Chapter 18

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"Wow" I say as I step through in to what is now my temporary home. 

From the outside it looks like a small version of a typical modern day home. Boring and bland which of course I wouldn't complain about given my situation. A house is a house and I am more than grateful that Mr.Styles has allowed me stay here. Though the outside looks plain, the inside is much different. All the walls are plain white though beautiful coloured art hang on almost every single wall making this seemingly boring house into a lively one. The lounge has a huge grey couch, that is twice the size I had in my apartment back home, sitting directly in front of a wide screen TV that is hung on the wall just above a built in fire place. The kitchen and lounge merge as one, the kitchen being on the right though you have to take a small step up to enter the white tiled floor that matches perfectly with the black marble bench. Everything is very classy which intimidates me largely though the spring of colours throughout the house relaxes me a little. Without these small touches it would feel similar to living in a large hotel room. Cold and uninviting.

"Where would you like me to put your stuff Ms. Lane?" Louise asks as she holds one of my suitcases and I the other.

She's the new maid in the main house which I can barely see through the multiple trees that are between this house and Mr.Styles. She's and English women, probably in her late 50's and she reminds me a lot like my grandma. She was a sweet, soft spoken lady who looked tiny and fragile though that didn't stop her from doing anything.

"Uhmm maybe the bedroom...where ever that is..." I say looking down a small hall, not too sure where the bedroom is exactly.

"Of course" she smiles, "Right this way Ms.Lane"

"Call me Ella"

"Of course Ms.Ella" she says as she toddles off down the hall and I smile as I follow close behind.

Her use of title Ms. is very cute. Since I arrived at the main house about 30minutes ago, she's used the title more times than I can count.  I've reminded her that 'Ella' is perfectly fine with me though she seems to keep forgetting which makes her even more adorable.

"Here you go" she says taking me in to a very cozy looking room.

It has a high risen double bed that has a  white and teal duvet set that matches the colours of the four walls which has a small flat screen TV facing the bed. There's a tall set of white drawers in the corner with blue candles on top and an empty photo frame that has a small note on it. I'm just about to read the note when I notice Louise pulling back the long white curtains to reveal two french doors that open up on to a small little deck.

"Let us get some fresh air in here then shall we love" she says as she open the doors, a soft smell of frangapani coming in to the room and I see the plant at the edge of the deck. It's quite cold but the house does need to be aired out a bit and I can always turn on the heater later tonight.

"Is there anything else you need Ms.Ella?" the small wrinkled women looks up to me as I step out on to the deck.

"No, thank you so much though Louise" I say giving her a thankful smile to which she kindly returns then walks back down the hall.

I can't believe this house. It's beautiful. I thought it would just have a small single bed and maybe a small set of drawers but it's actually fully furnished. And with the most amazing colors and furniture to suit.

I walk over to the set of drawers and take out the post-it note stuck to the teal photo frame.

Ella, this photo frame is for you to place a picture of your choosing. I hope you find this house just as pleasant as your one back home.  Mr.S

"Ella" I hear the familiar deep voice, to which I was just matching the written note in my mind as I read, calling from the lounge and kitchen area.

I walk back down the hall to find him standing in the main doorway.

"Hello Mr.Styles" I smile at the greying man who was so kind to offer me this place.

"How was your flight?" he asks not moving from the doorway. Do I ask him to come in?

"It was long but I slept most of the way so it was tolerable" I say thanking the heavens I wasn't seated next to any screaming babies or loud snorers. My hangover has completely passed and I vow never to consume so much alcohol ever again.

"And is everything alright here?" he asks quickly scanning the area then rests his eyes back on me.

"It's beautiful. I love all the colours, especially the teal, that's my favourite colour".

"Yes Harry told me" he smiles placing his hands behind his back.


"Yes, once you agreed to move in, Harry made sure this house would be fit for you. He basically designed the entire interior. Everything from the furniture down to your teal coloured room" he smiles as he speaks fondly of his son.

My heart melts at the thought of Harry planning all this without my knowing so. He's such an arse and always trys to act hard but he lets it slip when he does kind gestures like this.

"It's perfect" I say looking back around at the stunning yet cozy house Harry planned especially to suit me.

"Harry will be pleased you like it. He spent a long time trying to get it perfect for you"

"I can't believe he did that for me. And I'm only staying a couple of weeks at the most"

"We'll see" I hear Mr.Styles mutter and I look up to find him trying to suppress a smile, just as Harry does when he is thinking otherwise.


"My son has become very fond of you Ella as I'm sure you can tell" he says giving me a knowing look.


"Don't mind me Ella. You know my son and his ways far better than I do. I just want you to be careful is all. Harry is a complicated boy when it comes to women so just be wary of that." he gives me a thoughtful look and I panic at the thought of him knowing about what happened between Harry and I.


"Mr.Styles I-"

"Whatever is going on Ella I don't mind. As long as it doesn't effect your work ethic, then it's fine with me" he says obviously referring to Harry.

How the hell does he know!?

He turns and opens the front door that has small steps leading down onto a small pathway.

He knows, I can tell! God I need to say something before he leaves. 

"Mr. Styles I didn't mean for anything to happen. I'm so sorry. I know it's very unprofessional and-" 

"Ella" he interrupts me mid sentence and I close my mouth immediately, "This may seem a little bit out of line and unprofessional for me to say but I've seen the type of girls Harry brings home and let's be honest they are a bunch of skanks"

My mouth drops open at his words as I have never heard him curse the entire time I have worked for him. Even on his bad days he doesn't curse.

"Wouldn't you agree?" he laughs a little and I join once I admit to myself that he's right. It's obvious but I would have never said it out loud.

"Yes I guess they are" I say trying to hide my smile.

"But you are not Ella. And I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy to see my son finally take and interest in you".

My mouth drops open for the second time in the past minute. I can't even comprehend what he is saying right now. Mr.Styles is happy Harry has taken and interest in me? How does he know Harry has taken an interest in me? Even I don't know what's going on between Harry and I let alone making the presumption that he is interested.  And what does he mean "finally?"

"Lets just hope he doesn't mess it up then eh?" he says giving me a small wink before walking off, leaving me confused and baffled as I try to come to terms with what just happened. 

Does Mr.Styles want me to be with his son?

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