Chapter 6

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Ella's POV:

We were just about to order our food when Harry walked in the door, a smirk running thick along his lips as he stalked towards our table wearing a loosely worn back button up shirt with dark blue jeans. Well that's a first. I have never really seen him wear anything other than black.

He takes the spare seat next to me, greeting the others as he sits, his father peering down at him from the head of the table. Harry gives him a small wave knowing full well he's late.

"Where were you?" I ask him as I read through the menu one last time before making my decision.

Mr.Styles decided to have a formal dinner in celebration of the England news. Around 30 people were here, most of them board members.

"I was preoccupied" Harry says and I look up to find him smiling down at his menu.

"Typical" I sigh as I have no problem guessing what he was he doing, Harry letting out a mumbled laugh confirming my guess.

The waiter makes it round to our side of the table and it's our turn to order.

"Could I please have the steak and salad" I smile up at the young waiter who writes the order down on his small notepad.

"I'll have the same" Harry adds in, handing both of our menus back to the blue eyed boy.

"So, how was your mums? Did you tell her the news?" he asks once the waiter walks back to the kitchen.

"It was nice and yes I did tell her. Though, she already knew. Your dad had already spoken to her, asking what I would think of the opportunity" I say taking a sip of my water.

From what my mum was saying, it sounded like Mr.Styles was saying nothing but great things about me which of course I was delighted to hear. It's always good to know you're doing your job right. My mum of course gave me her blessing to move to England even though I know she will miss me more than anything, and I her.

"So you're coming with us then?" Harry beams beneath the low light.

"Yes." I answer and his eyes look excited before they slowly turn mischievous.


"Oh nothing. I'm just glad that you're coming over with us is all. The thought of not having you there to annoy everyday breaks my heart" he sarcastically touches his heart.

"I bet Dan's happy" he adds, discretely pointing across the table to Dan who is deep conversation with one of the main managers.

Before I can respond, Mr.Styles stands before everyone, clinking his wine glass making us all fall silent.

He gives a small speech about how appreciative he is for all of us being here tonight as well as thanking us all for having a hand in contributing to the growth of the company. By the time he finishes the food arrives and I could not be more excited. I hadn't eaten all day because I was too busy running errands for Mr.Styles. Today was my last official work day as the next two weeks I have been given off to sort everything I need for England which I'm grateful for as I have no idea how I would have organized everything otherwise.

Small chatter rises amongst the table as everyone begins eating their food. Before I start I pick out the tomatoes from my salad and place them to one side of my plate.

"You don't like tomatoes?" Harry watches me as I continue to pick through the greens.

"Not really" I reply and he immediately starts removing them from my plate and straight into his mouth, giving me a small smile as he does so.

I spend the rest of the dinner talking to one of the managers sitting on the other side of me. He talks to me about the change in today's industry and I politely contribute to the conversation though I don't really have any idea as to what he's talking about. He's a nice guy though eventually I excuse myself as it's getting late.

"I'm going to head off" I quietly say to Harry as he too talks to some man in a business suit.

"Can I come with?" he asks as I stand to my feet.

"Uhh yeah I guess. Did you not drive?" I ask wondering how he got here in the first place.

"No I left my car at Tatianas" he smiles wickedly and I almost want to hit him on the head with my handbag.

"Fine" I say and give my goodbyes to everyone, including Mr.Styles who would like me to meet with him at the office tomorrow.

Harry and I just make it out the restaurant door when I hear someone calling my name.

"Ella!" someone calls from behind us.

Both Harry and I turn around to find Dan walking our way.

"Hey um are you still up for Friday night?" he asks a little nervously.

"Oh yeah of course. 7 o'clock right?" I say a little surprised as I had completely forgotten about him txting me in the weekend.

"Yeah" he smiles and I smile politely back.

"Well we'll see you then" Harry adds with a smirk before walking towards the car park.

"Oh um ok" Dan mumbles, oblivious to the fact that Harry is once again joking about joining us for dinner.

"I'll see you on Friday." I say giving him a small smile before following after Harry who is waiting for me by my car.

I unlock it with the remote as I walk over and he gets in straight away just before I get in the driver's seat.

"You're so mean" I say as I start up the car, Harry lightly laughing in his seat.

"I can't help it. He actually looked so bummed at the thought of me intruding on your little date night"

"It's not a date night" I tell him once again.

"Well he sure thinks it is" he says, turning my radio on.

A slow song comes on first and Harry switches it off immediately.

He opens my glove box and pulls out my CD case, putting my mixed CD into the player.

'The man who can't be moved' by The Script starts playing and I see Harry looking at me with the look of disapproval.

"What?" I ask not taking my eyes off the road.

"The Script." he says in a low muffled tone.

"Yes" I say and I know he's going to say something about my choice of music.

"You actually listen to this bullshit?" he asks, eyes still on me.

"Yes. And it's not bullshit" I say trying to keep my cool though he is beginning to irritate me. I should have told him to just catch a ride home with his dad.

"This guy is talking about some chick he's just gonna wait around for".

"So? It's sweet" I say looking at him and he's looking at me as if it's the most pathetic thing he's ever heard.

"And you believe that stuff?"

"Yeah why not? He's in love with her" I shrug thinking about how beautiful it is for a man to hold hope for the one girl he truly loves.

"That stuff doesn't actually happen Ella" he scoffs and I tighten my hands around the wheel.

Well not in your world it doesn't! I want to scream at him but decide against it. Of course he doesn't believe in love. I've never seen him with a girlfriend before, he only goes through small phases where he brings over one particular girl during the night, but that only lasts a couple of weeks. I've never had a proper boyfriend before either, not because I didn't want one it's just because I never found someone I would actually want to pursue anything with, nor did I have the time to put the effort into doing so. I have always been so focussed on study and work, much to my mums disapproval. She always asks me 'when are you going to get a boyfriend?' to which I always explain that I don't need one right now, which is true. I'm focussing on myself at the moment and I don't need a distraction from me reaching my goals.

"So am I dropping you home or are we getting your car?" I ask changing the subject expecting him to change the song but instead he leaves it playing.

"Getting my car. Her house is just on Belmoral Street" he says flicking through the rest of my CD collection to which I'm increasingly nervous about.

After his comments about 'The Script' I don't really want to hear his opinion on the rest of my music taste.

We eventually end up down Belmoral Street which isn't too far from my apartment. Harry directs me to a large house right at the end of the road and I can see his black Audi parked in the driveway.

"You're officially off work now aren't you?" He asks as we pull up just behind his car.


"Well I'm going out with some of my friends on Wednesday night. It's the last time most of us will be able to go out together. You should come" he says and I'm taken aback by his offer. Why would he ask me to go out with them, he knows I'm not into that sort of thing.

"Umm...." I begin to say as I try to think of a polite excuse.

"You need to experience New York at least once before we move away Ella" he says opening the car door and stepping out.

"I'm not even 21 yet" I say, "And neither are you"

"I know a few people in town. They let me into clubs all the time" he shrugs casually as he leans on the car door.

"Uh well I don't know if-"

"I'll see you Wednesday!" he interrupts me before shutting the car door, not allowing me to put up an argument.

He gives me a small wave with a cheeky grin through the car window before walking off in the dark down the driveway.

I see the sensor lights of her house turn on as Harry walks up her front porch steps. The skinny blonde answers the door before he even knocks, jumping into his arms immediately and I drive off before I see anything more.

If he thinks I'm going out on Wednesday he's sorely mistaken. Not only is it illegal but a little inappropriate seeing as his dad is my boss.

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