Chapter 14

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Ellas POV:

I can already feel my heart accelerating as I lie almost completely on top of Harrys half naked body. His chest is hard beneath me, a rush of nervousness running across my skin as I can feel that my singlet has risen a little in my fall, making my stomach come in contact with his. I stare straight into his bright green eyes as he changes his hold on my wrists to entwining our fingers and brings both our hands up high behind his head which makes my face move a little closer to his.

"Harry..." I warn nervously, part of me wanting to get off him but I am trapped by his mesmerizing gaze.

Within a second he is leaning up towards me and I don't even think twice about moving my head down to meet his lips.

At first I'm hesitant as we had just talked about the being "friends" rule, and this was definitely breaking that boundary, but once I feel his soft lips against mine I feel my inner hunger yearn for more, making my movements more confident.

Harry lets go of my hands that are now feeling through his dark hair and moves them down the sides of my body, stopping at my hips. His thumbs rests on the bare skin of my hips, sending a tingling feeling move from their place to the middle of my stomach, making it do flips under his touch. I move my hands around the sides of his face, cupping each side of his defined jawline, pressing my lips against his harder as he slips his tongue in and moves it around with mine.

I move my leg that is in between his legs, to the outside so I am now straddling him and push my hips down a little harder, still aware that a duvet separates our lower halves. Harry then torturously moves his hand down my side, stopping just under my bum and I let out a small moan as his soft touch ignites a new fire within me. All of a sudden he grabs the back of my thighs with one of his hands, making me let out a short squeal of surprise and sits up so his back is leaning against the couch with me still with my legs either side of his.

Harry lets out a muffled laugh before trailing small kisses from my mouth, across my cheek and down the side of my neck. I close my eyes and rest my head against his, holding the back of his neck as he leaves hot wet kisses against my skin.

"Harry" I breathe close to his ear and I feel him smile against my skin.

"Where have you been hiding Ella" he says and kisses me hard on the lips once again though I freeze at his words.


The night was freezing cold and I couldn't help but shiver as I walked back to the truck even though I had Darren's huge jacket on. I had no idea where Jen was and the party was getting far too rowdy for me. It's the first high school party I've been to and now I know why. I knew it would be just like this. A bunch of hormonal teenagers getting trashed together and using it as an excuse to be complete sluts for the night. Darren's a close friend of ours but he's probably the most drunk here so I took his jacket and decided to go wait in his car. He is my ride home after all but no way am I letting him drive. He'll probably run us off a bridge.

The inside of the car is warmer than it is outside but a cold breeze still manages to get in as the driver's window is slightly open. I don't know how long I'm going to be waiting here so I pull the leaver on the side of the chair and push it as far back as possible so I can lie down flat on my back and hopefully get a little sleep even though I can still here the party noise from where the car is parked...

I wake up to the car door creaking open.

I rub my eyes and they finally focus in on a tall solid figure. It's Darren though his dark eyes and malicious smile make me feel uncomfortable as he stares me up and down, licking his lips once he looks at my chest.

"Where have you been hiding Ella" he slurs....


I push myself off from Harrys lap in a matter of seconds and I can see the confusion in his eyes because of my sudden mood change.

"I'm s-sorry Harry" I fumble the words out as the memory of Darren yanking me out of the car flashes across my mind.

"What's wrong?" he asks and I cover my face in embarrassment as I know I've completely ruined the moment. He's being so sweet and I'm making an absolute fool of myself because I can't get over one damn night.

"Nothing I just um... I'm going to go to bed" I say quickly and walk back to my room.

I close my door behind me, not bothering to turn on the light as I get into my bed and bury my head into my pillow. I can't believe I just did that. Kissing Harry was the most amazing feeling I had ever felt before yet I still ran away like the scared little girl I was 5 years ago. Harry was nothing like Darren but him saying those words reminded me of that night and it's not something I want to think about ever again.

After a few minutes of me lying in the dark, go over what had just taken place on the couch, I hear a small knock on my bedroom door.

I don't say anything but just watch as the light from the lounge shines in as the door opens a few centre-metres.

"Can I come in?" Harry asks, pushing his head through so he can see me.

I nod my head and he steps into the room, closing the door shut behind him though the moonlight allows him to easily make his way to my bed. He sits on the edge and I'm glad it's dark so he can't read my embarrassed facial expressions.

"I got you some water" he says handing me the glass which I can only see because of the reflecting light shining through the window.

"Thank you" I say politely taking the glass from him once I'm sitting up straight.

I finish the water in seconds and he takes the glass from me, putting it on my small bedside table.

"Are you alright?" he asks, and I notice how low and husky his voice is since it's all I can take in since we're sitting in the dark.

I nod in answer to his question then laugh once I realise he can't actually see me.

"What is it?" he asks and I can tell he's smiling.

He turns on my lamp and both of squint as our eyes try to adjust to the brightness, making both of us laugh even more because of how stupid we look.

"Are you okay though?" he asks seriously once more.

I nod again now that we are in light though he doesn't look so convinced.

He has his shirt back on but didn't bother with this pants which doesn't make me uncomfortable at all seeing as I get a glimpse of his half naked body at least once a week.

"Did I do something wrong or..."

"No it wasn't you! It was just something I remembered that happened in high school, it's stupid really" I say shaking my head as if it will rid of the memories.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks genuinely and I can see the rare Harry that I absolutely admire coming through.

I'd only seen the soft Harry a few times, as he's mostly either joking around or being in a mood which I hate being around when he is.

"No. Thank you though" I say and smile at him so he knows I am really OK. "We didn't last long on the whole friendship with rules thing did we?" I laugh to try and lighten the mood.

"No not really" he smiles and I'm glad to see his dimple showing ever so slightly letting me know he's not angry at me for walking out on him.

"I don't know if I can do this Harry" I say honestly looking down at my hands.

"Do what?"

"The whole random kissing thing with you whenever we feel like it. It's not that I don't like you it's just that-"

"It's not for you" he finishes my sentence and I look up at him in surprise as I know he understands what I mean.

It's not that I don't want to kiss him because I really do, it's just I know Harry is not the type to be in a relationship and I am. I'm not the type of girl to just give myself to anyone. When I do, I want it to be with someone who I know respects me, but not only that because I know Harry already does, sort of, but I want it to be with someone who genuinely cares for me too. As cheesy as it sounds, I want to know that I can trust that person whole heartedly and losing it to a "friend" is not something I had in mind.

"I know you're not that type of girl but I couldn't help myself with you walking around in your tiny little shorts" he teases and I hide my face under the duvet, making him laugh.

"I'm just playing Ella" he says pulling the blanket down and I feel my cheeks flush bright red.

"Don't" I say as I can feel the urge to kiss his lips growing inside of me once more.

"Fine. Let's lay down some proper friendship rules" he sighs climbing over me and gets into the bed.

As silly as this is I know we have to do it. I don't know about him but I know that I would certainly find it hard to know the boundaries if we don't lay them out right now.

" I guess same as before. No flirting" I say the first one and he crosses his arms.

"But I always use to flirt with you before" he shrugs.

"Yeah but that was before we made out Harry. Three times" I remind him and he lets out another sigh.

"Can I at least tease you?" he winks at me and I feel my heart pick up speed from his small gesture.

"No" I answer.


"Because it's not the same. My heart gets all fluttery now" I say and wish I hadn't as a huge grin appears across his face.

"Fluttery?" he laughs and I hit his arm hard, "You're not going to be jealous if I bring a girl home are you?" he asks rubbing his arm from my harsh contact.

"No" I say though I have no idea if this is true.

My feelings for Harry are slightly different but I know what he's like so I should be used to it by now. But to be honest I have no idea how I would feel if I saw Harry with another girl after what we've been doing. It was only a few meaningless kisses though right?

"I'm just making sure. I've had a few jealous women cling on to me before you know"

"I'm not the clingy type"

"mhmm" he mumbles and I know he's already trying to get a bigger reaction out of me like he usually does when he's in a playful mood.

"What else?" I ask trying to move on from his soon to be annoying antics which I secretly love.

"You can never where those damn pyjama shorts in front of me ever again" he says lifting the blanket up and taking a look under.

"Ok" I say hitting the duvet down to block his view and he looks at me smiling, "though I doubt you will ever see me like this again anyway"

"I might. We are moving in together remember?"


"Long pyjama pants only" I agree, thinking of the fact that I'm probably going to be seeing Harry a lot more since I'm going to be living on the same property as him.

As soon as we get to England next week, I'm going apartment hunting.

"Maybe try to wear your pants more in the morning?" I suggest.

"Does it excite you Ella?" he teases again and I almost want to kick him under the blanket.

"No. But I don't think it will help the friendship cause" I say, already picturing his amazing body walking around the kitchen in only his briefs.

I didn't mind before but now just the thought excites me so I doubt I'll be able to control myself if I see him like that one morning. "Let's just go back to the way it used to be and act like this never happened".

"What? No. C'mon let's make it official and be proper friends. You have a stick up your bum most of the time but you can be a good laugh"

"A stick up my bum!?" I almost choke.

"Yeah you know like uptight"

"I am not uptight" I defend.

"Well I know that now since I felt your hips moving on top of my-"

"Friendship Harry!" I remind him.

"Oh yeah right. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is you're fun and I think we could be good friends don't you think?" he asks and I feel my insides disagreeing.

I don't know if we can be good friends because I think I will always feel something a little more for you I want to say but keep my mouth closed and nod my head.

"Well then it's sorted. We'll be friends and we'll keep our hands off each other" he says giving me a small smile and I almost feel my insides collapse from his intense stare.

"Ok" I say quietly and he moves down the bed a bit more to make himself comfortable.

"Harry" I say as he shuts his eyes to go to sleep, "I don't know if the whole friend thing entitles you to sleep in my bed"

He let out a groan and turns to face me though he still keeps his eyes shut while I look down at him.

"We already ruined today, we should start the new friendship tomorrow" he says wrapping and arm around my legs.

"Oh my god we literally just made up the boundaries" I try not to laugh as he pulls me closer to him.

"We won't do anything, just snuggle" he smiles cheekily with his eyes closed and nuzzles his nose into the side of my hip.

"Fine. But starting tomorrow we can't do this" I say turning off the light and moving down so I am level with him though I turn the opposite way so my back is to him.

He wraps his arm around me from behind and entwines my fingers with his.

"Mhmm" he mumbles into my hair, his breath warm on my neck, and I roll my eyes at his uncertain response.

Even though I know both of us would want completely opposite things from one another, I can't help the comforting feeling of Harry arms around me. He's an idiot but he makes me feel safe and I pray this doesn't ruin us.


Don't know how I feel about this chapter... But let me know what you think :)


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