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