Chapter 46

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Ellas POV:

"No not yet" Harry groans, pulling me closer to him as I try get out of bed.

I try once more, but his hold is so tight around my waist that I eventually just give in with a huge sigh.

"Were you just going to sneak out after sleeping with me? I'm shocked Ella" he says playfully with his eyes still closed shut.

I cover my face at his words as I still can't believe what happened last night. It was better than I had ever imagined. It hurt for a little while at first but I felt so relaxed with Harry that it took all my stresses away.

"No" I mumble, watching him through my fingers as a small smile appears on his lips.

"Then where are you going?" he croaks, cuddling closer to me.

"It's nearly 11 o'clock Harry and I think everyone's awake" I say, listening to dishes clatter against each other with the sound of distant voices coming from the kitchen.

He squints one eye open while keeping the other shut, briefly looking towards the curtains, which now have sun shining through them, before laying back down on the pillow.

"So?" he sighs, relaxing back into sleep.

"So it probably won't be long until someone comes in the room"

"Mm that can be you if you want" he smiles at his own stupid joke and I roll my eyes even though he can't see me.

"Harry I'm being serious. We just... had... know... in Jodi's spare bed" I cringe at thought of taking her sheets to the wash room. Or maybe I should just throw them out. I doubt she'd want anyone sleeping on them after what we just did.

"Mmm" he smiles, finally opening his eyes to look at me "How do you feel this morning?"

"Fine" I say just as he starts tracing small circles along my back.

I close my eyes as I revel in the feeling of his soft touch against my skin.

"Are you sore, you know, from last night?" He asks wearily and I look up to see him with a small frown of worry etching across his face.

"A little but it's not bad" I say hoping his concern will disappear but it doesn't seem to put him at ease at all.

"I'm fine really. It was perfect and you were very gentle" I lean up and give him a small kiss, making him smile a little.

"Good. But don't get too used to that baby" he says after a few moments, his cheeky demeanour returning fast. "I love a good hard and fast fuck"

I cover my mouth as I let out a laugh, his dirty mouth never ceasing to surprise me.

"Hey Harry.. you know you didn't didn't... wear a umm..." I start to say, looking around awkwardly as if ashamed to remind him though I see a huge grin appear across his face, indicating he knows exactly what I'm talking about.

"Oh shit, my sweat band?" he teases, rolling on top of me, our bare bodies now pressed to one another.

"No" I laugh when he starts giving me small kisses all over my neck.

"My trainers?" he says between kisses, increasing his pace as he moves along my neck.

"No!" I almost screech when he starts tickling my sides.

"Oh my socks?"

"Harry please stop!" I laugh uncontrollably but he holds me down firmly as he continues his assault, his lips still pecking along my skin.

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