Chapter 61

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Mr Styles Flashback:

"I'm assuming you know what this is about?" I ask Dan as he sits nervously in front of me.

I called him in as soon as reception let me know he was here. I can tell by the fearful look on his face he knows exactly what I am talking about though he remains silent.

"Did you tell my son, in front of a bar full of people, that his father has cancer?" I finally ask as I lean my elbows onto my desk.

His mouth opens and closes a few times as he tries to come up with an answer. It's simple though, the answer is yes. I knew it was true when I heard Harry and Ella fighting last night and it's all because of the weasel sitting in front of me.

"Well did you or did you not?" I calmly ask again, not taking my eyes off him though he does everything to avert mine.

He adjusts his red tie with one hand, pulling it away from his neck as if it is suffocating him.

"Uhh yes sir I did" he finally says, only looking up at me for a brief moment before staring back at the ground.

"Why?" I ask dully, not reacting at all to the answer I already knew. Though I already know this one too. It's because of Ella. This man is completely infatuated with her, has been since day one though I'm glad she never fell for it. He's a hard worker I'll give him that but he is not for Ella. Ella is for...Harry. I've known it since the day I introduced them that they were meant for each other. What are the kids saying these days? 'Sorry, not sorry' Stupid if you ask me but it completely applies here. Sorry Dan. Harry and Ella hated each other at the start, barely got on for months, eventually came to some mutual grounding and have now finally realized they balance each other out. Thank Christ too. I don't think I could bare to go another year of watching the two of them blindly mull around each other. Meanwhile, Dan over here is trying his best to impress her but she won't have a bar of it and I'm happy to say I'm glad.

"I- I was drunk sir, I didn't know...." he mutters off, unable to come up with a solid excuse. No matter, he doesn't need one. I already know where his future lies, I knew it as soon as I found out what he did to my son. I don't care how much you have put into my company, how good your work ethic is, your values, your determination, your kindness or even your loyalty to me. If you cross my family, especially my son, I will cut all ties.

"You're fired. Pack your things and be out of my building within the hour" I say casually as I pick up the folder Ella has left me to look at. I want him out, now.

"What? Sir, why?"


"Let me make this perfectly clear to you. I always put my own before anyone no matter how big the loss is. You have always been a great employee Dan but you had no right to tell my son of my sickness" I say, putting the folder back down as I become impatient with him still being in my office.

"Mr Styles you can't just-" he starts defending himself though I cut him off quickly.

"And don't you dare go near my son or Ella again or I will make damn sure no company within England will hire you" I threaten as I know he knows the ties I have through out this city. Just one phone call and he will forever be unemployed. I don't want to do it but if he pushes I will.

"Ella?!" he says, eyes looking bewildered, "But Mr Styles I lov-"

"You through her under the bus just as much as you did my son" I say, watching his reaction carefully. He seems confused and I cringe thinking about what he was about to say before I interrupted.

He really is love struck.

"How?" he frowns.

"You spoke as if she was hiding a secret from him when really she was protecting him. Now you have driven a wedge between them" I add and my stomach twists when I see Dans concerned face turn to something of satisfaction.

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