Chapter 76

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Ellas POV:


"Hey Ella babe it's me Jodi!" she answers and I smile as I finally hear a friendly voice. It's only been two weeks since she flew out though, as desperate as it sounds, I really need to be in the company of friends right now. She was only supposed to go for a few days but apparently more problems with work unfolded while she was over there that left her stuck for longer.

"Hey Jodi, how's it going?" I ask as I walk back into my room to grab my small folder.

"Good good. All the work drama over here has been sorted out. What about you? Have you patched things back up with Harry yet?" she asks and I feel my chest tighten further even though I never thought possible after these past two weeks.

"Uhh no I haven't" I say neutrally as I try not to think about it too much, holding the folder tightly in my hands as I grab my keys from the top of my drawers.

"What? Not even a phone call?"

"No" I say clearly.

After Jodi left I thought I'd give it one last shot. I don't know what I expected. He wasn't going to give me a chance to explain myself so who knows where it would get me.

"Argh he's stupid but he'll come around Ella"

"I don't know" I mumble as I lean down on the bench.

If he really wanted me he would have made it known by now, I shouldn't have to call him constantly just to remind him I exist. He's obviously over it, and now I need to learn to be as well. I've cried over him too much this week and now I want to get passed it, and by going over there today I know it's my first step to moving on.

"Hey do you wanna meet up for lunch or something? We can get fatty chocolate brownies and you can tell me about it then?" she offers and I smile as she tries to cheer me up with a chocolate offering.

"I can't right now I have to go over to the house. But maybe after?" I suggest as I don't want to put this off any longer.

"You going to see Harry?" she asks and I can hear the slight tone of concern in her voice.

"No I'm going to talk to Mr Styles"


I knock on the door lightly, my nerves taking over, making the folder in my hand shake a little. I can hear distant music coming from afar though I doubt it's coming from this house. Mr Styles needs all the rest he can get, which is why he's been home for the past 2 weeks and probably won't return to work again.

"Ella" Louise says as she finally opens the door, her soft eyes crinkling as she gives me a warm smile.

"Hi Louise" I smile back, genuinely happy to see her after all this time.

"I haven't seen you in a while sweetie, where have you been?" she asks, opening the door further for me to come in.

"I've been around" I shrug casually, not wanting to go over the fact that Harry and I are no longer together. "Is Mr Styles around?"

"Yes dear, he's just in his office. He's supposed to be in bed resting the silly old man, but he won't leave his work alone" she says, shaking her head in disagreement with his choices though I just smile as I follow her down the long hallway.

I can't help but quickly look around as we pass various areas of the house. If I were to see Harry, I don't know what I'd do. Or if I'd do anything at that.

"Here you go love. Just through there" she says, stopping at a door and leaving me to it.

"Thank you" I smile just as she walks off, leaving me with a huge wooden door that seems to be almost begging me not to enter. But I have to do this.

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