Chapter 56

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Ella's POV:

"Stop staring at me. You're making me nervous" I whisper to Harry as the movers and I walk past him sitting on the arm of my new couch.

He just shrugs and smiles at me knowingly though he doesn't move or redirect his gaze. I turn away from him as I follow the two men out the door, giving them my thanks just before they leave. I shut the door and turn to face Harry who still has a smug grin on his face.

"I want to go shopping" I say before anything else can happen.

"Okay" he smiles, now chewing on a piece of gum.

"I want to go now" I say and he gives me a small nod before standing and walking over to me.

"Do we have to go now?" he asks as he gets closer.

"Yes" I say crossing my arms as I feel my body revelling with every step he takes closer, "the shops close in a couple of hours and I need to get stuff today"

"What kind if stuff?" He asks, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"House things like couch cushions and kitchen stuff so I don't have to eat off my hands" I explain, looking around us at my still very bare apartment. At least I have some furniture now.

"Don't forget bed sheets" he says with a grin and I glare up at him.

"And bed sheets" I repeat looking up at his cheesy facials, "why are you smiling so much?"

"What?" he laughs, "Not only have I got the most beautiful girlfriend in the world...but you also gave me an amazing bj not too long ago. I'm a happy man"

Minus the bj comment, that was actually very sweet but I know if I don't move now Im never going to make it to the shops.

"You're welcome" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek before stepping out of his arms and going to my unpacked bags.

I grab my toiletry bag and take it to the bathroom, locking the door behind me as I can hear Harry following close behind. He twists the door handle a couple of times though it doesn't budge.

"Hey no fair" he says from the other side as I start unpacking a few of my things including a tampon.

My period finished a couple of days ago but it sometimes comes back for a day and no way am I taking off my pants in front of Harry if that's the case.

"Well what do you think I'm doing in here?" I say putting some tooth paste on my tooth brush.

"Taking a shower..?" He says more as a question.

"I don't even have towels yet" I say sticking the tooth brush in mouth.

"Are you doing the doo doo?" he laughs and I immediately unlock the door an fling it open.

"No!" I say defensively, my mouth slightly filled with foam from my toothbrush.

I would never let Harry know I was doing ... that.

"Alright, alright" he says defensively raising his hands. "Obviously a topic you're not comfortable with" he teases and I smack his arm before glaring at him, embarrassed that we're even talking about this.

"I'm sorry babe. I'll wait for you in the car" he laughs a little before resting his hand on one side of my waist and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

I cringe at the thought of him knowing I was doing that. I know it's normal but it's still embarrassing. I will die the day he knows.

After about 5 minutes of cleaning myself up and finding out my period thankfully didn't come back for one more day, I lock up the apartment and walk down to Harry's car. He's playing with his radio when I get in, flicking through multiple channels until he finds one he likes.

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