Chapter 12

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Ella's POV:

I remain seated in the kitchen unable to move from shock, only the sound of my heavy breathing filling up the silence. My head is scrambling with questions and theories as to what just happened. We kissed, in a straight set of mind, voluntarily, no alcohol involved. What does that mean? Harry is my boss's son! I work for them and now I'm just casually kissing Harry in the middle of my apartment. And then for him to just leave without any explanation, leaving me with the feeling of his electric kiss on my lips while he saunters out the door without even a proper goodbye or a see you later. I can't even begin to think about how I feel about him now? He's a flirty little charmer that I will admit and I do get along with him quite well at times but I feel like there might be something more to what I'm feeling. No, there's definitely some feelings I'm gaining towards him. His kisses aren't like anything I've felt before. They excite me and leaving me craving more every single time.

"Hey you!" Jens voice interrupts my thoughts as she comes waltzing through the door.

"Uh hey Jen. How's it going?" I say trying to shake my mind back into the present.

"I'm good" she says opening the fridge and grabbing a yogurt, "you look a bit flustered Ella. What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just have a lot going on in my head with the big move overseas and everything else" I reply and she nods slowly as she takes a small mouthful of yogurt.

"You excited for the big move?" she asks taking a seat next to me and I turn my chair around to face her.

"Yes" and no since kissing Harry...

"I suppose I'm a little nervous just like anyone would be" I shrug trying to convince myself I'm fine with moving right next door to the boy who's lips I can't stop thinking of. This is insane.

"Well since you're going next week we should do something. Even if it's just a nice lunch or something. I hardly see you anymore" she says and I laugh a little at her comment.

"That's because you're always at your boyfriends" I smile and she nods in agreement.

"That is true, I'll give you that. So any boys you caught your fancy Ella?" she nudges me playfully with her elbow and I already feel the heat rushing to my cheeks.

"Errr no" I shake my head and avert my eyes from hers, "none".

I can feel her stare burning into me as she assesses my movements after my answer. I try to keep my poker face as I look up to her but I can tell she sees I'm bluffing.

"Oh my god Ella! Tell me!" she squeals, an eager smile spreading across her lips.

"Tell you what?" I try to keep up the charade.

"Who is it.? Who's the boy you're blushing over?" she pushes further and I stand from my chair.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I have no time for boys anyway" I shrug as I begin walking towards my bedroom but she follows me down the hall.

"Have you kissed him?" she asks, sitting down on my bed as I start folding some clothes and placing them back in my draw.

"I haven't ki-kissed anyone" I stutter a little and I pray she doesn't pick up on it.

"There is definitely someone. I can tell by the way you are trying to avoid me" she says standing to her feet and walking over to me.

She leans next to my set of white drawers and watches me as I continue to fold and put away.

After a minute of me keeping silent, I nearly break under her stare but manage to keep strong, and she lets out a huge sigh.

"Fine, don't tell me. But sooner or later I'll get it out of you" she teases pointing to me, then walks back into the lounge.

I hear her switch the TV on and I let out a huge sigh of relief once I realize her questioning is over, and lay face down on my bed. No one can find out about my feelings for Harry. What am I saying? I don't even know what I feel for Harry. All I know is that I love the feeling of his lips against mine...


"Hey Ella wake up. Phone's for you" Jen says giving me a small shake and I turn to the side to find her holding out my phone to me.

"Thanks" I mutter, still a little dazed by my nap, "Hello?"

"Hey Ella it's Jodi. What are you doing tonight?"

"Errr nothing. I'll probably just be at home" I answer though I'm not really thinking straight.

"Well Zac has decided he wants to leave New York early and head to Miami to catch some stupid football game or something I don't know" she sighs and I can tell she's rolling her eyes, "But anyway, we're leaving early tomorrow so we would love it if we could catch up with you before we go"

"Of course. You want to meet up tonight?" I ask praying that she doesn't want another night out on the town as I definitely don't want a repeat of what happened last night.

"Yes, I've booked a table for 7 o'clock at that little place not too far from Harry's house"

"Cerulean?" I ask as I'm sure it's that seafood restaurant Mr.Styles held a small event at last year.

"That's the one! The table is under my name."

"Sounds good. I'll see you later"

"Yup, See you in a an hour, bye"

"Bye" I say and hang up the phone but quickly stare back at the screen once I realize she says 'an hour'. It's 6 o'clock! I've nearly been asleep for 7 hours. I didn't even realise how tired I was.

As soon as I sit up in bed, Jen is standing in the doorway.

"Who was that?" she smiles at me and I know exactly what she's thinking.

"It was just my friend Jodi asking if I wanted to go out to dinner with her tonight" I explain and she looks a little confused.

"Your friend Jodi...Dinner... Dinner with Jodi who is a girl. A dinner date with a girl. You're not a..." she begins to say and I frown at the conclusion she's come to.

"No Jen I am not a lesbian!" I stop her before she can ask me herself.

"Oh well I was just making sure, I didn't think you were but you never bring guys over, ever. And I wouldn't have a problem with it if you were I was just asking you know, just to clarify" she starts rambling and I can tell she's nervous.

"Well I'm not so lets move on now" I laugh a little and stand to my feet.

"Ok I see" she says nodding and I can tell she's trying to figure things out in her head.

"So who's Jodi then?"

"She's just a friend of Harry's" I say well looking through my closet for something to wear though I'm coming up short. Maybe that can be something I do to make the move easier. Get rid of most of my clothes and buy a new wardrobe once in England. My wardrobe could definitely do with a make-over and that would also mean less shipping for me to do.

"Harry Styles. Your boss' son Harry Styles?" she asks and I nod.

"The guy you talk about on a daily basis as if you loathe him?"

"I don't loathe him. Harry and I get on fine it's just I don't really approve of the... numerous amounts of extra baggage I have to greet almost every second morning"

"And since when did you start hanging out with him and his friends?" she crosses her arms and I can tell she disapproves of the idea.

I do bag Harry quite a lot. Not him specifically but I do complain about the amount of women he constantly brings over to which I have politely helped each of them find their way out of the house and catch a taxi home, though most of them are completely rude and ungrateful about it.

"I'm not hanging out with him. He just sort of forced me to go out with him and a couple of friends last night because he wanted me to see the night life of New York or something, and Jodi was one of those friends. She's really nice. You'd like her" I explain though Jen doesn't relax at all.

"Well just as long as you don't become one of those petty little girls that fall for him. You know, the ones you complain about all the time" she stares me straight in the eyes and I can tell she's being serious.

"I won't Jen" I say sincerely and hope that I am right.

"Good. Now let me give you something to wear because you sure aren't wearing anything out of this closet" she says giving my hanging pencil skirts and blouses a brush before smiling at me.

"Thanks" I say as she obviously pointing out the fact that I need more than just boring office clothes which I completely agree with. I like my office clothes but I need a bit more of a selection for events and dinners.

"Where are you going for dinner?"


"Oooh that's the fancy restaurant isn't it. I'll go find you a dress" she says turning on her heels and walking off into her room which is right next to mine.

While I wait, I wash down my face, apply a little eyeliner on my top lid, coat my lashes with mascara, brush my hair out so it's at least tidy waves rather than a messy bed hair, and brush my teeth.

"Which of these do you like the most?" Jen asks holding up two items.

One is a midnight blue dress that looks quite short and slim fitted while the other is a lose fitted, long sleeved white dress with black shoulder pads.

"The white one" I say without hesitation and Jen rolls her eyes.

"Why do I bother" she says jokingly, handing me the simple white dress and taking the sexy blue one back to her room which is the one she knew I wouldn't chose but tried her luck anyway.

I take my clothes off, including my bra and undies and put on white undergarments seeing as the material is so light. Once I put the dress on I take a look in the mirror. It is quite a simple dress but I like it. It's simple like me.

"Very cute" Jen says entering the room once more, "and here are the shoes"

She hands me a pair of skinny black heels that have a white strap to go around my ankle. I try them on and am grateful they are more comfortable than they look. It has a thin heel and two skinny straps, one across my toes and the other around my ankle though they are fine to walk in.

"Thank you Jen" I say as she stands looking at me in the mirror. Where would I be without her fashion sense? She had helped me every single time I had an event for work. Helping me with my make-up, hair, picking out my clothes, even making me buy some new items though I rid of them straight after as I knew I would never wear them again.

"You're welcome. I'm not going to be home tonight so be safe ok?" she says giving me a small hug.

"I will"

I hear her pick up a bag from her room and walk out the front door, locking it shut once she does so which seems to be a habit of hers even when I'm home.

I pack my small black hand bag with only the necessities, grab my car keys and follow only a couple minutes out the front door after Jen.

The car ride to the restaurant doesn't take that long though there are barely any car parks nearby so I park a little further down the street. I put my black blazer on as it is a little colder now that the sun has gone down, and lock the car before walking to the restaurant.

Once inside, the warmth starts coming back to my toes as I walk towards the maître d'.

"Good evening Ma'am. Have you made a booking with us tonight?" The short middle aged women asks politely.

"Yes, I think the table name is under Jodi"

"Uh yes right this way" she says ushering me into the busy restaurant.

We walk through multiple people who fit in well with the stunning interior with their classy clothing as they sip on what I'm assuming is expensive champagne.

"Here we are ma'am" she says stopping abruptly and I almost bump into her as I was too busy studying my sparkling surroundings.

"Oh goodness sorry" I say putting my hands on her shoulder as I stop myself.

"That's ok love" she smiles politely.

"Jeez Ella have you been drinking again?" I hear Jodi joke from behind the women.

I peer around her to find Jodi grinning from ear to ear, sitting at a table with not only Zac, but with Harry too. I had no idea they were going to be here too! I thought it was just going to be Jodi and me.

"No just being clumsy" I mutter as I step past the maître d' and slide into the seat that is next to Harry and opposite Jodi.

"Would you like me to take your coat ma'am?" the women asks as she stands directly next to me.

"Yes please" I say and hand her my blazer, "thanks".

"Hey Ella" Zac smiles from across the table and I give him a small wave back.

Harry remains completely silent next to me, not acknowledging my presence at all so I take it into my hands to say something.

"Hi Harry" I say nervously turning to him but he only looks up at me for a short second.

"Hey" he grunts quietly and I'm confused by his stand off behaviour.

You would think I had done something wrong by the way he's acting towards me. He's slightly slumped over, his hair pulled away from his face as its covered with a dark beanie and he plays with a fork, twirling and poking the cream coloured table cloth as if he is already bored.

"So how was it when you got home this morning?" Jodi asks and my heart starts racing at the thought of her knowing about Harry and I after she specifically told me we were no good together.

"What do you mean?" I question nervously.

"Well how did you feel? Did you have a headache from last night or anything?" she asks looking a little confused herself.

"Oh right. Um, I had a little headache but I slept most of the afternoon" I say which is true, I slept basically the whole day, aside from the short time Harry was in my apartment kissing my face off, "What about you?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I hardly ever get hang overs. I'm a bit like Harry like that" she smiles at Harry but he doesn't respond to the mention of his name, instead he keeps playing with the fork.

"Harry, what is wrong with you? You've been acting strange all day" Jodi frowns suspiciously at him and he finally looks up.

"Me?" He mumbles and drops the fork before sitting back in his chair.

"Yes you. What's your problem? You're acting completely weird" she says leaning forward a little.

I bet I know why he's acting quiet. Its because I'm here and he's finding it just as awkward as I am. I have no idea what to even think about this whole kissing thing but that doesn't mean I'm going to be rude and ignore him the whole night so why should he do that to me.

"I'm just tired that's all" he sighs and I know he's lying.

I can always tell when he lies because he scratches the back of his neck to try and play it cool when really he's hiding something.

"Sure. Anyway, we already know what we're ordering so it's up to you now Ella" she says and I pick up the long black menu from in front of me.

I scan it quickly, not wanting to make everyone wait too long, including the waiter who has just walked over to our table.

"I'll just have the prawn salad please" I say to him as he waits patiently for my order.

"Oh and a Sauv for me" Jodi adds in her wine order.

"Any other drinks?" he asks as all but stops when he gets to me and smiles.

"No thank you" I say and he smiles even wider, scrunching his eyes a little this time.

"Mr.Styles?" he asks Harry who sits up a little in his chair.

"Just a Corona" he replies and puts his arm around the top of my chair and I lean forward so I don't touch him.

As annoying as he is right now, even the smell of his cologne has my head spinning so I can't even imagine what I would feel if I made even the slightest contact with his skin.

"Uhh ye-yes of course" the waiter stutters a little as he looks at Harry's arm around me. He doesn't even ask for ID which I'm assuming is because he knows him and, or Harry's family.

"And for you sir?" he asks Zac whom politely gives a small head shake.

"I'll be right back with your drinks" the tall dark haired boy says and walks off towards the kitchen and bar.

"Ooh la-la someone's got eyes for Ella" Jodi smiles at me and I raise my eyebrows in question at her.

"The waiter was being very sweet on you"

"What? No he wasn't" I say looking at the guy who's waiting for our drinks at the bar. I catch him looking at our table but he quickly looks away once I make eye contact with him.

"He was just being polite" I add turning back to the table.

"mhmm" Jodie hums and I know she disagrees, "It's a shame you're moving to England, he seems quite sweet"

I stare at her blankly as she looks from him to me a couple of times.

"I bet he's already dying to get into your p-"

"So Miami then!" Harry speaks up loudly for the first time tonight and Jodi frowns at his interruption but he doesn't notice since he's looking at Zac.

"Yeah there's some college football league I want to check out but it's on in a couple of days so we need to get down tomorrow" Zac says.

"Yay football!" Jodi says sarcastically looking at me with wide eyes and I laugh.

"Not a fan?" I ask her as Harry and Zac carry on with their conversation about some huge football match in London next month.

"No not really. Bores the crap out of me if I'm completely honest" she whispers a little, and I'm guessing it's so the boys don't hear.

Harry has made me watch football with him a couple of times which I didn't really mind, aside from the fact that I was supposed to be working so I'd only stay for half an hour at the most.

"Here you go ma'am" the young waiter says handing Jodi her wine, then Harry his beer though he doesn't walk off.

"And this is for you" he says handing me a glass of wine also.

"I'm pretty sure she didn't order anything" Harry says leaning across me and I lean back into the chair as he tries to talk to the waiter.

"Oh I know. This is from the man across the room" he says pointing and we all turn to see who he is talking about.

"Of fucking course" I hear Harry mutter just as I spot Dan giving me a small wave from another table across the room.

"He wants to know if you are still up for dinner tomorrow night" the waiter says and I feel guilty once again, forgetting about the plans I had made with Dan.

"Uhh yes of course" I say to the waiter and he gives me a small nod.

"Oh and tell him not to forget about me" Harry says as he walks back to Dan.

"You're not coming" I say to Harry but again he completely ignores me and goes back to talking to Zac who looks quite amused by the whole situation. Why won't he talk to me? He's talking to everyone but me. He is so frustrating.

"Who's that?" Jodi asks as she looks over to Dan who is sitting with a couple of familiar looking business men.

"That's Dan. He works for Mr.Styles"

"And you're going on a dinner date with him" she says taking a sip of her wine.

"It's not a dinner date. He just wants to talk about some things involving England" I say pushing my glass towards her, "here you can have it".

I don't want to be rude but not only am I underage but I also don't want to have alcohol anywhere near my mouth right now. Just the thought of taking a small sip makes my stomach churn. I had more than enough of my fair share last night.

"Is he single?"

"I have no idea" I say honestly, not really caring about his relationship status.

"Well if he is, you should snap him up quick. He's a cutie" she winks at me and I shake my head in response.

"Ew" I hear Harry say though I'm pretty sure he's interjecting into our conversation rather than responding to Zac which is really frustrating. If he doesn't want to talk to me and be a part of the conversation then he shouldn't listen to it either.

Yeah Dan is a nice guy, is extremely polite and sort of cute but in no way would I think of him as anything other than a work colleague.

Our food finally arrives and I don't realize how hungry I am until I take the first bite. I had forgotten the fact that I hadn't eaten all day.

Conversation among the table continues ad we eat. Zac talks about football much to Jodi's displeasure and Jodi talks about her upcoming fashion project she has lined up in a couple of months. I'm glad Jodi is talkative seeing as both Harry and I are barely making any conversation, Harry much quieter than I tonight.

"That was amazing" Zac says as we all walk towards the maître d' to pay.

"My shout" Harry says and walks to the front desk.

"Well I'm not going to argue. You do still owe me for Venice that time." Jodi says as her and Zac walk into the cloak closet and then out the front door.

I walk over to Harry just as he's pulling out his card to pay.

"Don't pay for mine" I say but he ignores me completely.

"Here" he says handing the women the small black card.

"No don't swipe that" I say pointing to the card in her hand, "I'll pay for my own"

"Don't listen to her" Harry says to the women who now looks puzzled by our complete opposite instructions.

"I want to pay for mine" I look at him as he stares at the women in front of us.

I don't want him spending any money on me. Especially when we're obviously not talking so why would he do such a gesture?

"I don't care" he says, still not looking at me.

"You don't owe me anything so I'm paying" I say turning back to the lady.

"Here you go" I say handing her my card and she takes it hesitantly looking at both Harry and I.

She now stands holding two different cards, looking utterly dumbfounded at the two of us.

"Swipe mine. I had the prawn salad. In fact just get it over with and put the whole thing on my card" I add as I know this will get under his skin. He's acting like a rude selfish boy who's been ignoring me all night so he deserves it.

Within seconds, Harry is walking around to her side and she reluctantly moves out of the way. He quickly takes the cards from her hand, pushes a few buttons on the screen and swipes his own card.

"There, it's done" he says looking up at me for only the second time tonight.

I stand in disbelief as I witnessed him fully take control of the situation and make sure it goes his way. Bastard.

"Uhm have a good night" the women says from behind the desk as Harry walks out the front door and I follow hot on his heels as I am ready to explode at his ignorance tonight.

"Here you go Ella" Jodi says as she hands me my blazer.

"Thanks" I try to say as sweetly as I can though I can feel the anger raging through me as I try to distance myself from Harry.

"Zac and I have to go meet up with a couple of people before we go back to the hotel. You OK to get lift back with Ella?" Jodi says looking at Harry.

"I'll walk" he says and I can tell by his low tone he's just as angry as I am.

"Don't be stupid. Your house is on the way to Ella's. It's OK if he goes with you right Ella?" she says looking at me now, and as much as I want to say no, I don't want her to question why I am having such a fowl attitude towards him. The answer is obviously because this morning he was giving me the sweetest kiss and now he's acting as if I don't even exist.

"Yeah that's fine" I say plainly.

"Well then it's sorted" she smiles.

"I'll see you in England" she says giving me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek.

After Jodi, I give a small hug to Zac who wishes me the best in England and I tell him to enjoy his football match he seems so excited to see.

"We'll see you tomorrow morning" Jodi says to Harry and he gives them a small wave goodbye.

We go off walking in complete opposite directions and I feel anxious as Harry and I walk side by side towards my car.

I expect him to say that he will walk since Jodi is gone, but instead he gets in the car as soon as I unlock it.

I get in seconds after him and he already has his seat belt on. I turn on the car and begin driving down the road, both of us completely silent as we make our way through the lit up street lights.

I grip the steering wheel tighter and tighter as each second goes past with him not saying or doing anything which is making me even madder. Usually I can't get him to stop fidgeting with things or trying to distract me from driving but right now he's just staring out the window, ignoring me just like he did at dinner.

As we near the beginning of his driveway I decide I cannot do a whole car ride without either of us saying a word.

"So are you just going to try and ignore me forever?" I ask as we make our way up his steep driveway. He doesn't answer and I accelerate fast as I turn impatient.

We are almost at the top of the driveway and he still hasn't answered me. I guess that is my answer then.

I pull up right to the front of his house and leave the engine running as I plan to zoom off as soon as he shuts his door.

"Do you want to come in?" he asks finally turning to me and I almost want to slap him.


"Do you want to come in?"

"I heard what you said Harry I just don't understand. You've been ignoring me all night, acting as if I was completely invisible to you and now you want me to come in. What for?"

"To talk" he says sincerely and now I really feel the anger bubbling inside of me.

"To talk! You've had the chance to talk to me all night and you want to talk now? No. Thank you Harry but no." I say turning away and winding down the window as the car heat is now too much.

"Fine. Can you wait here a sec? I just need to get something" he says opening his car door.

"Please?" he adds and I nod, still looking out at the amazing view of New York City.

He shuts the car door and I watch as he walks quickly into his house. That asshole thinks I would actually go inside and talk to him. He's crazy. I should drive off right now and leave him standing in his driveway with whatever it was he went to get but I can't bring myself to do it. As much as I am profusely angry at him right now, I would never humiliate him like that. Even though no one is around, I know he would be hurt from rejection. So instead, I just play around with my radio station, mindlessly flicking through the channels but turning it off once I see Harry turn off the main light and shut the front door behind him.

He throws a black NIKE bag in the back and then gets back in the front seat.

"What are you doing?" I stare at him intently as he puts his seat belt across his body.

He clicks the seat belt in and looks up at me, green eyes in full contact with my hazel ones.

"I'm coming to your place for the night".

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