Chapter 19

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I lie in bed watching the TV though I'm barely taking in what is going on as I can't stop thinking about what Mr.Styles said earlier. I'm completely embarrassed by the fact that he somehow knows what happened between Harry and I. He may not know in detail but he definitely knows something happened. And he think Harry's interested in me? I know I feel something for Harry but the thought of him feeling the same way makes my tummy do flips. He said I deserve better than him but he doesn't realize that he is what I want. He may have his flaws but so do I, and over the past few years I've become accustomed to his usually intolerable behaviour but it's what I like about him the most. He's a cheeky smart ass with hardly any filter but it's never too serious. Obviously when he's annoying it's just for fun but I can't imagine him messing with my feelings on purpose. He may be an arrogant ass but he would never do that to me. The more I think about confessing my feelings to Harry, which I suppose are already obvious to him since I asked why we couldn't be together the other night, the closer I find myself dialing his number. 

Eventually I give in and listen as the phone begins ringing.

I hold my phone between my ear and shoulder while I nervously tangle my fingers together, already panicking about what I'm even going to say to him.

I quickly hang up the phone before he answers and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

What should I say? Maybe I should just ask him about the other night and if he truly thought I deserved better. Or maybe I should just talk about England in general. Or maybe ask what the real reason is to his delayed stay in America even though I'm sure it's because of me. Ok I just got to do it.

I dial his number again, making sure to take in deep breaths so I don't sound like I'm having an asthma attack when he answers. 

Hi you've reached Harry. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Beep

"Oh um hi Harry it's Ella. I just wanted to call you and say that I umm...errr..I I guess I just wanted to say thank you for what you did to the house. It's perfect.....anyways, umm... I hope I hear from you soon"

Oh god that was horrible.

-1 week later-

"Good morning Mr.Styles" I greet him as I enter his newly furbished office, handing him his regular morning coffee order.

"Thank you Ella." he says before taking a small sip.

"You have a meeting with Trisha and Pete in 15 minutes. Have you spoken with Mr.Edwards yet?" I ask as I remain standing, holding a few folders along with Mr.Styles schedule for the week.

"Yes he would like to arrange a meeting for next week though I won't be able to make it" he says taking another sip and opening a large folder, filled with typed paper which I'm guessing are the files for the building he is interested in investing in.

"What's wrong with next week? You're schedule is looking pretty clear" I say thinking of the few meetings he has which aren't really necessary for him to attend in the first place.

"Next week we won't be in London. We are going to Paris for 4 days as I am meeting with the board over there to discuss the final decisions involving London. I need you to come with me as it is going to be very busy."

"Oh" is all I'm managed to say. Obviously I'm thrilled as it will be my first time going to France but I have important things I've been meaning to do.

"Is something wrong?"

"Uh no it's just I was going to go look at some apartments on Monday seeing as I've already been at your house for a week now."

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