Chapter 22

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"Ella" I think I hear my name being called silently from the main door to my hotel room.

I don't know if it's real or if my previous hysterical state has got me imagining things so I keep my head burried deep in my pillow, not wanting to move from my tear stained sheets.

"Ella" I hear a soft voice call out a little clearer and I sit up from the bed.

"Ella it's Jodi. Please open the door" she begs and I jump off the bed as soon as I know it's her.

I unlock the door to find Jodis blue eyes full of sympathy, my eyes well up for at least the 10th time since I got back an hour ago. Just the fact that she has sympathy for me makes me feel even worse. I thought that maybe I was over reacting a little but from the look in Jodis eyes, what Harry did was a completely out of order.

"Aw Ella come here" she says opening her arms and I step into them, squeezing her tightly while a few more tears flow down my cheeks onto her red dress though she doesn't seem to mind.

"I'm so stupid" I sob lightly and she squeezes me even tighter.

"No you're not. He's just an asshole"

"Yeah but I knew that. And he knew I was coming to tell him how I feel right?" I say pulling back from her to read her reaction.

She squeezes her lips tightly and nods her head.

"See I am the stupid one. I know he's an asshole yet I still thought he was worth it" I say, plonking into the huge brown couch, wiping my wet cheeks as Jodi sits beside me.

"What did you tell him?" I sniffle before grabbing a tissue to wipe under my eyes as I was almost mortified by my own reflection when I looked into the mirror not that long ago. My eyes were puffy with black mascara running down onto my red and wet cheeks.

"I told him that your feelings were... changing for him and you were thinking of talking to him about it at dinner" she explains and I let out a huge sigh.

"I hate him" I let out before I could stop myself. I don't know if this is true but it's how I'm feeling right now.

"You don't hate him Ella, you're just really mad at him at the moment, which you have fair reason to be" she says but I remain silent as all I know is that I'm completely in rage about him right now, "Harry's not use to these type of feelings towards girls, you know what he's like, I'm sure he's trying to figure this whole thing out for himself too."

"Harry doesn't have feelings for me" I almost laugh at myself as I was so dumb to think other wise.

"He does Ella. You may not see it but I have. He was different around you when we were back in New York, he was extremely protective and he spoke very thoughtfully of you"

"If Harry had feelings for me he wouldn't have brought that girl to dinner tonight and flirt with her right in front of me. It doesn't take a scientist to realize that would hurt someone who feels something for you....Or felt" I correct myself though I'm so confused at the moment I don't know how I really feel about him anymore.

"I know. But you have to understand Harry is a very hard guy to get close to in that way. Ever since Vanessa happened he's never been the same towards women" she says and I'm immediately intrigued by the mention of a new female I had never heard of before.

I thought I knew every women Harry was involved with...

"Who's Vanessa?" I ask but before she can answer a loud banging comes from the door.

We both stare at the white door from the couch, watching as it continues to tremble under the forceful poundings.

"Ella open up!" I hear the familiar voice order and I relax for a moment once I realize it's not an intruder but soon tense when I remember it's Harry.

"I don't want to speak to him" I say quietly to Jodi as if Harry could hear us through the thick walls.

"Ella please!" he continues shouting and Jodi quickly rushes to the door.

"Keep your damn voice down would you!" Jodi growls him though he ignores her and peers beyond her shoulder to me.

My breath hitches slightly at the stunning sight of him. He looks tired and worried though I quickly push away the sympathy that was slowly creeping in for him. He hurt me. He blatantly hurt me. I lean back into the couch in embarrassment as I know he knows how I feel for him but he doesn't feel the same way for me. Rejection. That is what this is. Cold, hard rejection hitting me right in the pit of my stomach every time I take a small glance at his beaming green eyes that won't leave mine

"What do you want Harry?" Jodi asks, closing the door so it's only half way open, blocking his entry inside.

"I want to talk to Ella" he says looking at her momentarily then back to me.

Why? What's the point? We all know how this is going to end anyway. Harry already said goodbye to me so he might as well carry on the way he was going. It was me trying to find my way back to him but he didn't want it.

"Now's not a good time Harry" Jodi says and I praise her for not letting him in.

"Jodi I want to speak to her" he pleads and she turns back to me in question though I shake my head in response.

"Well she doesn't want to speak to you so I think it's goodnight for now Harry" Jodi says closing the door a little more.

"Fuck no wait!"Harry stops the door from closing with his hand but doesn't attempt to walk past Jodi as she stands her ground between the two of us.

"Ella please I just want to talk if you just give me a second-" he begins to say but stops when I stand to my feet and walk to the bedroom. I hear him let out a huge sigh at my actions but I don't really care for him right now. I can't stand to be at the receiving end of his begging gaze any longer as I know I will crawl back to him with an open heart once again, just to have it torn apart.

I lay down at the foot of the bed, the door open wide, allowing me to hear the conversation from down the small hall.

"Jodi please let me in. I need to tell her I'm sorry, I didn't mean to - oh fuck I don't know, this is all fucking with my head" Harry raises his voice at his loss for words and I almost feel myself being automatically drawn to him so I can help him in any way possible just like I had many times over the years when he was feeling down about something.

"She's really worn out from all this Harry. Just let her sleep it off for the night and come back tomorrow" Jodi says a little gentler, her voice getting harder to hear.

"But she leaves tomorrow" he says sounding disappointed and my heart flutters at thought of him wanting me to stay in Paris longer.

"Then I suggest you come around early" she suggests and he lets out a huge sigh.

"Can you just tell her I'm sorry and I'll see her tomorrow?"

"I will"

"I really am sorry Jodi. It was a stupid fucking move. I wasn't thinking properly" he says a little quieter and I'm assuming it's so I don't hear, though I sit up in hope it will help.

"I know Harry. Don't worry, she'll come around"

"I hope so. Good night Jodi" he mumbles in his low toned voice.

"Goodnight Harry" Jodi says and I hear her shut the door, locking it closed.


"Mr.Styles?" I answer the door a little confused wearing only my pyjama shorts and singlet.

It's 6am in the morning. What is he doing at my door at this time? And in gym clothes? There must be a gym in the hotel. Mr.Styles regularly exercises as he claims he doesn't want to turn into a typical fat business men.

"Good morning Ella. Are you feeling any better?" he asks with a small smile.

"Ahh yes much better actually" I half lie.

I don't feel physically sick at all like he thinks I do but I do feel emotionally sick which he doesn't need to know since the feeling is thanks to his son.

"Good. Well I just received call from Bernard and we will need to stay here in Paris for a couple more weeks to go over some financial repercussions the business wants to re-look at while we are here." he states and I nod my head in agreement though I am still partially asleep.

I usually get up at this time for work but after last nights drama I feel completely drained of all energy.

"Is that OK with you? I will just need you to attend a few meetings with me. I would rather you with me than having to send you the information online for you to try and process back in London all by yourself." he states with a small smile.

"That's fine" I agree politely.

"Good. Well first meeting is on Monday morning so you may have this weekend off as I will only be going to one meeting until then, which there is no need for you to attend."

"Are you sure? I don't mind coming really" I offer but he shakes his head.

"No it's fine. It's not a big meeting so there is no need. Is your room OK?"

"Yes it's lovely, thank you Mr.Styles"

"Excellent. I will re-book the room for the next two weeks"

"Oh I don't mind having a much smaller room" I say looking back around at the extravagant interior, wondering how much this is costing the company.

"Nonsense it's fine" he shakes his head with a smile, "I'll be seeing you Monday then Ella. Enjoy your weekend"

"Goodbye Mr.Styles" I smile before quietly shutting the door in hope Jodi doesn't wake up.

2 more weeks in Paris!!! I internally scream.

After the whole dinner thing last night, the thought of spending more time here would have killed me, but after the way Harry was acting so sincere at my front door, I feel like he may be coming over this morning to apologize. I'm not saying I'm going to be all forgiving towards him but if Harry and I were on good terms with each other, 2 weeks in Paris with him is more than I could ever ask for.


Thought I'd give you all another quick update since you were commenting such nice things, so THANK YOU! I'm glad you're enjoying it.


Ps. sorry if there are mistakes but I'm too tired to re-read it again. Girls gotta sleep :)

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